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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / He's not answering

He's not answering Çeviri İspanyolca

685 parallel translation
As Kang Hyun Min's cell phone is still turned on, I was going to ask Yoon Gye Sang's help, thinking he might answer to his call, but Gye Sang ssi isn't not answering my call.
El teléfono de Kang está encendido... así que intenté llamar a Yoon Gye Sang para que llamara a Kang... pero no respondió.
I've tried, but it's either busy or he's not answering.
He probado, pero o bien está ocupado o no responde.
He's not answering his phone.
No contesta al teléfono.
Damn, he's not even answering!
¡ Este no contesta!
He's not answering?
¿ No contesta...?
The receiver's on and working... but he's not answering.
El receptor está encendido y funciona... pero no contesta.
He's not answering the phone.
No contesta el teléfono.
- He's not answering.
- No contesta.
But he's not answering, you are!
- Pero no responde él sino usted.
I'm sorry. He's still not answering.
No contesta.
He's not answering.
No responde.
He's not answering.
No contesta.
He's not answering his cell.
No contesta el teléfono.
He said he was going home. But if he's there, he's not answering his phone.
Dijo que se iba a casa, pero si está ahí, no contesta el teléfono.
He's not answering.
Él no está contestando.
He's not answering questions today.
Él no va a contestar preguntas hoy.
- He's not answering.
- No ha contestado.
He's just not answering.
No contesta.
- He's not answering his link.
- No contesta en su comunicador.
He's still not answering.
Sigue sin contestar.
Diaz isn't doing to admit he's taking money from Cali. If you can get him not answering the question, then you've told the story.
Díaz no admitirá que acepta dinero de Cali, si no contesta la pregunta en cámara, entonces contaste la historia.
- He's not answering his pages.
- No responde a su bíper.
He's off the force if he does not start answering questions.
Él queda fuera de la fuerza si no comienza a responder las preguntas.
He's not answering.
Por favor, dígale que su hijo llamó y que... No contesta, ¿ desea dejar un mensaje?
How come he's not answering?
¿ Por qué no contesta?
" He's not answering.
- No contesta. - Estará ocupado.
I don't know why he's not answering.
No sé por qué no contesta.
Colonel O'Neill, Dr. Jackson was supposed to briefing SG - 4 this morning,... he's not here and he's not answering our pages.
El Dr.Jackson nos iba a informar sobre el SG-4 por la mañana. No está y no contesta nuestras llamadas.
He's not at home and he's not answering his pager.
No está en casa y no responde a los mensajes.
- I'm afraid he's not answering.
- Me temo que no está contestando.
- I left Squeaky in the engine room and he's not answering, so get the hell down there.
Y no responde.
He's not answering.
No está contestando.
How come he's not answering?
porque no contesta?
Dude didn't come to work today, and he's not answering his phone.
No ha venido a trabajar ni coge el teléfono.
I want to be satisfied that he is not under anybody's influence or control while he's answering.
Quisiera estar segura de que no está bajo... la influencia ni el control de nadie mientras responde.
He's not answering today either.
Hoy tampoco responde.
He's not answering right now.
Ahora no contesta.
He's still not answering his pages.
Le he estado llamando al busca.
He's not answering his cell or his pager.
No responde al móvil ni al busca.
He's not answering.
- No responde.
He's not even left his answering machine on.
Ni siquiera dejó la contestadora.
I've been calling all morning but he's not answering.
Estuve llamando toda la mañana pero él no contestó.
He's not answering.
- ¿ Sigue sin contestar?
He's not answering and I know he's with you.
No contesta su celular y sé que está contigo.
He's not answering his page.
- No contesta el busca
Yes. Well, he's not answering his cell phone.
Lo sé, pero tampoco contesta el móvil.
I've been signaling his comms, but he's not answering.
He estado enviando señales a su comunicador, pero no contesta
Peter's parents are here, he's not answering his page.
Los padres de Peter están aquí, no está respondiendo a las llamadas.
He's not answering his phone.
No contesta su teléfono.
He's not answering.
No está respondiendo.
Dude didn't come to work today, and he's not answering his phone.
Hoy no fue a su trabajo y no contesta su teléfono.

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