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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ G ] / Get away from the car

Get away from the car Çeviri İspanyolca

135 parallel translation
Get away from the car.
Aléjate del carro.
Get away from the car.
¡ Afuera!
Get away from the car.
¡ No me hable así!
Please, get away from the car.
Aléjese Ud del coche.
Get away from the car, old man. I asked you politely.
Get away from the car. I'm a cop!
¡ Soy un policía!
- I told you to get away from the car, man.
- Te dije que te alejaras del auto.
Get away from the car!
¡ Aléjese del auto!
Get away from the car, you son of a bitch!
¡ Apártese del auto, desgraciado!
Get away from the car or I'll blow you away!
¡ Apártese del auto o le dispararé!
Get away from the car. Come here.
Get away from the car!
Hágase a un lado del coche.
Get away from the car.
Salgan del coche.
All right. Now get away from the car.
Ahora aléjate del auto.
Get away from the car.
Aléjate del auto.
Get away from the car. - [Barking Continues]
Aléjate del auto.
Get away from the car.
Apartaos del coche.
Get away from the car!
¡ Fuera del coche!
Get away from the car!
¡ Alejaos del coche!
You just get away from the car.
Sólo aléjate del auto.
Get away from the car!
Apártate de mi coche!
Get away from the car.
Quítate del coche.
Get away from the car.
- Aléjese de ahí.
Just get away from the car.
Apártate del coche.
Get away from the car, officer.
Apártese del coche, agente.
Get away from the car!
Aléjense del auto.
Get away from the car.
Aléjate del coche.
- ( walls ) - ( sobs ) Get away from the car.
Saia do carro.
Get away from the car.
Alejaos del coche.
Get away from the car. There's nothing to see here.
alejese del auto no hay nada que ver.
Amanda! Dad! Get away from the car!
¡ Amanda, aléjate del carro!
Let's get in the car and get away from them.
Demos un paseo solos en el auto.
Keep your hands away from there. Get off of the car!
¡ Ud. Es una loca!
Let's take the car and get away from it all.
Subamos al coche y vayamos lejos, donde no haya nadie.
Why don't you get farther away from the car please?
Dile a tu padre que se aleje del coche.
I mean, if you wanted to get her car away from the front of the house... why go to all the hassle of taking it down to the station?
O sea, si quisieras sacar el coche lejos del frente de la casa porqué hacer todo el lio de llevarlo abajo a la estación?
Get him away from the car.
Aléjalo del coche.
- Get him away from the car!
- ¡ Dile que se aleje del coche!
Now, Sam, uh, why don't you get Miz Melny right now, put her in the car and drive away from here?
Sam, ¿ por qué no vas por doña Melny la subes al auto y te la llevas lejos de aquí?
Hey, get the hell away from my car.
Oigan, salgan de mi auto.
When they arrive, get them in the house and away from the car.
Cuando lleguen, hazlos entrar y aléjalos del auto.
That's incredible. You hit a tree at that speed, you and the colonel, you're hurled from the car, and both of you get up and walk away?
Chocaron contra un árbol a esa velocidad, tú y el coronel.
All you got to do is get the mileage from the car and you know how far away the lake is.
Todo lo que tienes que hacer es conseguir el kilometraje del coche y saber a que distancia se encuentra el lago.
Get away from the car!
Aléjate del auto.
I've gotta get away from you. - Stop the car, I wanna get out.
- Detenga el auto, quiero bajarme.
We'II get in that car, get away from here, you'II give us the money, and then...
Vamos, nos iremos lejos del puerto. Nos das el dinero y luego te vas donde quieras.
Man, get that car the fuck away from here... you understand?
Llévense ese auto lejos de aquí, ¿ entienden?
It's knowing that every time you get behind the wheel of a car... you're only a tree away from ending the empty charade... that your life has become.
Es saber que cada vez que estás tras el volante de un auto estás a un árbol de acabar el juego vacío que es tu vida.
There are these crazy rumors that if you get in your car and you actually drive east away from the beach, there's some city and other stuff, but personally I don't believe it.
Y todos esos rumores locos que dicen que si coges el coche. Y conduces hacia al este desde la playa, Hay una ciudad y otras cosas, pero personalmente yo no lo creo.
We were driving home from the park after shooting hoops... like we did on every Saturday when I could get away from work... and a car cut us off.
Estábamos yendo para casa, después de jugar al baloncesto... como hacíamos a los sábados, cuando yo no trabajaba... y un automóvil nos cerró.
Get away from my car before I call the police.
Aléjense de mi auto antes de que llame a la policía.

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