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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / Hanks

Hanks Çeviri İspanyolca

435 parallel translation
You know, my mother, Nancy Hanks, would be just about your age if she was alive.
¿ Sabe qué? Mi madre, Nancy Hanks, tendría más o menos su edad, si viviese.
To one whose name was Nancy Hanks Tell me!
- Una mujer llamada Nancy Hanks - ¡ Dime!
From the flag, Nancy Hanks.
Desde el buque insignia, Nancy Hanks.
Call the flag, see if they're on the Nancy Hanks, Smitty.
Llama al buque insignia. Ve si están en la Nancy Hanks, Smitty.
- The kleinsmith is on the Nancy Hanks now, sir.
Están allí, señor.
If Hanks on his feet, have him make torches out of the waste from the journal boxes.
Si Hank está bien, dile que haga antorchas con las cajas de periódicos.
Robbins, you better call the airport police and get them over here.
¿ Monte Hanks?
No, she came in right on the button. She followed my signal up the ramp. She stopped right on the mark where i told her to.
de este Monte Hanks tuvo 87 carreras y se robo 31 bases.
Are you trying to tell us this is an illusion?
Sound, Glenn Anderson Franklin Milton And Lloyd Hanks, Thanks
Sonido de Glenn Anderson. Franklin Milton y Lloyd Hanks. Gracias
Ginnie Hanks, prettiest girl I ever saw. And you know something?
Ginnie Hanks, la chica más bonita que alguna vez vi. ¿ Y sabes algo?
¿ O'Hanks?
¡ Hanks!
"Your friend, Ginnie Hanks."
"Tu amiga, Ginnie Hanks."
Timmy Hanks, Vincent Haloy, and Lou Range.
Timmy Hanks, Vincent Haloy y Lou Range.
Our next skater up is going to be Timmy Hanks...
Nuestro próximo patinador será Timmy Hanks...
T hanks.
T madejas
This pen is chained down. Woman : Mr. Hanks,
Ven más cerca, la cadena de la lapicera es demasiado corta.
Yeah. Listen, there's a woman here, Selma Hanks, who died here after she overdosed on sleeping pills.
Escucha, hay... hay una mujer aquí, Selma Hanks, que murió por una sobredosis de pastillas para dormir.
Selma Hanks, the woman on life-support, where is it?
Selma Hanks, la mujer en vida vegetativa, ¿ dónde está?
The party's Hanks.
Se trata de Hanks.
Tom Hanks.
Tom Hanks.
Tom Hanks?
¿ Tom Hanks?
After me, you're picking up Tom Hanks?
¿ Después de mí, va a buscar a Tom Hanks?
And Mr. Tom Hanks -
Y el Sr. Tom Hanks...
You don't have to be threatened by this man's presence in it... part of it because little Tommy Hanks is playing the role.
No tiene que sentirse amenazado por la presencia de este hombre, en parte porque el pequeño Tom Hanks está interpretando el papel.
She told me her story on the way home like a sinner who wanted to confess.
Por el camino me contó su historia... Se llamaba Ruby Hanks.
Her name was Ruby Hanks from Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Era de Lake Charles, Luisiana.
Dr. Hanks is sorry it's taking so long.
El Dr. Hanks lamenta estar tardando tanto.
Did Sam Hanks order this search?
- ¿ Lo ha ordenado Sam Hanks?
Robert De Niro, Tom Hanks.
Robert De Niro, Tom Hanks.
Maybe on the Tom Hanks / Harrison Ford idealistic side... -... but solid like a rock.
Quizás como Tom Hanks o Harrison Ford, algo idealista pero resistente.
Who the hell cast Tom Hanks in this?
¿ Quien mierda puso a Tom Hanks en esto?
Tom Hanks can't act his way out of a nutsack.
Tom Hanks no actúa mejor que una bolsa de nueces.
hanks, Mike.
Gracias, Mike.
hanks, Doc.
Gracias, doctor.
Get my door just as fast as you get Tom Hanks'!
¡ Abre la puerta tan rápido como si se la abrieras a Tom Hanks!
He's kind, he's funny... he's self-effacing, he's Jimmy Stewart meets Tom Hanks.
Amable, gracioso, discreto una mezcla de Jimmy Stewart y Tom Hanks.
I'm just saying everyone casts Tom Hanks, you know?
Siempre buscan a Tom Hanks, ¿ no?
Tom Hanks, that's it.
Tom Hanks, ése es.
Funny guy, Tom Hanks.
Un tipo gracioso ese Tom Hanks.
Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan.
Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan.
Remember that Tom Hanks movie where he managed the girls'team?
¿ Te acuerdas de la peli de Tom Hanks en la que entrenaba un equipo femenino?
Lieutenant Hanks.
Lieutenant Commander Hanks. Pleased to meet you.
Teniente Mayor Hanks.
- Captain Hanks.
- Cap. Hanks.
Captain Hanks is the senior officer of the Personnel Policy Control Board at the Pentagon.
Hanks es el oficial mayor de la Junta de Control del Pentágono.
Harrison Ford... [Applause] Denzel Washington...
Harrison Ford... Denzel Washington... Robert DeNiro... Tom Hanks... Howard Stern. Y el ganador es...

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