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Fredrick Çeviri İspanyolca

119 parallel translation
Fredrick Benton By order of the US Marshal
Fredrick Benton Por orden del Alguacil Federal
Fredrick is a good son.
Federico. Es un buen hijo.
Fredrick is my son!
Mi hijo es Federico!
Fredrick, Fredrick, Fredrick!
Federico, Federico!
Is Frederick Loren a friend of yours?
Fredrick Loren, ¿ Es amigo suyo?
Robert Pelham Marriott, nothing known Dr Fredrick Shole, we got a lot on him, Sir
Robert Pelham Marriott en blanco. Doctor Frederick Sewell.
Remember The Army versus Corporal Fredrick?
¿ Recuerdas El Ejército contra el cabo Fredrick?
Well, I've been serving time down in Prairie City at George Fredrick's.
Trabajé en Pradera City, con George Fredericks.
- Mr. Fredrick Gray, Minister of Defense.
- Fredrick Gray, Ministro de Defensa.
Fredrick the Frog.
- La Rana Fredrick.
That's Fredrick Douglas Bird.
Es Fredrick Douglas Bird.
According to this, Lewis sold it to a Dr. Fredrick Cornwall.
De acuerdo con esto, Lewis vendió a un doctor Fredrick Cornualles.
You are married to Fredrick R. Arbuthnot, gentleman.
De todas formas, sé tus puntos de vista, así que siempre he sido muy cuidadoso
Fredrick, I'm thinking of taking a holiday in Italy this spring with a friend.
Frederick, estoy pensando en tomar unas vacaciones en Italia Esta primavera, con una amiga
Fredrick Sykes... and quite a clotheshorse.
Fredrick Sykes... 45 años, ex policía, y con un buen guardarropa.
This is Fredrick Sykes.
Éste es Fredrick Sykes.
I know about Fredrick Sykes!
¡ Sé lo de Fredrick Sykes!
What for, Fredrick?
¿ Por qué, Fredrick?
You know, that little Fredrick is almost as talented as Uncle Dudley.
Sabes, ese pequeño Fredrick es casi tan talentoso como el tío Dudley.
Now, Uncle Dudley and Fredrick, they're really best friends and sometimes friends say things to each other that they don't mean and they lose their heads.
El tío Dudley y Fredrick, son realmente mejores amigos y a veces los amigos se dicen cosas que en realidad no quieren decir y pierden sus cabezas.
So say goodbye, Fredrick.
Di adiós, Fredrick.
Goodbye, Fredrick.
Adiós, Fredrick.
Fredrick, what are you doing here?
Fredrick, ¿ qué haces aquí?
-..... probably a vault at Kingsbere, and - finest skeletons as any man in Fredrick!
Tengo un panteón en Kingsbere y más esqueletos finos que cualquier hombre de Wessex.
The car is registered to Fredrick Peters 38 Washington Street, Waterville, Maine.
El coche es de Fredrick Peters. Calle Washington 38, Waterville, Maine.
Fredrick Peters, Fabian Petrulio.
Fredrick Peters, Fabian Petrulio.
Well, after having felt just a teensy-weensy little bit of guilt over having wrongfully inspired this establishment I took it upon myself to expose the Potter B B to the outside world via the mighty pen of Mr. Frederick Fricke.
Después de haberme sentido un poco culpable por haber inspirado este establecimiento me ocupé de dar a conocer la posada Potter a través de la poderosa pluma de Fredrick Fricke.
Loosening the saddle on Mother's horse was brilliant, Fredrick.
Qué gran idea soltar la silla de montar de mamá.
All right, Fredrick, you know the rules.
Está bien, Fredrick. Conoces las reglas.
"Deciphering the Mysteries of Hieroglyphics by Dr. Fredrick Walden."
"Descifrando los Misterios de los Jeroglíficos por el doctor Frederick Walden".
Hey, you're Fredrick Walden, the linguist.
Usted es Frederick Walden, el lingüista. - Escribió ese libro.
Al's auto body on Frederick Douglass.
En el Taller de Al, sobre Fredrick Douglass.
Dr. Fredrick J. Waxman, you're a genius!
- Dr. Jay Wiseman es un genio.
¡ Fredrick!
- Fredrick, how are you?
- Fredrick, ¿ cómo estás?
- Vince, Fredrick Lyne.
- Vince, Fredrick Lyne.
You've got an amazing eye, Fredrick.
Tienes un ojo increíble, Fredrick.
- Ciao, Fredrick.
- Chau, Fredrick.
And if she wasn't so worried about her career she probably would've told Fredrick to go fuck himself.
Y si no se preocupara tanto por su carrera probablemente habría mandado a Fredrick a la mierda.
- but Fredrick's a psycho.
-... pero Fredrick es un chiflado.
Mademoiselle, may I introduce myself Fredrick Zoller.
Señorita, quisiera presentarme soy Fredrick Zoller.
Look, Fredrick...
Mire, Fredrick...
Is that the young lady in question, Fredrick?
¿ Ésa es la joven en cuestión, Fredrick?
And at this range, I'm a real Fredrick Zoller.
Y desde aquí, soy como Fredrick Zoller.
Fredrick, have a look at it.
Míralo, Fredrick.
Fredrick, it's not funny, you can't be here.
No es gracioso, no puede estar aquí.
- I am sorry, Fredrick, but...
- Lo siento, pero...
The wealthy ship owner who has just sold the Navigator. ( Actor : Fredrick Vroom )
El antiguo propietario del Navegante.
They killed Fredrick.
Mataron a Fredrick.
And you lost a man? Ja, Fredrick Strauss.
¿ Y perdieron un hombre?
He was a good officer.
Sí, Fredrick Strauss ;

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