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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ G ] / Good to hear your voice

Good to hear your voice Çeviri İspanyolca

268 parallel translation
Oh, darling, it's good to hear your voice.
Oh, cariño, que agradable de oír tu voz.
Uh... it's been good to hear your voice, Bark.
Me alegro de haber oído tu voz, Bark.
It's so good to hear your voice.
Es bueno oír tu voz.
Gee, it's good to hear your voice again.
Me alegra volver a oír tu voz.
Good to hear your voice.
Qué bueno es oír tu voz.
How good to hear your voice.
Me alegro de oírte.
It's good to hear your voice.
Me alegro de oír tu voz.
- It's good to hear your voice again.
- Es agradable volver a escuchar tu voz.
It's just so good to hear your voice.
Me alegro muchísimo de oírte.
Yeah, I'm okay. It sure is good to hear your voice.
Estoy bien. ¡ Me alegro de oír tu voz!
It's good to hear your voice, Johnny, it's been a long time.
Me alegra oír tu voz, Johnny, hace tanto tiempo.
It's good to hear your voice.
Me alegra oír su voz.
It's good to hear your voice. How are you feeling?
Qué bueno escucharte. ¿ Cómo te sientes?
- We were in the tunnels. - It's good to hear your voice.
Hemos estado en unos túneles.
Good to hear your voice.
- ¡ Anton! Me da gusto oírte.
Oh, hi! It's so good to hear your voice.
Hola. ¡ Qué alegría!
Well, it's good to hear your voice, too, but I've been really worried about Julie.
Bueno, es bueno escuchar su voz, también, pero he estado muy preocupado por Julie.
It's good to hear your voice, Johnny, it's been a long time.
Es un placer oír tu voz, Johnny. Ha pasado mucho tiempo.
It's good to hear your voice, Birddog.
Me alegro de oír tu voz, Birddog.
It's good to hear your voice.
¡ Que bueno oír tu voz.
It's good to hear your voice
Me hace mucho bien el poder oírte.
It was good to hear your voice again.
Me alegra volver a oír tu voz.
It's real good to hear your voice.
Me alegro de saber de ti.
Yeah, it's... It's real good to hear your voice too.
Sí, yo también me alegro de hablar contigo.
It's good to hear your voice.
Me alegra oírte.
- It's good to hear your voice.
- Me alegro de oírla
It said,'Sorry to disturb your sleep, but it was good to hear your voice.
Decía : " Perdona que te despertara, pero me alegré de oír tu voz.
It's so good to hear your voice.
Es lindo oír tu voz.
It's so good to hear your voice.
Que bueno es oír tu voz.
MR-7, good to hear your voice.
MR-7, qué gusto oir su voz. ?
Captain, it's good to hear your voice.
- Me alegra oír su voz.
Good to hear your voice, Commander.
Es Bueno escuchar su voz Comandante
Man, it was good to hear your voice.
Me agradó oír tu voz.
It's good to hear your voice.
Qué bueno escucharte.
It's good to... It's good to hear your voice, Mary Jane.
Encantada de escuchar tu voz, Mary Jane.
- George, it's so good to hear your voice.
Me encanta oír tu voz..
- It's good to hear your voice, sir.
- Qué alegría oír tu voz.
It's good to hear your voice, Lieutenant.
Es bueno escuchar su voz, Teniente.
Aeryn, it's good to hear your voice
Aeryn es bueno oir tu voz
It's good to hear your voice, John.
- Es bueno oír tu voz, John.
It is good to hear your voice, O'Neill.
Es bueno escuchar tu voz, O'Neill.
No, no, it's good to hear your voice.
No, no, es grato escuchar tu voz.
- It's good to hear your voice, sir.
- Señor, encantado de escucharlo de nuevo.
- It's good to hear your voice too.
- Lo mismo digo.
It's just good to hear your voice.
Me alegro de oír tu voz.
It's so good to hear your voice.
Es bueno escuchar tu voz.
It's so good to hear your voice.
Es bueno oír tú voz.
Well, good to hear your voice again.
Vaya, me alegra oír tu voz de nuevo.
A perfectly good box going to waste. d In the sound of rain d d As thunder grows distant d d From darkest night d d To broadest d d day d d I hear your voice d d In summer sunshine d
Desperdiciar un palco tan bueno. Con el sonido de la lluvia y a medida que se aleja el trueno. Desde la noche más oscura al día más claro oigo tu voz bajo el sol estival.
When you put on the headphones, open the microphone and hear your voice... which is still your voice but it's more... more precise, you feel you can say what you want but you know what you say has to be good.
Mira que cuando te pones los audífonos y levantas el fader del micrófono y escuchas tu voz... Que es siempre tu voz pero algo más.... precisa, Sientes que puedes decir lo que quieres, pero sabes que eso que digas debe ser lo máximo.
It's good to hear your voice.
Es bueno oír su voz.

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