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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / He doesn't know me

He doesn't know me Çeviri İspanyolca

887 parallel translation
If he doesn't, I might as well know it now.
Si no, me da lo mismo saberlo ahora.
But I, believe me... if a man doesn't know death, he doesn't know life.
Pero, créanme, si un hombre no conoce la muerte, no conoce la vida.
I know he doesn't want me to work as a geisha.
Sé que no quiere que trabaje como geisha.
She doesn't even know I'm gone.
Ni siquiera sabe que me he ido.
He doesn't know about us.
Me paseo por su casa todas las noches.
He doesn't want me to speak of it to you, but you may as well know.
No quiere que hable contigo al respecto, pero también puedes saber.
tell the hereditary prince of Bayreuth if he thinks he has to pretend to be drunk to tell me the truth... then he still doesn't know his father-in-law, the king of Prussia.
Decidle al Príncipe heredero de Bayreuth... que si piensa que tiene que fingir estar borracho para decirme la verdad entonces es que todavía no conoce a su suegro, el Rey de Prusia.
I'm certain his majesty had only been thinking of your own good he couldn't have because he doesn't know me he couldn't possibly know me, living in a world of his own is that so?
Su Majestad piensa con ello ciertamente sólo en su bien. ¡ No puede! ¡ Porque no me conoce!
he doesn't know you because I don't like his musical books and his flute playing and what about my world?
¡ Porque no me conocéis! ¡ Porque no me gustan vuestros libros de música ni vuestras flautas...! ¿ Y mi mundo?
He doesn't even know I left him.
Ni siquiera notó que me fui.
Mummy doesn't like any other man except Father you know how happy she was with him, how he spoilt her, carried her on his hands she told me herself the other day that she'd never fall in love with another man
¡ Ni hablar! A Mamá no le gusta ningún otro hombre, aparte de papá. Sabes lo feliz que era con él, cómo la mimaba, la llevaba en sus manos...
Seems he doesn't know me.
Parece que no me conociera.
Doesn't he know anything yet? Tell me.
¿ No sabe nada todavía?
I know you feel that I've failed you in certain ways, but it doesn't seem to me that you've done much to help.
Bueno, tú sientes que te he fallado, pero no has hecho nada por ayudar.
He's an old friend who doesn't know what I've become.
Me conoció en otra época. No sabe en lo que me he convertido.
With me? But he doesn't even know me!
¡ Pero si no me conoce!
I hardly know him, papuchka that person has been following me for months he doesn't leave me in peace for a minute
¡ Ni siquiera lo conozco, papuchka! ¡ Me persigue hace meses! ¡ No me deja en paz ni un minuto!
" Invites me to dinner when he doesn't even know me
" Es un hombre amable y decente, que me invita a cenar aunque no me conoce.
And I'm so changed, he doesn't know me.
Y estoy tan cambiada que ni me reconoce.
He doesn't know about me.
- Él no sabe lo mío.
Don't tell me he doesn't even know your name!
¡ No me diga que no sabe su nombre!
- You mean he doesn't know it?
- Me casé con éI. - ¿ Que hiciste qué?
Me temo que le has inquietado, Henry.
He goes to school with me for years and now he doesn't know what ethyl chloride is.
Ha ido a la escuela conmigo durante años y ahora no sabe lo que es el cloruro de etilo.
Charlie, the fellow I ´ m with... he doesn ´ t know about me, and I ´ d appreciate it very much... you know, if you wouldn ´ t- -
Charlie, el señor con el que estoy... no sabe nada de mí y te agradecería muchísimo... ya sabes, que tú no...
- No, he doesn't know I'm me.
- No, no sabe que soy yo.
He doesn't want to see me because he's lost his leg and he doesn't even want me to know it's happened till he gets a new leg and learns how to use it.
No quiere verme porque ha perdido una pierna y él no quiere que yo lo sepa antes de que tenga una nueva pierna y pueda manejarse con ella.
The type to which I sold them to him he / she doesn't know me of anything.
El tipo al que se los vendí no me conoce de nada.
Because I know he doesn't want to hurt me..
Porque sé que no me quiere dar disgustos.
He suspects me of having worn my garter a little loosely. But he doesn't know yet that I lost it to a certain Monsieur Vidocq.
Sospecha que fui un poco ligera con la liga, pero no sabe que la perdí por culpa del Sr. Vidocq.
Would you mind calling him? He doesn't know me.
¿ Le importaría llamarlo?
That woman saying he wanted to get rid of me, she doesn't know a thing about love.
Esa mujer dijo que él quería deshacerse de mí. Ella no sabe lo que es el amor.
I don ´ t know what it is, but he just doesn ´ t like me.
No sé de qué se trata. Pero creo que yo no le gusto nada.
I couldn't know what your profession is, but I'm not a bricklayer either, but the roof doesn't leak over my bed.
Cierto, ignoro cuál es tu profesión, pero yo, sin ser albañil, me he arreglado bastante bien.
My father doesn't know that we fled. - Yes, he knows! Go meet him, tell him that I ran away to not marry him.
Dile que escapé para no casarme, que tú me seguiste y trataste de convencerme para que me quedara... dile lo que quieras pero ¡ vete!
And he doesn't even know me.
Y ni siquiera me conoce.
You know I'm sorry for Chester he doesn't seem to be able to stand up to things like the others
Me da lástima Chester. - No asimila su estado.
He doesn't know me, nor even what I look like.
No me conoce, no sabe ni como soy.
Of course he doesn't know me
Lógico, que no me conoce.
He doesn't know me, she doesn't know me, nobody knows me.
Él no me conoce, ella no me conoce, nadie me conoce.
And Papa is always so busy. He doesn't even know me.
Solo te tengo a ti, Fausto.
Listen, he doesn't know a thing about either Rosa or me.
Escucha, él no sabe nada ni de Rosa ni de mí. ¡ Nada!
He doesn't know me. He'll be disappointed.
No me conoce, seguro que no le gustaré.
Half the time he doesn't know I'm there... and the other half he's worried I'll make a mistake.
La mitad del tiempo me ignora y la otra mitad teme que me equivoque.
They ought to know by now he doesn't want me, doesn't need me any more.
Deberían saber que él ya no me ama, no me necesita.
That policeman used to take French lessons with me, but he doesn't know one word!
Aquel guardia venía conmigo a clase de francés, no sabe ni una palabra.
You know, Fitz doesn't like me to kill them, but I do when he's out of the room.
Fitz no me deja matarIas. Cuando no me ve, Ias mato.
He loves me. He doesn't know you forced me to ride away, and I'm going to tell him.
No sabe que usted me obligó a irme, y se lo voy a decir.
He doesn't know about me, does he, Nicky?
No sabe nada de mí, ¿ verdad, Nicky?
He doesn't know me from Adam.
Tampoco me conoce tanto.
He asked me to give you this since he doesn't know your address
No sabe tu dirección. Así que me dio esto para ti.

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