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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / Have you seen this man

Have you seen this man Çeviri İspanyolca

286 parallel translation
- This way, sir. Have you seen this man around here before?
¿ Habías visto alguna vez a este hombre?
- Have you seen this man?
- ¿ Habéis visto a ese señor?
Have you seen this man around here anywhere?
¿ Han visto a este hombre por aquí?
How many times have you seen this man?
¿ Cuántas veces ha visto a este hombre?
Have you seen this man
¿ Lo conoce?
Have you seen this man here before?
¿ Conoce a este hombre?
Have you seen this man?
Habéis visto a este hombre?
Have you seen this man while you were with us?
¿ Has visto a ese hombre mientras estabas con nosotros?
Have you seen this man?
¿ Lo han visto?
Have you seen this man?
¿ Ha visto a este hombre?
Have you seen this man?
¿ Ha visto usted este hombre?
Have you seen this man or picked up any hitchhikers?
¿ Vio a este hombre, o alguien le pidió un viaje?
Have you seen this man?
¿ Has visto a este hombre?
Have you seen this man recently?
¿ Has visto a este hombre últimamente?
Have you seen this man before?
Nunca vio a este hombre?
- Have you seen this man?
- ¿ Ha visto a este hombre?
Have any of you seen this account of the man... who jumped off the Eiffel Tower last night and picked himself up unhurt?
¿ Alguno de Uds. Leyó la noticia de este hombre... que saltó de la Torre Eiffel anoche y se levantó del suelo tan fresco?
Hey, have you seen a man running this way?
¿ Has visto a uno huyendo?
Have you seen, baby? You cannot keep your mouth closed with a man like this.
Lo está viendo usted mejita por más que uno quiera callar su boca no se buede con un hombre así.
Now, isn't it a fact, Mr. Taylor, that you were knocked unconscious by this man before the fatal blow was struck and that you couldn't possibly have seen the blow that caused the death of the victim?
¿ No es más cierto, Sr. Taylor, que le dejó inconsciente... tras darle un fuerte puñetazo... y que no pudo ver el golpe... que causó la muerte a la víctima?
- You saw this man? - Who? - You should have seen him.
Querido, ¿ tardarás mucho?
Have you ever seen this man?
¿ Ha visto alguna vez a este hombre?
Have you ever seen this man before?
¿ Ha visto antes a este hombre?
Good people of Piedras, you have seen this man who brings us now to the mass, but you did not know who he was, what he was.
Mis buenas gentes de Piedras,... ustedes han visto al hombre que nos ha traido a misa,... pero no saben quien es, ni lo que es.
This night one man sneaked in here Have you seen him?
Esta noche vino un hombre aquí, ¿ lo ha visto?
- Have you seen this man?
- ¿ Lo habéis visto?
Have you ever seen this man?
¿ Ha visto antes a este hombre?
Have you seen a young man this high, with moustache, his name is Vincenzo?
¿ Ha visto un joven así de alto, con bigote, que se llama Vincenzo?
Have you seen this, uh, "good man" since he threatened to kill you?
¿ Ha visto a ese... buen hombre... desde que la amenazó de muerte?
If you have seen this man, contact the police immediately.
Si ha visto a este hombre, llame a la policía inmediatamente.
There is no way in the world that you could have assumed that this man... this witness was blind unless, of course... you had seen this man that day.
No hay forma de que pueda suponer que este hombre este testigo era ciego, a menos que, por supuesto hubiera visto a este hombre ese día.
Have you ever seen this man before?
¿ Alguna vez has visto a este hombre antes?
Have you, uh, seen this man?
¿ Ha visto a este hombre?
- Have you ever seen this man before?
- ¿ Había visto antes a este hombre?
But you've seen more of this man, have you not?
Pero, ha visto a este hombre más veces, ¿ no?
Have you seen a man carrying a fan like this?
Amigo, ¿ Has visto a alguien llevar un abanico similar?
Have you ever seen this man?
- ¿ Conoce a este hombre?
Tell me, have you seen this young man?
Dígame, ¿ ha visto alguna vez a este joven en su casa?
This man, and this man. Have you seen them?
Este hombre y este hombre. ¿ Los ha visto?
Have you seen this man before?
Intenta recordar.
Have you ever seen this man?
Dime si conoces a este hombre.
Have you ever seen this man?
¿ Conoce a este hombre?
So none of you guys have ever seen this man?
¿ Ninguno de sus muchachos a visto a este hombre?
This man... Have you ever seen him before?
Este hombre, lo ha visto alguna vez?
Have you ever seen a man with this kind of incredible, irresistible magnetism to the opposite sex?
¿ Habías visto un hombre con esa clase de... magnetismo irresistible para el sexo opuesto?
Have you ever seen this man?
¿ Alguna vez habías visto a este hombre?
Mrs Reardon, have you ever seen this man before?
Sra. Reardon, ¿ ha visto a este hombre alguna vez?
Right now, in fact, is the first time you have ever seen this man.
En este momento es la primera vez que lo ve. ¡ Mírelo!
You have never before seen this man?
¿ jamas ha visto a este hombre?
Excuse me. Have either of you seen this man?
Disculpen, ¿ alguno de ustedes ha visto a este hombre?
We believe this man is in danger. Have you seen him here?
Creemos que este hombre está en peligro. ¿ Lo ha visto aquí?

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