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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ G ] / Griggs

Griggs Çeviri İspanyolca

250 parallel translation
I say, Courtney, do you remember Griggs in the 37th?
Courtney, ¿ recuerdas a Griggs del escuadrón 37?
- Griggs?
- ¿ Griggs?
- Come, Griggs.
- Vamos, Griggs.
Griggs, would you say that I'd been jilted?
Griggs, ¿ Dirías que me han dejado plantado?
- Then you're a liar, Griggs.
- Entonces eres un mentiroso, Griggs.
Griggs, what do you think of women?
Griggs, ¿ Qué piensas de las mujeres?
Griggs, my world is at an end.
Griggs, mi mundo ha acabado.
Griggs, old boy, at times you're almost human.
Griggs, viejo niño, a veces incluso eres humano.
- Griggs!
- ¡ Griggs!
Griggs, I've come to a conclusion.
Griggs, he llegado a una conclusión.
Proceed, Griggs.
Procede, Griggs.
- Don't do that, Griggs.
- No hagas eso, Griggs.
- Griggs.
- Griggs.
Griggs, never mind the lawyer.
Griggs, olvida lo del abogado.
Griggs, you're being very insulting.
Griggs, estás siendo muy insultante.
- I've got our best boy, Mr. Griggs.
- Este es nuestro mejor chico, Sr. Griggs.
Griggs, let me speak to Mr...
Griggs, permítame hablar con sl Sr...
Oh, you mean the young fellow Griggs saw in the restaurant?
Oh, ¿ Te refieres al joven amigo que Griggs vio en el restaurante?
- Drinking, Griggs?
- ¿ Estás bebiendo, Griggs?
I intend to reward you, Griggs.
Tengo la intención de recompensarte, Griggs.
That photograph was the fine Machiavellian hand of Griggs.
Esa foto es obra de la maquiavélica mano de Griggs.
That picture fooled me, but Griggs did it.
Esa foto me engañó, pero la hizo Griggs.
Griggs, congratulate me.
Griggs, felicítame.
What was his name, Griggs?
¿ Cómo se llamaba? ¿ Griggs?
Griggs, hurry up with that mail.
Griggs, rapido con ese correo.
- And Private Griggs.
- Y el soldado Griggs.
Griggs speaking.
Habla Griggs.
Griggs, you can't do that to me. You can't d -
Griggs, no puedes hacerme eso.
Griggs because I hold you
Griggs, porque te tengo
Uh, Griggs, why don't you break out that last bottle of brandy?
Griggs, saca la última botella de brandy.
I think the ambassador fears that if the press hear about this... they might conceivably place a different interpretation... upon your motives, however pure in fact they may be. - Thank you, Griggs.
Creo que el embajador teme que si la prensa se enterara... podría darles una interpretación diferente... a tus motivos, por puros que sean.
- The one you've been crying into.
- ¿ Cuál expediente, Sr. Griggs?
- Thank you, Miss Pritchard. - Thank you, Mr. Griggs.
- Gracias, Srta. Pritchard.
Uh, Griggs, uh, w-will you tell Miss Pritchard... to hold all my calls until she hears from me?
Griggs, ¿ podrías decirle a la Srta. Pritchard... que no me pase llamadas hasta que le avise?
Griggs, how you do carry on.
Romperías la promesa que le hiciste a Alec.
Hello, Jervis.
Hola, Jervis. Hola, Griggs.
Oh, hello, Griggs.
Es un día maravilloso, ¿ verdad?
Griggs speaking!
¡ Habla Griggs!
- Yeah.
- Gracias, Griggs.
- W-W-Which one is it, Griggs?
- ¿ Cuál es, Griggs?
Yes, Mr. Griggs.
Sí, Sr. Griggs.
Griggs speaking. Yes.
Habla Griggs.
- Yes, Griggs, old boy. - Jervis, your sister-in-law, Gertrude, is on the phone.
Sí, Griggs.
Yes, Mr. Griggs.
Mr. Griggs!
Sr. Griggs.
Yes, Griggs.
Debemos encontrar una frase nueva.
- Jervis, a person is not a corporation.
Sí, Griggs.
- Which file, Mr. Griggs?
- Srta. Pritchard, traiga el expediente.
Griggs, how could you let this happen...
La expulsaron.
- Griggs - - All right.
- Tres pares de... pijamas de seda.

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