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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ G ] / Glad to have you back

Glad to have you back Çeviri İspanyolca

197 parallel translation
I'm so glad to have you back.
Me da mucho gusto tenerte de regreso.
Glad to Have you back.
Es un placer tenerlo de vuelta.
Me alegro de que hayas vuelto.
- Well, we're glad to have you back.
- Bien, nos alegra recuperarte.
- Glad to have you back, Larry.
Me alegro de que estés de regreso.
Yes and we're glad to have you back.
Nosotros nos alegramos también.
- Glad to have you back, Al.
- Me alegra que hayas regresado, Al.
- Sure glad to have you back, Lieutenant.
- Qué bueno que volvió, teniente.
I thought I'd be glad to have you back.
Creí que me harías feliz.
Oh, hello. - Glad to have you back with us.
Me alegro de que haya vuelto.
- I'm too glad to have you back.
- Estoy demasiado contenta para hacerlo.
Sure glad to have you back, Johnny, you and your pretty new missis.
De alegro de que hayas vuelto, Johnny, tú y tu preciosa mujercita.
Glad to have you back, sir.
- I'm glad to have you back.
- Me alegro de volver a tenerte.
Sorry you weren't needed, but, boy, am I glad to have you back.
Lamento que no te necesitaran, pero me alegro que volvieras
I'm glad to have you back. Thank you, Mr. Mace.
- Me alegra tenerte de vuelta.
Believe me I should be very glad to have you back safe and sound in Baker Street Watson.
Créame que estaré contento de tenerlo de regreso, sano y salvo en la calle Baker, Watson.
I shall be glad to have you back safe and sound in Baker Street once more.
Estaré contento de que regrese sano y salvo a la calle Baker de una vez.
- Glad to have you back, Judge.
- Encantado de verle de nuevo, Juez.
Glad to have you back.
Me alegra tenerte de vuelta.
glad to have you back, boys. glad to have you back.
Qué bueno tenerlos de vuelta, muchachos,
- Glad to have you back, sir.
- Qué bueno que regresó, señor.
I'm glad to have you back, Lizzy.
Estoy contena de tenerte de regreso, Lizzy.
We're glad to have you back.
Estamos contentos de tenerte de vuelta.
We're just glad to have you back.
Estamos contentos de que hayas regresado.
( KITT ) Glad to have you back in the driver's seat, Michael.
Me alegra tenerte de nuevo como conductor.
As... As you can see, we're all glad to have you back.
Como ven, estamos muy contentos de que hayas vuelto.
- I'm just so glad to have you back again.
- Me alegra haberte recuperado.
Believe me I should be very glad to have you back safe and sound in Baker Street Watson.
Créame, me alegrará verlo sano y salvo... en la calle Baker otra vez.
I shall be glad to have you back safe and sound in Baker Street once more.
Me alegrará tenerlo sano y salvo... en la calle Baker otra vez.
Glad to have you back.
Me alegra que volvieras.
I'm sure that Grumpy, Dopey, Sleepy and Doc will be glad to have you back.
seguro que Gruñón, Somnoliento y Doctor tendrán el gusto en mandarlo de regreso.
Glad to have you back aboard.
Encantado de tenerte a bordo de nuevo.
I'm just glad to have you back.
Me alegro de que hayas vuelto.
I'll be glad to have you back home again.
Estaré encantado de tenerte de nuevo en casa.
Glad to have you back.
Me alegro de tenerte de vuelta.
The whole neighborhood will be glad to have you back.
Todo el vecindario se pondra contento de tenerte de regreso.
Glad to have you back.
Me alegro de que volvieras.
- We're glad to have you back.
- Me alegra que hayas vuelto.
Glad to have you back, Johnny... even if it is for just a night.
Es un placer tenerte aquí, Johnny... aunque sea una sola noche.
We're glad to have you back but we don't want the Sorceress!
Nos alegramos de tí, pero no de la hechicera.
I guess a lot of people are glad to have you back.
Supongo que mucha gente está contenta de tenerte de regreso.
I know that you are all glad to have Aunt Jenny back with you once more.
Sé que están contentos de que la tía Jenny esté de vuelta con ustedes otra vez.
I'm glad you enjoyed the trip, Lucy, but it's great to have you back.
Me alegro que disfrutaras del viaje, pero es estupendo tenerte de vuelta.
Show these ruffians how glad you are to have me back.
Muéstrales a estos vagos cuán feliz estás de verme.
I'd be glad to show you some of my poems sometime, but if you don't mind, I'd like to have this back.
Me gustaría mostrarle mis poemas. Pero me gustaría recuperar esto.
We're glad to have you back.
Estamos felices de que hayas vuelto habéis pasado días negros en el frente, ¿ verdad? - Ni lo menciones... ¿ cómo contártelo?
[AG / CC] Glad to have you on the way back home.
[AG / CC] Me alegro de tenerlos en el camino de vuelta a casa.
We wanted you to know how glad we are to have you back.
Queríamos que supiera lo que nos alegra volver a verla.
I'm just glad you don't have to get back up on that stand again.
Me alegra que no tengas que regresar a ese estrado.
I'm glad to see you have your appetite back.
Me alegro de ver que has recuperado el apetito.

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