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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ G ] / Googly

Googly Çeviri İspanyolca

176 parallel translation
- He made googly eyes at me!
- ¡ Se le iban a salir los ojos!
Bit of a googly, sir.
Qué cagadilla, ¿ eh, señor?
I mean, you know, when he stayed with us... in the first week, really, the kids were just googly-eyed over him. But then a couple of weeks later, Chiquita and I could be out... and Marina could have flu or a temperature of 104... and he wouldn't even go in and say hello to her.
La primera semana los chicos estaban asombrados, pero más tarde, si salíamos y volvíamos... y Marina a lo mejor tenía fiebre, Kozan ni la saludaba.
People fire you and you make googly eyes at them.
Te despiden y te pones a hacer ojitos.
It's the googly.
Es la bola.
Now, the googly looks like a leg break but it's really an off break. Got it?
Este pase parece de pierna, pero en realidad es pase de quiebre.
Use the googly, like I showed you.
Usa el pase que te mostré.
When you get bigger, Billy, I'll teach you the googly.
Cuando crezcas, Billy te enseñaré el pase.
- That was a googly.
¡ Eso fue un pase!
- A googly?
¿ Un pase?
Then we went on to a googly about the Dept of Energy's plans for nuclear waste.
Y hemos discutido sobre los planes para eliminar los residuos nucleares.
The fellow with the googly eyes... so will I Barney Google!
Barney Doodle.
So you can just put those googly eyes back in your head, all right?
Así que más vale que pongas esos ojitos sobre la mesa, ¿ de acuerdo?
Buck may I present the man with the goo-goo-googly eyes Specs Bundy.
Buck te presento al hombre Con los ojos de goo-goo-googly El Bundy con Lentes.
Women fawning, googly-eyes. You play dumb.
Las mujeres te lisonjean y tú te haces el tonto.
Look, you just have fun going to the movies and holding hands with that new girlfriend of yours, and sipping through straws together and making googly eyes!
Te diviertes yendo al cine de la manito con tu nueva noviecita, y toman de la misma bombilla, y hacen ojitos románticos.
And remember your visit with a googly-eyed walnut.
Recuerde su visita con una nuez con ojos saltones.
How about a googly-eyed rock?
¿ Y una roca con ojos saltones?
You're all googly-eyed.
Tú tienes la mirada melosa.
I am not googly-eyed!
¡ No tengo la mirada melosa!
Great googly moogly! Holy cow!
¡ Cáspita, caracoles!
- Googly bear.
¡ Osito!
- Googly-woogly, you remembered.
Osito, te acordaste.
Not for googly bear.
No para tu osito.
They're under the name "googly bear."
De nada. Están a nombre de "Osito".
- Googly bear. - Want to get going?
Hola, Osito. ¿ Nos vamos?
Googly bear!
¡ Osito!
Go get'em, googly bear.
Vé por ellos, osito.
Googly bear, come here, you.
Osito. Ven aquí.
Googly bear.
- Quit making googly eyes.
- Deja de echarme miraditas.
Most people laugh at my googly eye.
La mayoría de la gente se ríe de mi ojo saltón.
I don't even wanna think about all those patients down at the hospital... making googly eyes at you.
No quisiera ni pensar en todos esos pacientes en el hospital... haciendote ojitos.
This is the only thing I have that didn't judge me, call me a big googly-eyed bastard.
Trátalos bien, son lo único que tengo. No me juzgan, ni me dicen bastardo de ojos saltones.
Real googly eyes, like Bela Lugosi.
La mirada perdida y los ojos abiertos de par en par.
Packages of googly-eyes!
¡ Paquetes de ojitos!
Give him back the googly-eyes!
¡ Devuélvele los ojitos!
Great googly-mooglies.
¡ Por todos los santos!
Hey, Googly.
¡ Goguli!
- Hey, Googly.
- Hola, Gogoli.
For driving, the rover has these kind of googly-eyed cameras that it uses to take images of the terrain in front of it.
En movimiento, el robot usa estas cámaras delanteras para tomar imágenes del terreno que tiene por delante.
Googly, googly, googly, begone.
Googly, googly, googly, se ha ido.
Googly, googly, googly.
Googly, googly, googly.
Something about "googly-googly?"
"¿ Algo como" googly-googly? "
Googly, googly, googly, go away.
Googly, googly, googly, lárgate. Googly, googly, googly, lárgate.
Googly, googly.
Googly, googly.
A good batsman will spot a googly.
Un buen bateador detecta el pase.
- That was a googly!
¡ Fue un pase!
No importa nada más.
- Googly.

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