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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / He doesn't mean it

He doesn't mean it Çeviri İspanyolca

708 parallel translation
Because he sees the sun today doesn't mean he'll see it tomorrow.
El que ha visto hoy el sol, ¿ lo verá de nuevo mañana?
He doesn't mean it.
No habla en serio.
Irene's mean she's just furious at me because I think Philip's so stupid he doesn't care what you think about him now stop it make peace shake hands well?
¡ Qué mala es Irene...! Está tan furiosa conmigo... porque encuentro a Philip tan estúpido. ¡ A él no le importa nada lo que pienses de él!
If you ran the wrong way once, it doesn't mean he's entitled to receive the white feathers of cowardice.
Si vas hacia el lado equivocado, eso no significa que tenga que recibir las cuatro plumas de la cobardía.
Money doesn't mean a thing to him... he never even thought of it
El dinero no significa nada para él. Ni siquiera pensó en eso!
Pierde la cabeza de vez en cuando, pero eso no significa nada.
Say, just because a guy takes off his shoes and socks to go wading, doesn't mean that he's planning to swim the Atlantic, does it?
Si un hombre se esfuerza por atravesar un riachuelo, No se atreverá a cruzar el Atlántico.
If all I've said doesn't mean anything to you then forget it and we'll make it just this :
Si lo que he dicho no significa nada para ti, olvídalo y lo dejamos así :
But I've always wanted a new way of life. Doesn't mean I can always get it.
Siempre he querido una nueva vida, pero no significa que pueda conseguirlo.
But it doesn't mean he gets home in 20 minutes.
Pero eso no quiere decir que vuelva a casa en 20 minutos.
Oh, I'm sure he doesn't mean it.
Estoy segura que no es intencional.
- You mean he doesn't know it?
- Me casé con éI. - ¿ Que hiciste qué?
You mean he doesn't know about it?
¿ Quieres decir que no lo sabe?
I mean, she's crazy about him, and he doesn't seem to mind it.
O sea, ella está loca por él. Y a él no parece importarle.
Because a chap becomes a ghost, it surely doesn't mean that he ceases to be a gentleman.
- Aunque seas un fantasma... ¿ No dejarás de ser un caballero?
AII the money and the glory that he gets through you doesn't mean a thing to you, does it?
Todo el dinero y la fama que él obtiene gracias a ti... no significa nada para ti... ¿ verdad?
He does mean it, doesn't he, Aunt Sissy?
Lo ha dicho en serio, ¿ verdad, tía Sissy?
He doesn't mean it that way, I'm sure.
Seguro que no quiso ofender.
He doesn't mean anything by it.
No implica nada con lo que dice.
When he told Claggett to open up the church it doesn't mean he'll put on a pair of white gloves and cuddle up to you in the front pew.
Cuando le dijo a Claggett que abriera la iglesia no quería decir que se pondría un par de guantes blancos y la abrazaría tiernamente en el primer asiento.
He doesn't really mean it.
No habla en serio.
He doesn't really mean it.
Realmente no lo dice en serio.
Just because a man has one perfect rose in his garden at home, it doesn't mean that he can't appreciate the flowers of the field.
No porque tenga una rosa perfecta en su jardín, un hombre tiene que dejar de apreciar las bellas flores silvestres.
If he doesn't want it, it'd mean it's because of you!
Si no quiere, será porque tú no quieres.
I said you could say it again. That doesn't mean you have to repeat it.
Te he dicho que puedes decirlo otra vez, no que lo repitas.
Perhaps it doesn't mean anything to him, as long as he gets paid.
Quizás no signifique nada para él, mientras siga cobrando
Maybe he did have some ideas. It doesn't mean that I shared them.
Tal vez con alguna pretensión, no me importa.
It doesn't mean he's drowned!
Será de algún ahogado.
I mean, maybe he doesn't mean it... but he acts like he does.
O sea, quizá no pero actúa como si lo dijera en serio.
- He doesn't really mean it.
- Lo dice por decir.
When I say I lost her, it doesn't mean she's dead.
Y si la he perdido, ¿ quiere decir que ha muerto?
Len, he doesn't mean it.
Len, él no tuvo la intención.
I didn't mean it. Doesn't he know?
No era mi intención. ¿ Lo sabe?
It doesn't mean he can't be many other things too.
Eso no impide llamarle otras cosas.
He doesn't mean it's bad or anything
No quiere decir que sea malo ni nada por el estilo.
He doesn't mean it.
Él no se refiere a eso.
He doesn't mean it.
Pero no lo decía en serio.
It doesn't mean he'll do it again!
¡ Eso no significa que lo haga de nuevo!
Listen, mam, I wish you'd tell him... he really doesn't think that he's guilty, and he should keep it to himself, you see what I mean?
Ojalá se lo explicases. Si realmente no cree ser culpable, debería callarse.
He doesn't mean anything with that chip on his shoulder. It's just his way of fighting everybody because he can't cure the patients.
Habla así porque no es capaz de curar a los pacientes.
- He doesn't mean to do it.
- Él no lo dice en serio.
Surrounded by an atmosphere so phony you can smell it from a mile away, the brave Achilles performs a kind of painting that he defines as "stomatic", which, in spite of what we see, doesn't mean stomach sickening,
Rodeado de una atmósfera tan falsa que se la puede sentir a una milla de distancia, El aventurero Achilles realiza una especie de pintura que el define como pintura "estomacal", que a pesar de lo que se ve, no significa "nauseas de estómago"
He doesn't mean it.
A él no le importa.
He doesn't mean it.
No Io dice en serio.
It kinda looks like him, doesn't it? Like he sounds I mean. Sort of mysterious.
Por la forma en que sonaba algo misterioso.
It doesn't mean I know who he is.
Pero eso no implica que lo conozca.
It was posted in Rome, but that doesn't mean to say that he posted it!
Fue publicado en Roma, pero eso no quiere decir que publicó it!
He doesn't really mean it, boys!
No lo dice en serio, muchachos!
Look, we know he doesn't mean any harm but the judge doesn't know it.
Mire, nosotros sabemos que es inofensivo pero el juez no lo sabe.
I keep coming back with important news, and either it doesn't mean anything, or nobody believes it!
He regresado con noticias importantes, y o no significan algo, o nadie las cree!
- It doesn't mean he'II let you in.
- Eso no significa que él lo deje entrar.

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