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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ G ] / Get him out of here now

Get him out of here now Çeviri İspanyolca

161 parallel translation
B.A., you got to get him out of here now.
B.A., tienes que conseguir que de aquí ahora mismo.
OK, but get him out of here now.
Está bien, pero sácalo de aquí, ahora.
Get him out of here now!
¡ Sácalo de aquí ahora mismo!
Santos, I don't think Mogo's gonna make it unless we get him out of here now.
No creo que Mogo lo logre si no salimos pronto de aquí.
We gotta get him out of here now. Come on.
Debemos sacarlo ahora.
Get him out of here now.
¡ Sácalo de aquí, ya!
Get him out of here now.
Sáquelo de aquí, ahora.
Now, if you're any sort of a girl at all, and if you're worthy of the name of Trent, you'll get out of here and go after him.
Y ahora, si eres una chica como Dios manda, y digna del apellido Trent, saldrás de aquí e irás tras él.
Now you heard me, we gotta get him out of here right away.
Ya me habéis oído. Tenemos que sacarlos ya mismo de aquí.
Throw him in the boat and let's get out of here. From now on, I'm in charge.
Subidlo y larguémonos, ahora mando yo.
Steady now. Get him out of here.
¡ Sáquele de aquí, no está muerto!
Get him out of here right now!
¡ Que se vaya de todos modos!
Now get him out of here.
Ahora llévatelo de aquí.
It's him! Now, get out of here!
¡ Ahora lárguese!
Now get him out of here.
¡ Llévenselo de aquí!
- I told you I don't know him now will you get out of here and leave me alone?
Ahora váyase y déjeme en paz, ¿ quiere?
Good heavens, man, you pestered me for years to let you have McLeod's room you pestered me to get him out of it, so you could have it and now George you come here saying you don't want it
Insistió años para que le diese el cuarto de McLeod, me pidió que Io echase de él, y ahora dice que no Io quiere.
Now get him out of here.
Now, get him out of here.
Llévatelo de aquí.
That's the ticket. Now, get him out of here.
Eso es, sácale de aquí.
Now, you get him out of here.
Venga, sácalo de aquí.
Don't worry about that now, let's get him out of here. Before that thing comes back.
No molestes a tu cabeza ahora Ahora sal de aquí antes de que esto no vuelva.
Now all we have to do is unchain the prime minister and get him out of here.
Tenemos que desencadenar al primer ministro y sacarlo de aquí.
Now, the important thing is to get him out of here as soon as you can.
Por lo que me cuenta, debe venir del espacio.
Now get out of here and go find him.
Ahora, sal de aquí y vete a buscarlo.
Now sedate the animal and get him out of here!
Ahora seden al animal y retírenlo de aquí.
Now get him out of here.
Ahora sáquenlo de aquí.
Get the hell out of here... and get Bruce and bring him back here right now!
¡ Sal de aquí y trae a Bruce ahora mismo!
Uh, now cage him and get him out of here.
Ponlo en una jaula y sácalo de aquí.
Get him the fuck out of here right now!
¡ Llévenselo a la chingada ahora mismo!
- Get him out of here, now!
- Sácalo ahora!
Get him out of here! He's horse shit. I think you can go get him now.
saquéenlo de ahí, es una mierda creo que es momento que intervengas
Get him out of here, now.
Sacadlo de aquí. Ahora mismo.
- Get him out of here. I want him out, now!
- Lléveselo de aquí. ¡ Fuera, ahora mismo!
Oh, I think he.... oh yah, here comes the mayor now.... let's go over and maybe we can get a few words out of him.
Oh, creo que... Sí, aquí llega el alcalde ya. Acerquémonos a ver si conseguimos sacarle algunas palabras.
Search him. Now you get the hell out of here.
Y usted larguese de aqui.
Now, you put away the knife, and you get our friend here, and let's get him out of here.
Ahora guarda ese cuchillo y saca a tu amigo de ahí, no podemos quedarnos aquí.
Now get him out of here so I can get some rest.
Ahora sácalo de aquí, a ver si puedo descansar.
He now has his own organization... we need to get him out of here, tito.
Ahora tiene una organización. - Tienes que sacarlo, Tito. - Y a invitado a campeones a unirse.
- Get him out of here, now.
- Sáquenlo de aquí, ahora.
Get him out of here, now!
¡ Sáquenlo de aquí, ahora!
Get him out of here! You'll have to go now.
No te necesito, vete al diablo.
Get him out of here, now!
- ¡ sáquenlo de aquí!
Get him out of here, now!
¿ Sácalo de aquí, ahora!
Joe just killed him. We gotta get out of here now.
¡ Tenemos que irnos de aquí!
[Chuckles] Now get him out of here.
Ahora llévatelos de aquí.
- Just get him out of here now!
- ¡ Llévatelo de aquí ahora!
How many times do I have to tell you this is no place for dogs? Now get him out of here!
¿ Cuántas veces te dije que nada de perros aquí?
If we get him out of here right now, I think he'll make it.
Si lo sacamos de aquí ahora mismo, creo que lo logrará.
If you don't get your "pal" out of here now, I'll have him ejected!
Si no sacas de inmediato a tu'amigo'de aquí... haré que lo expulsen.
Get him out of here, now!
¡ Sáquenlo de aquí, ahora! Eso no.

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