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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ G ] / Got to hand it to you

Got to hand it to you Çeviri İspanyolca

370 parallel translation
I got to hand it to you, baby, you almost hit the nail right on the head.
Tengo que admitirlo. Casi has dado en el clavo.
- I've got to hand it to you.
- Te mereces un premio.
Well, sharpshooter, I got to hand it to you. You sure got the power to resist a beautiful woman.
Bien, tirador, sabes resistirte a una mujer guapa.
I've got to hand it to you, Mother.
Debo admitirlo, madre.
I've got to hand it to you.
Debo reconocerlo.
I certainly got to hand it to you, Bart.
Tengo que reconocértelo, Bart.
Charlie, I've got to hand it to you.
Charlie, tengo que reconocerle el mérito.
I've got to hand it to you. She's an eyeful.
Tenía que informarle, es un encanto.
Brother, I got to hand it to you.
Hermano, te felicito.
I got to hand it to you, kid the way you beat up old Galovitch this afternoon.
Lo reconozco, chico : menuda paliza le has dado al viejo Galovitch esta tarde.
I got to hand it to you.
Quería dártelo en mano.
- I got to hand it to you, ma'am.
Tengo que reconocer una cosa, señora,
Boss, I got to hand it to you.
Jefe, tengo que entregárselo a usted.
You know, I've said a lot of rude things about you in the past, Henry, but I've got to hand it to you, this has been a magnificent piece of organisation.
¿ Sabes algo? He mucho muchas cosas malas sobre ti en el pasado, Henry. Pero debo reconocerlo, amigo.
Well, Clayton, I've got to hand it to you. You've just taken wonderful care of those babies.
Bien, Clayton, tengo que decirle que tiene en un cuidado estupendo a estos bebés.
Margaret, I've got to hand it to you, it shows strength of character not to go with the new fashion trends in clothes.
Margaret, hay que reconocer que es una muestra de personalidad no seguir las tendencias de la moda.
I've got to hand it to you, Mrs. Stephens.
Tengo que admitirlo, señora Stephens.
Oh, I've got to hand it to you, old buddy.
Tengo que admitirlo, amigo.
I really got to hand it to you, Grandpa.
Tengo que admitirlo, abuelo.
Well, old boy, I've got to hand it to you.
Lo ha descubierto y eliminado rápidamente. Eso me gusta.
Debo felicitarte, Tiburón.
- Got to hand it to you, Jess.
- Tengo que pasartela a ti, Jess.
I've got to hand it to you, Carter... that newspaper idea of yours was just great.
Lo admito, Carter, esa idea tuya del diario estuvo genial.
I've got to hand it to you, Klunk.
Debo reconocerlo, Tontón.
I've got to hand it to you, Q. Quite ingenious.
Tengo que reconocerlo, Q. Es muy ingenioso.
I've got to hand it to you, Pudgy.
LIL, 2 al precio de una Excelente trabajo, Gordo.
You've got to hand it to the old man.
Es mérito suyo.
That's who you're going to tell it to... if I haven't got that 15,000 smackers in my hand by tonight -
A él tendrás que explicarle... si no tengo 15.000 dólares en mi mano esta noche...
You've got to hand it to these Italians when it comes to cooking.
Los italianos entienden de comida.
It wouldn't even be nice if I got married to you with this pearl in my hand.
No estaría bien que me casara contigo con esta perla en mi mano.
You've got to Hand it to them. They've certainly got Intestinal fortitude.
No sé cómo pueden con esto, tienen que tener el estomago de cemento.
Well, I got to hand it to ya, Mrs. Wiecek. You got a lot of courage.
Tengo que admitir que es muy valiente, Sra. Wiecek.
You got to hand it to Benton.
Hay que reconocerle a Benton.
Believe me, you've got to hand it to him, coming here like this just to look after you.
Créeme, tiene mérito, venir aquí sólo para acompañarte.
Yeah. Blackford, I got to hand it to you, you sound like a guy who knows his racket.
Blackford, tiene usted toda mi confianza.
You got to hand it to Thomas, he wrapped this one up quick.
La verdad es que Thomas se ha lucido.
This time I've got to hand it to you.
Esta vez, ha acertado.
On the other hand, if it's gumption that it takes to be an actress, you certainly got that, all right.
Por otra parte, si es coraje lo que se necesita para ser actriz, desde luego que tú tienes.
I don't know. You got to hand it to them the way they do things round here.
La empresa sabe cómo hacer las cosas.
Now look, I got me a good hand. You want to see it?
Tengo una buena mano. ¿ Quieres verla?
Because two days later, after it was too late to stop you or call off the customs she came to my hotel room, where l was sitting half-drunk with a three-day beard on my face and she got down on her knees, and she kissed my hand. She told me she couldn ´ t go through with it with you.
Dos días después de marchar tú, cuando ya era tarde para remediar el hecho, ella vino a mi hotel, donde yo estaba medio borracho, con una barba de tres días se puso de rodillas, me besó la mano, y me dijo que no podía respetar la promesa que te había hecho.
You know, Adam, I got to hand it to you, I think this thing's going to work.
Tengo que admitir que esto va a funcionar.
Well, you've got to hand it to the dear Colonel.
Tenemos que dárselo al coronel.
I've got to hand it to you.
Te debo una, muchacho.
By golly, you really got to hand it to the kid for trying, don't you?
Debería dárselo solo por su terquedad, ¿ no?
- You got to hand it to the Commies.
- Hay que reconcérselo.
Yes, sir, you've really got to hand it to him.
Sí, señor, debes entender algo.
You've got to hand it to Akiko through splicing all this just together
Le has dado película a Akiko para que empalme todos esos trozos.
You've got to hand it to him.
Los maneja muy bien.
Mind you, he's good as gold in the morning- - I've got to hand it to him- - But come lunchtime, it's a bottle of vin ordinaire.
Se levanta como una rosa, se le ha de reconocer... pero a mediodía ya no vale nada.
I gotta hand it to you, Frank. You got all the gaiety of an impacted wisdom tooth.
Frank, tiene usted la alegría de una muela del juicio impactada.

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