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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ F ] / Fatih

Fatih Çeviri İspanyolca

43 parallel translation
Come in.
- Que pasen. - ¿ Quién es Fatih?
After the construction of the fortress, Fatih decreed the.. fortress to be full of peacocks which were brought from Iran.
Tras la construcción, Fatih decretó que... la fortaleza se llenara de los pavos reales traídos de Irán.
But after Fatih Sultan Mehmet died.. the peacocks at the fortress gradually disappeared.
Pero tras la muerte del Sultán Mehmet Fatih... los pavos reales de la fortaleza fueron desapareciendo gradualmente.
Finally during the reign of Yavuz Sultan Selim.. Fatih's grandson, sources do not refer to peacocks any longer.
Finalmente, durante el reinado del Sultán Yavuz Selim... nieto de Faith, las fuentes ya no hablan más de pavos reales.
However, the Rumeli HiSari Fortress is going to welcome.. peacocks again centuries after Fatih's death.
Sin embargo, la Fortaleza Rumeli HiSari va a dar la bienvenida... a los pavos reales siglos después de la muerte de Faith...
Fatih the Conquerer for instance.
Fatih el Conquistador, por ejemplo.
Hello Fatih.
Hola Fatih.
Look Fatih, childhood molestation is a huge trauma.
Mira Fatih, un abuso sexual en la niñez es un trauma grandísimo.
This is a serious disorder, Fatih.
Este es un trastorno mental grave, Fatih.
I beg you, Fatih, please...
Se lo pido, ¡ Fatih, por favor!
I wanted to go to the Fatih Mosque for my Friday prayers.
Deseo ir a la Mezquita de la Fe para mis rezos de viernes.
Mehmet, Fatih, come here.
Mehmet Fatih, ven aquí.
Fatih, Fatih!
Fatih, Fatih!
Fatih, go on, get something to eat.
Fatih, ve a comer algo.
- Fatih!
- ¡ Fatih!
- OK, great. - Fatih!
- Muy bien, perfecto.
Come here.
- Fatih, acércate.
You talk too much, Fatih! Son, you're the same as me – when you start up the emotional side of things, you forget yourself!
te olvidas de ti mismo!
I'll bet Fatih and I are at the top of his list because we helped the police.
Apuesto Fatih y yo estamos en la parte superior de su lista porque hemos ayudado a la policía.
Where's Fatih? - He's coming, don't worry.
no te preocupes.
Brother... Ah, Fatih, I still don't understand how that psycho Tayyar made a boy like you...
Hermano... yo todavía no entiendo cómoque psico Tayyar hizo un niño como tú... hijo.
- Huseyin Demir and Fatih Dundar escaped from prison yesterday.
- Huseyin Demir y FatihDundar escapó de la cárcel ayer.
But, I found the man who hides Fatih Dundar.
me encontré con el hombre queesconde Fatih Dundar.
Fatih, where are we?
¿ dónde estamos?
Congratulations Fatih Abi!
Felicidades Fatih Abi!
You have helped us a lot, thank you. - I did my best, Fatih Abi.
Fatih Abi.
Fatih, are we really going to live here?
¿ estamos realmente va a vivir aquí?
Fatih, how can we raise a child here?
¿ cómo podemos criar a un niño aquí?
I do trust you. I would die for you, Fatih!
Tell Rifki that I found Fatih's refuge.
Dile que RifkiEncontré refugio de Fatih.
Then, there's Fatih Dundar. He's disappeared.
hay Fatih Dundar.Ha desaparecido.
He ordered that Fatih Dundar should be killed today.
Ordenó que Fatih Dundardeberían ser asesinados hoy.
We have been following this man for days now, and he still hasn't met up with Fatih.
y todavía no se ha reunido con Fatih.
Maybe he will meet him now ; maybe we will catch Fatih.
Tal vez él se reunirá ahora ; tal vez vamos a coger Fatih.
It had better be an atomic bomb ; otherwise, it will be bad for you. Fatih Dundar is at Tayyar Dundar's grave.
será malo para usted.Fatih Dundar es la tumba de Tayyar Dundar.
Fatih, stop!
This is the end, Fatih Dundar. You managed to pray for your father.
Fatih Dundar.Se las arregló para orar por su padre.
Drop the weapon, Fatih.
Drop it, Fatih.
Yeah, sure... I will arrest you every week. Go, Fatih, I am sure that your cellmates are waiting for you.
estoy seguro de que sus compañeros de celda le esperan.
Arda, where is Fatih?
donde es Fatih?

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