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Ghastly Çeviri İspanyolca

861 parallel translation
so ghastly...
tan espeluznante...
"It was a ghastly joke, old man - her baby's just a moth - I mean a myth!"
Fue una broma horrible, viejo - ese no es su bebé - ¡ todo es una mentira!
They look ghastly.
Son espantosos.
Why, the immorality here is ghastly.
La inmoralidad aquí es espantosa.
Mata, if you don't help me forget this ghastly business for a few hours, I'm going insane.
Mata, si no me ayudas a olvidar este horrible asunto durante unas horas, me volveré loco.
What a ghastly thing to say?
¿ Cómo puedo decir algo tan espantoso?
That moon, mixed with this other light, it's too ghastly.
La luna, junto con esta luz, es muy lúgubre.
- Ghastly.
That was all a ghastly mistake. A thousand apologies, Marquis.
Mil disculpas, Marqués.
I've had the most ghastly day anybody ever had.
He tenido el día más terrible que se pueda imaginar.
This is ghastly.
- Es horroroso.
I only pray to God that Griffin hasn't been meddling with this ghastly stuff.
Sólo espero que Griffin no haya jugado con algo tan horripilante.
- But, Griffin, it's ghastly!
- Griffin, esto es espantoso.
Hello? Doctor, it's something ghastly.
Doctor, ha ocurrido algo terrible.
It was ghastly.
Era espeluznante.
- and a ghastly wound on his head.
- y una herida horrorosa en la cabeza.
- What a ghastly idea!
- Qué idea tan horrorosa!
It's too... Too ghastly!
Es demasiado... espantoso.
¡ Pero es abominable!
Ours is both charming and ghastly. To each his own personality!
La nuestra es a la vez encantadora y abominable. ¡ Cada uno es como es!
That's the ghastly side.
Ese es el lado abominable.
That's the ghastly part but... when I ask What do you eat in the morning?
Es el lado abominable, pero cuando te pregunto : "¿ Qué comes a la mañana?"
"'8 ghastly!
¡ Abominable!
¡ Abominable!
Oh, ghastly, isn't it?
Oh, horrible, ¿ verdad?
A ghastly blunder, but quite unwittingly.
Una horrible metida de pata, pero involuntaria.
That last report was pretty ghastly.
Es alarmante. Inglaterra al borde del precipicio.
Sahib, what a ghastly idea!
Sahib, ¡ qué mala idea!
For that remark, ghastly Gussie, you are reduced from captain to a common seaman!
¡ Por el comentario, Ghastly Gussie... descenderás de capitán a simple marinero!
¡ Ghastly!
I don't know, ghastly, but not with you, at any rate.
No lo sé, Ghastly, pero seguro que no contigo.
Now, don't be any more of an ass than you can help, ghastly.
Trata de no ser tan tonto.
You know, I'm really very sorry you didn't have it on you, ghastly.
De veras lamento que no lo tuvieras.
Say, wouldn't it be horrible if ghastly Gussie should suddenly appear here, too?
¿ No sería horrible que Ghastly Gussie... apareciera de repente aquí?
I remember what ghastly Gussie said one time :
Recuerdo cuando Ghastly Gussie dijo una vez...
And that ghastly confusion?
¿ Y esa horrible confusión?
Nor can there be any excuse for leniency in your case, as you should be well aware. Since you have, in signed articles for The Record, often denounced drunken driving as the most ghastly of crimes, a view with which the court agrees entirely.
Tampoco puede haber atenuante en su caso, como bien sabe puesto que usted mismo publicó artículos en El Registro denunciando el conducir ebrio como el más espantoso de los delitos.
We've discussed it so often - the futility of this idiotic Egyptian adventure... the madness of it all... the ghastly waste of time that we can never have again.
Hemos hablado mucho de ello. La futilidad de esta aventura en Egipto. La locura que es.
I was told a ghastly story when I was a boy, and you were there when it was told.
Me contaron una historia horrible. Usted estaba presente.
But really, I assure you that it's a ghastly mistake.
Le aseguro que fue un terrible error.
It was ghastly.
Fue espantoso.
Wouldn't it be ghastly?
Sería espantoso.
Darling, I've just done the most ghastly thing.
Querida, hice algo espantoso.
That's his achievement. We escaped from those ghastly gorges.
El asalto a San Gotardo abrió el camino para nosotros.
While we were on our way to his house he was working in that ghastly place.
Mientras íbamos de camino a su casa él seguía trabajando en aquel lugar horroroso.
I feel just ghastly.
Me siento espantoso.
It's ghastly.
Es espantoso.
It has a ghastly familiarity like a half-remembered dream.
Como una reminiscencia de pesadillas olvidadas.
His eyes are ghastly beads in which there is no light... like holes in a grinning skull!
"¡ Sus ojos son horribles abalorios, sin brillo..."
That last report was pretty ghastly.
Es alarmante.
It was ghastly.
No creo que en toda mi vida me haya sobresaltado tanto...

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