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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ G ] / Gunderson

Gunderson Çeviri İspanyolca

286 parallel translation
Harry Gunderson.
Harry Gunderson.
No, Doc. There must be some truth behind the story Gunderson's brought back from the interior.
No Doc., debe haber alguna verdad detrás de la historia de Gunderson.
That's what I thought, until Gunderson showed up.
Esto es lo que pensé, hasta que Gunderson lo contó.
And the old white man who saved Gunderson from death at the hands of the negritoes was the doctor who had accompanied Dr. Frederick Dierdorf's ill-fated expedition.
Y el viejo hombre blanco... que salvó a Gunderson de la muerte a manos de negroides... era el Dr. que acompaño la expedición desdichada de doctor Frederick Dierdorf.
This box contains Dr. Frederick Dierdorf's personal diary given to Gunderson by his rescuer.
A eso iba, esta caja contiene el diario personal del Dr. Frederick Dierdorf... considerando a Gunderson como su salvador.
Gunderson is dead.
Gunderson está muerto.
Ask him about the old white man who gave the diary to Gunderson.
Pregúntele sobre el viejo hombre blanco que dio el diario a Gunderson.
Well, then Gunderson got back alive?
¿ Bien, entonces Gunderson regresó vivo?
I was afraid to entrust them to Gunderson.
Yo tuve miedo de confiárselas a Gunderson.
Arise, Mr. Gunderson.
Hola, señor Gunderson.
Mr. Gunderson introduced us,
El Sr. Gunderson nos presentó "
Mr. Gunderson introduced us.
El Sr. Gunderson nos presentó.
Yeah, I'm Buzz Gunderson.
Sí, yo soy Buzz Gunderson.
I'm Mr. Gunderson's personal representative.
Soy el representante del Sr. Gunderson.
Mr. Gunderson is the owner of the Mary Deare.
El Sr. Gunderson es el propietario del Mary Deare.
Mr. Gunderson owns that, too.
También es el dueño de la compañía.
Mr. Gunderson has a great many friends in the shipping business.
El Sr. Gunderson tiene muchísimos amigos en la industria naval.
This Mr. Gunderson is losing a chance for a nice profit.
El Sr. Gunderson se está perdiendo una buena ganancia.
Well, she's owned by Gunderson, and she was on her way to Red China.
Es Gunderson, y el barco iba rumbo a la China comunista.
- Mr. Gunderson, I'd like to speak to you.
- Sr. Gunderson, quiero hablar con usted.
Gunderson must have the salvage men working around the clock.
Gunderson los tiene trabajando las 24 horas del día.
For the D.A.'s office, Assistant District Attorney Bell, and detective Lieutenant Gunderson.
Representan a la fiscalía el fiscal auxiliar Bell y el teniente Gunderson, de la policía.
¡ Gunderson!
- Gunderson.
- Gunderson.
This is Lieutenant Gunderson.
ÉI es el teniente Gunderson.
Gunderson told us.
Gunderson nos contó.
Stop making jokes, Gunderson.
Deja de hacer bromas, Gunderson.
Gunderson, sir, and there's a woman in the hospital.
- Gunderson... y hay una mujer en el hospital.
Gunderson, check the radar range.
Gunderson, chequee el radar.
Gunderson, let me know when you get anything.
Gunderson, hazme saber si ves algo.
Along with Martin, Dutch Gunderson, Lana and Sally Decker.
Junto con Martin, Dutch Gunderson, Lana y Sally Decker.
What do you know about Dutch Gunderson?
¿ Qué sabes sobre Holandés Gunderson?
Just picked up Dutch Gunderson.
Acabo de detener a Holandés Gunderson.
If Gunderson wants to run a protection racket, from now on he's gonna have to do it in the Statesville Prison.
Si Gunderson quiere dirigir una red de chantaje, a partir de ahora va a tener que hacerlo en la prisión.
Up there along with Sally Decker and Martin and Gunderson.
Junto a Sally Decker y Martin Y Gunderson.
mickey : What did Gunderson want, for Pete's sake?
¿ Qué quiere Gunderson, por Dios?
- That's not Mr. Gunderson's fault.
- Eso no es culpa del Sr. Gunderson.
We don't want another Victor Gunderson incident.
No queremos otro incidente como el de Victor Gunderson.
We had a similar situation back in St Olaf, with Mrs Gunderson, our grade-school teacher.
En St. Olaf se dio una situación parecida con la Sra. Gunderson, la profesora de primaria.
Mrs Gunderson was a sweet woman, but she just couldn't do the job any more.
La Sra. Gunderson era encantadora, pero ya no podia hacer su trabajo.
Gunderson did design it.
Gunderson lo diseñó.
I'd like you to meet my fiancee, Baby Gunderson.
Quiero que conozcan a mi prometida, Baby Gunderson.
Baby Gunderson's an improvement.
Baby Gunderson es una evolución.
Baby Gunderson's been sweeping the same spot for about 20 minutes here.
Baby Gunderson lleva barriendo el mismo lugar 20 minutos.
Baby Gunderson.
Baby Gunderson. Pobrecita.
No one panic. Baby Gunderson, if you wouldn't mind.
Baby Gunderson, por favor.
I'm Mrs. Gunderson.
Soy la Sra. Gunderson.
Yep. You sure do, Mrs. Gunderson.
Sí, por supuesto, Sra. Gunderson.
Yeah, this is Marge Gunderson from up Brainerd. We spoke.
Sí, soy Marge Gunderson de Brainerd.
My name's Marge Gunderson.
Soy Marge Gunderson.
Mr. Gunderson, look at me.
Señor Gunderson, míreme.

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