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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / He can't help it

He can't help it Çeviri İspanyolca

338 parallel translation
But the only joy she has is pretending that he ain't. You're not going to stop her doing that if I can help it!
Pero su única alegría es fingir que no lo está y usted no se lo impedirá si de mí depende.
Now he can't help, but see it.
Así seguro que lo ve.
It isn't because he's in the theater or because he's important and can help me just as I can help him to do my best and his best.
- No es porque se dedique al teatro, ni porque sea importante y pueda ayudarme igual que puedo ayudarle yo a dar lo mejor de nosotros.
- I can't help it.
- No he podido.
He can't help it.
No puede evitarlo.
I can only tell you that he needs help. If it isn't too late.
sólo puedo decir que necesita ayuda, si no es demasiado tarde.
You can't help it if he was ofty enough to slug Chuck.
Qué le vas a hacer si fue tan tonto como para pegarle a Chuck.
I don't know what's kept him going, but he's not going to have a shock if I can help it.
No sé qué lo mantiene con vida, pero no puede llevarse ninguna impresión. Perdón.
But I've told you I love Lewis and I can't help it.
Pero ya te he dicho que amo a Lewis y no puedo evitarlo.
I can't help it. I just don't like him.
Que ya te lo he dicho, que no puedo ayudarte
I can't help it if he is with the OPA.
No puedo evitarlo si está con la OPA.
- He can't help it He's in trouble
No puede evitarlo, está en problemas.
- Let me tell you some - - Well, he can't help it.
No puede evitarlo.
He can't help an old lady cross the street without making it look like an arrest.
No puede ni ayudar a una anciana a cruzar la calle sin conseguir que no parezca un arresto.
He wouldn't say how long he might be, but it stands to reason, his time being valuable, he won't be longer than he can help.
No dijo lo que tardaría, pero dado que su tiempo es valioso será poco.
He just can't help it.
No puede evitarlo.
He knows it's wrong, but he can't help himself.
Él sabe que está mal, pero no puede evitarlo.
A stallion won't run his mares hard if he can help it.
Un semental intenta no hacer correr demasiado a su yegua.
Madeleine, help him. He can't do it alone.
Madeleine, ayúdele, no podrá solo.
he can invent it. Justice is slow, he said, but he didn't tell you that she's often blind and misses the target, when we don't come and help her.
La justicia es lenta, ha dicho, mas no ha dicho que a veces es ciega y da pasos en falso, cuando no se va en su ayuda.
If a fellow falls, well, he can't help it, can he?
No tengo la culpa de que me guste.
He can't help seeing it.
¡ Va a toda prisa!
I can't help it. I can feel it, he's mine.
- No puedo evitarlo, puedo sentirlo, es mío.
He can't always help it.
No siempre es posible.
Mother, can't you take a chance on it? You want me to help them?
Mamá, yo lo he traído y asumiré los riesgos,... porqué sólo yo puedo ayudarle.
He has to keep up, he can't help it.
Tiene que seguir el ritmo, no puede evitarlo.
He can't really help it, you know.
No puede evitar ser así.
- He can't help it.
- No puede evitarlo.
This one understands you, but still he can't help it.
Ves, éste te conoce. Y aun así, no puede evitarlo.
I should have neither hatred nor affection for anyone, and yet, I'm fond of you. I can't help it.
La verdad es que no debería sentir afecto ni odio por nadie y, sin embargo te he cogido cariño.
He couldn't help it any more than you can.
Como mi padre. Ni pudo él, ni tú.
I can't help it if he's in love with Brett. But I do think he could behave like a man. Don't you?
No puedo hacer nada si está enamorado de Brett pero creo que podría portarse como un hombre.
Not if I can help it, he won't.
No si yo puedo evitarlo.
I'm here because I'm trying very hard to be fair to your husband, to give him every chance, but I can't do it alone. I need help.
He venido porque busco por todos los medios ser justo con su esposo darle oportunidades, pero no puedo hacerlo solo, ayúdeme.
You can help me. Tom, i told you, don't do it.
Tom, ya te he dicho que no lo hagas.
It might be a hard solo, but I can't help laughing when he hits a false note.
Puede que sea un solo difícil, pero no puedo evitar reírme cuando desafina.
Sergeant King, he ain't gonna miss no inspection if he can help it.
Sargento King no se perderá la inspección si puede evitarlo.
He can't help it, then.
No puedo ayudarle
He can't help it if he's a bright man.
No puede evitar ser inteligente.
As you can see, he's growing impatient, and I don't like it, because I promised to help him and I always keep my promises.
Se está impacientando y eso me molesta. He prometido ayudarle y yo cumplo mis promesas.
Look, I can't help that. If he'd try it once, he could try again.
No puedo evitarlo, puede que lo intenten de nuevo.
I've tried to hide it but I can't help myself any more.
He tratado de esconderlo pero no puedo más.
Anyway, it's all right for you lot but I've done time and I don't mean to do any more if I can help it.
Haced lo que queráis, pero yo ya he estado encerrado, y pretendo no volver a estarlo si es que puedo evitarlo.
He wants this boat blown up. I can't help it if he's on board.
Burden quiere que volemos el barco.
He can't help havin a hideous great hooter... and the poor little head tremblin'under the weight of it.
No es culpa suya tener ese trompetón. Al pobre le tiembla la cabeza por el peso.
He said, "It may not help, but it can't hurt."
Me dijo "Quizás no sirva de mucho pero tampoco me hará mal".
Look at him : he had a lot of money once Now he's broke, and won't leave the country that way of he can help it
Mire : tuvo un montón de dinero hace tiempo y ahora... está arruinado, y no saldrá del país hasta que pueda hacer algo.
We can't help it if he's square. Huh, Drag?
No tenemos la culpa de que sea tonto, ¿ verdad, Drag?
I agree - he can't help it.
Estoy de acuerdo, no lo puede ayudar.
The poor dog, he can't help it.
Pobre perro. No podemos ayudarle.
He can't help it. - Totally wrong. He can't help it.
Pero no es su culpa.

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