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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ G ] / Gilman

Gilman Çeviri İspanyolca

125 parallel translation
Gilman, 38216.
Gilman, 38216.
And don't forget, cast your vote for Mark C. Gilman.
Y no lo olvide, vote por Mark C.Gilman.
He doesn't live in the district, Mr. Gilman.
No vive en le distrito, Sr.Gilman.
Lieutenant Shawn, Mr. Gilman, President of Mid-Tide Oil. How are you. Lieutenant?
Teniente Shawn, el Sr. Gilman, presidente de la Mid-Tide Oil.
I would like to add my protest to Gilman's.
Quiero sumar mi protesta a la de Gilman.
[Gilman] You ever seen him before?
¿ Lo ha visto usted alguna vez?
For the last two years. [Gilman] You trying to say I have?
- ¿ Está diciendo que yo sí?
The court, having materially and carefully Considered the evidence produced, Finds the accused, Gilman S. Hanley,
El jurado, considerando las pruebas aportadas, encuentra al acusado, Gillman S. Hanley,
That mean, well, we must be honored by The presence of Mr. Gilman Hanley.
Así que tenemos el placer de tener a Gillman Hanley.
[Gilman] Lie back.
- No, túmbate.
[Gilman] Hold it.
Ya basta.
This little check represents room and board at Mrs. Dilman's home for little boys.
Este pequeño cheque representa alojamiento y manutención en el Hogar Infantil Gilman.
All right, Gilman, what do you want?
Y ahora, Gilman, ¿ qué está buscando?
At 2 : 00 this afternoon, Charles Gilman goes on trial for the murder of Fred Wilk.
A las dos de la tarde de hoy Charles Gilman será llevado a juicio por el homicidio de Fred Wilk.
It's a friend of Gilman's. DAVID :
Seguramente es amigo de Gilman.
Gilman killed him, and that's all there is to it.
Gilman lo mató, eso es todo.
Gilman had already taken the body and...
- Gilman ya había levantado el cadáver.
Well, not if you find Gilman guilty, of course.
No si considera a Gilman culpable, claro.
I just can't... What about Charlie Gilman's life?
¿ Y qué me dice de la vida de Charlie Gilman?
SLATER : Well, now, Mrs. Wilk, do you know of any reason why the defendant, Charles Gilman, should attack your husband either that night at the restaurant on or on the day of his death?
Sra. Wilk ¿ sabe por qué Charles Gilman atacó a su esposo esa noche en el restaurante o el día de su muerte?
Mr. Gilman, this man that you admit to killing...
Sr. Gilman, el hombre que dice haber matado...
Oh, come on, Mr. Gilman.
Vamos, Sr. Gilman.
He was a father, Mr. Gilman.
Era padre, Sr. Gilman.
BERNARD : Did you tell Charles Gilman the defendant... Did you express to him your feelings that your husband was not...
¿ Le dijo a Charles Gilman, el acusado le confesó que su esposo no era lo que esperaba que fuera?
Charles Gilman.
- Charles Gilman.
Miss Joan Gilman, 112 Elm Street.
La Srta. Joan Gilman, calle Elm 112.
The croupier at Gilman's says he never plays anything he can't win.
El crupier de Gilman dice que no juega si puede perder.
Colonel, Colonel. Its me, Gilman!
Coronel, Coronel, soy yo Gilman.
- Lieutenant Gilman. - Yes, sir.
- Teniente Gilman.
Where's Gilman?
¿ Donde está Gilman?
Professor Gilman?
¿ Profesor Gilman?
Gilman, I want to watch 25 300 for each.
Gilman, quiero 25. 300 por cada uno.
Gilman, who had me head you can deliver? That was just " kidding.
Gilman, eso de que tendría tú cabeza en una bolsa, ¡ era un chiste!
Mr. Gilman has chest pain and shortness of breath during sex with his wife.
El señor Gilman tiene dolor pectoral y le cuesta respirar al intimar con su mujer.
- Welcome back, Mr. Gilman.
- Bienvenido de vuelta, señor Gilman.
Daniel Gilman.
Daniel Gilman.
- These are Mr. Gilman's kids.
- Estos son los hijos del señor Gilman.
Can't find Dr. Weaver, and Mrs. Gilman has a special request.
No encuentro a la doctora Weaver y la señora Gilman tiene una solicitud especial.
Mr. Gilman has agreed to electroejaculation.
El señor Gilman ha accedido a la electroeyaculación.
- Oh, the mighty Gilman pulled through.
- Gilman el magnífico se ha recuperado.
If you have a gift, why not You took us to Felicia Marks And before Lisa Gilman to be killed?
Si tienes un don, ¿ por qué no nos llevaste con Felicia Marks y Lisa Gilman antes de que las mataran?
Delphine, And 5 years later, Felicia Marks Lisa Gilman and Connie Sherwood.
Delphine, y 5 años después, Felicia Marks, Lisa Gilman y Connie Sherwood.
Gilman, Gilman!
- ¡ Gillman! ¡ Gillman! Maldito seas.
Jesus. Our Mr Gilman's been a very busy boy.
Nuestro Sr. Gillman ha estado muy ocupado.
( Slow dramatic music )
[Gilman] Certainly.
- Díselo.
[Gilman] Put down your rifle.
Soltad los rifles.
All right, Gilman, toss down that wrench ;
Está bien, Gilman.
I'm Walter Gilman.
Me llamo Walter Gillman.
- Gilman's?
- No.
None of this exonerates Gilman.
- Nada de esto exonera a Gillman.

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