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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / He knows what he's doing

He knows what he's doing Çeviri İspanyolca

824 parallel translation
"Leave it mother, our boy knows what he's doing - he should be allowed to have some fun!"
Déjalo madre, el chico sabe lo que hace... ¡ Que se divierta!
Lt. knows what he's doing. Please.
Ha sido el teniente, él sabe lo que hace.
He knows what he's doing.
Sabe lo que está haciendo.
He knows what he's doing.
Sabe lo que hace.
The kid knows what he's doing.
Él sabe lo que se hace.
It looks all wet to us, but he knows what he's doing.
Parece que está borracho, pero sabe lo que hace.
The Lord knows what He's doing.
Dios sabe lo que hace.
Okay. I guess Charlie knows what he's doing.
Charlie sabe lo que hace.
Who knows what he's doing right now.
¿ Quién sabe lo que estará haciendo en este momento?
I hope that blasted native Knows what he's doing.
Espero que ese maldito sepa lo que hace.
The doctor knows what he's doing.
El doctor sabe lo que hace.
Jack knows what he's doing.
Jack sabe lo que hace.
He knows what He's doing. We've only to wait.
Como Él sabe lo que hace, sólo hay que esperar.
He knows exactly what he's doing.
Sabe muy bien lo que hace.
Hammerstein knows what he's doing.
Hammerstein sabe lo que hace.
I guess He knows what He's doing.
Y creo que sabe lo que hace.
He's all right. He knows what he's doing.
Tranquila, sabe lo que hace.
I hope he knows what he's doing, the poor man.
Espero que él sabe lo que él hace El hombre pobre.
These telegrams prove that Jim is right. He knows what he's doing.
Estos telegramas demuestran que Jim tiene razón y sabe lo que hace.
A girl puts on a piece of silk, and the next thing that happens, a young fellow like you is sure he knows exactly what he's doing.
Una chica se viste de seda y, al rato... un jovencito como tú está seguro de saber lo que hace.
Well, Porter Hollingsway knows what he's doing too.
Porter Hollingsway también sabe qué hace.
Who knows where he is now, and what he's doing!
Quién sabe dónde estará y qué estará haciendo.
He knows what he's doing.
Sabía lo que hacía.
Be careful, papa. Brant Royle knows what he's doing.
Cuidado, papá, Royle es muy astuto.
Si lo es, tendrá una oportunidad.
He knows what he's doing.
Sabe lo que se hace.
Every man knows what he's got to do and he's doing it.
Cada uno sabe su función y cumple con su cometido.
Think he knows what he's doing?
¿ Crees que sabe lo que hace?
Frame knows what he's doing.
Frame sabe lo que hace.
He knows what he's doing.
Él sabe lo que hace.
- He knows what he's doing.
- Él sabe lo que hace.
The man knows what he's doing.
Sabe lo que hace.
Don't you worry about old Nick. He knows what he's doing.
Tú no te preocupes, él sabe lo que hace.
Well, I suppose Winston knows what he's doing.
Bueno, supongo que Churchill sabrá lo que se hace.
I hope he knows what he's doing.
Espero que sepan lo que hacen.
Dear Philippe, the King knows what he is doing in giving you his niece's hand.
Y es a mí a quién su Majestad ha encargado el comunicar la buena noticia.
I'm sure Captain Scott knows what he's doing.
Van Leyden Estoy segura de que el Capitán Scott sabe lo que hace.
I'm beginning to think Esketh knows what he's doing.
Me pregunto si él sabe que estás haciendo.
Vince knows what he's doing.
¡ Vince sabe lo que hace!
He knows what he's doing.
Es un tipo listo, ¿ Sabes?
You figure he knows what he's doing?
¿ Tú crees que sabe lo que se hace?
If he knows what he's doing and why, and if he can make it come off.
Si sabes cómo hacer algo y por qué, y si tienes éxito.
I'm sure he knows what he's doing.
Seguro que sabe lo que hace.
Now if he calls it off again, he knows what he's doing.
Si lo aplaza, sabe lo que hace.
The old man knows what he's doing.
El hombre viejo sabe lo que hace.
- I hope Jarrett knows what he's doing.
- Espero que Jarrett sepa lo que hace.
A job needs a boss who knows what he's doing.
Un trabajo necesita un jefe que sepa lo que hace.
Ko-chan knows what he's doing!
Kohei sabe lo que hace.
Nobody knows what he's doing!
Nadie sabe lo que hace.
Because General's security is so airtight that nobody knows what he's doing.
El General es tan estricto con la seguridad, que nadie sabe qué hacen.
Shooter knows what he's doing.
Shooter sabe lo que hace.

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