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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / Hartley

Hartley Çeviri İspanyolca

610 parallel translation
This is Hartley.
Éste es Hartley.
Captain Hartley, it's your job to make soldiers out of these Filipinos if you have to work them 24 hours a day.
Capitán Hartley... debe hacer de estos filipinos soldados... aunque deba trabajar con ellos las 24 horas.
This is Mrs. Manning and Captain Hartley's daughter, Miss Linda Hartley.
La Sra. Manning y la hija del Cap. Hartley, la Srta. Linda Hartley.
- But, George, where's Captain Hartley?
- George, ¿ dónde está el capitán Hartley?
How long do you expect to stay, Miss Hartley?
¿ Cuánto tiempo se quedará, Srta. Hartley?
I'd like to show you my orchids sometime, Miss Hartley.
Quisiera mostrarle mis orquídeas, Srta. Hartley.
Well, here you are, Miss Hartley.
Ya llegamos, Srta. Hartley.
Excuse me, Miss Hartley.
Disculpe, Srta. Hartley.
Hartley says round them up.
Hartley dice que los reúna a todos.
All right, Bill, but you tell Hartley.
Está bien, Bill, pero avísale a Hartley.
Alipang sending juramentado to kill Hartley.
Alipang enviará a un fanático a matar a Hartley.
Hartley's given strict orders.
Hartley dio órdenes estrictas.
We think maybe you speak to Captain Hartley.
Creemos que debería hablar con el capitán Hartley.
Captain Hartley, now's your chance.
Capitán Hartley, ésta es su oportunidad.
Captain Hartley's given me orders to dynamite the dam.
El capitán Hartley me ordenó dinamitar el dique.
Where's Captain Hartley?
¿ Dónde está Hartley?
- Cassie Hartley.
- Cassie Hartley.
Oh, this is Cassie Hartley.
Te presento a Cassie Hartley.
- Mrs. Carlsen, this is Cassie Hartley.
- Sra. Carlsen, Cassie Hartley.
Your friend Miss Hartley, she's very nice.
Tu amiga, la Srta. Hartley, es muy agradable.
You must apologize to Miss Hartley for me.
Discúlpate de mi parte.
Miss Hartley, you say that you and Mr. Fabrini have been in love, plan to be married.
Srta. Hartley, usted y Fabrini se amaban y deseaban casarse.
Colonel Hartley of the British Foreign Office.
El coronel Hartley, del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Británico.
Well, I hadn't told you girls, but with Colonel Hartley's help...
No se lo había dicho, pero con la ayuda del coronel Hartley...
Colonel Hartley.
Coronel Hartley.
Sir Hartley Mingies will conduct in his place.
Ocupará su lugar sir Hartley Mingies.
Here comes Sir Hartley Mingies now.
Aquí llega sir Hartley.
Not after that crack that they're responsible for the Taft-Hartley Law.
No después de que son responsables para la Ley de Taft-Hartley.
I'd like you to meet Mr. Hartley of Detroit.
Te presento al Sr. Hartley de Detroit.
Dora Hartley.
Dora Hartley.
Most merciful Father, who has been pleased to take unto Thyself the soul of this, thy servant, Dora Hartley, grant unto us, who are still in our pilgrimage, who walk as yet by faith,
OH Padre misericordioso, que ha estado con nosotros, cuide Del alma de esta pobre mujer, Dora Hartley. Conceda lo mismo para nosotros, Que estamos aún en nuestra peregrinación, para que caminemos aún con fe,
If Dora Hartley could speak from the grave, she'd tell you.
Si Dora Hartley pudiese hablar Desde su tumba, ella le diría.
Now, you will note there, sir, that this is The State v. Hadley Murdoch and a number of John Does, all of whom comprise a political machine known as the Murdoch Gang.
Se dará cuenta... que esta es la cláusula e que Hartley Murdock y otros hombres... están envueltos en la máquina política.
The major. Major Hartley?
El comandante El comandante Hartley?
Do you remember Major Hartley?
Te acuerdas del Comandante Hartley?
Major Hartley.
El Comandante Hartley.
Michael George Hartley this is a nasty, dark little room.
Michael George Hartley este lugar es oscuro y asqueroso.
Would you care for one of Corporal Hartley's cigarettes?
¿ Un cigarrillo del cabo Hartley?
Michael George Hartley, you're a philosopher.
Michael George Hartley, eres un filósofo.
And if industry is so hellbent to invoke Taft / Hartley, any support they get from me will have to get flogged out.
Y si la industria se acoge a la ley Taft-Hartley... no obtendrán apoyo por mi parte.
This is sheriff hartley.
Soy el sheriff Hartley.
I'd set up a meeting with sheriff hartley in carmel
Tenía una cita con el sheriff Hartley en Carmel.
When I pulled up in front of hartley's office, The sky had begun to clear And the sun was breaking through.
Cuando me detuve frente a la oficina de Hartley el cielo empieza a despejarse y el sol volvía a aparecer.
Look, hartley, what more do you need?
Mire, Hartley. ¿ Qué más necesita?
Sheriff hartley wants me to Make a full statement at his office this afternoon.
El Sheriff Hartley quiere que yo haga una declaración esta tarde en su oficina.
I tried to explain it all to sheriff hartley. But he couldn't accept it.
Traté de explicarle todo al sheriff Hartley pero él no pudo entenderlo
Mark Hartley!
Mark Hartley!
My name isn't really Hartley, you see.
no me Hartley.
My name is Mark Hartley, and oy, am I a good Christian!
YO soy Mark Hartley y yo soy un devoto cristiano.
Hartley. Mark Hartley.
Hartley, Mark Hartley.
Dora Hartley was pretty good proof.
Dora Hartley era una buena prueba.

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