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Holliday Çeviri İspanyolca

435 parallel translation
"Consolidated Products brings you the News Of The World".
"... los hermanos Holliday traen las noticias del mundo,... "
Where's Doc Holiday? In here, Pat.
No te culpo, pero no voy a crearle problemas a Doc Holliday.
What's your name, son? Bonny.
Mi nombre es Holliday.
And after the way I've heard people talk about you... ever since I was in short pants.
¿ Por qué? El gran Doc Holliday con un ayudante.
- Doc Holliday, mostly.
- Doc Holliday, de casi todo.
This is Doc Holliday's town, and when he comes back...
Este pueblo es de Doc Holliday, y cuando vuelva...
Doc Holliday.
Doc Holliday.
- This is Doc Holliday, fellas.
- Éste es Doc Holliday, chicos.
I'm looking for Dr. John Holliday.
Busco al doctor John Holliday.
- You mean Doc Holliday?
- ¿ Querrá decir Doc Holliday?
- Dr. John Holliday.
- El doctor John Holliday.
Dr. John Holliday!
¡ Doctor John Holliday!
The man that killed Doc Holliday.
El hombre que mató a Doc Holliday.
I'm Doc Holliday's girl.
Soy la chica de Doc Holliday.
- Where's Holliday?
- ¿ Dónde está Holliday?
- Doc Holliday on it?
- ¿ Iba Doc Holliday?
Dr. Holliday.
Dr. Holliday.
"Doctor" John Holliday!
¡ "Doctor" John Holliday!
Doc Holliday's with them.
Doc Holliday está con ellos.
- Where's Doc Holliday?
- ¿ Dónde está Doc Holliday?
- He drew a gun on Holliday.
- Apuntó a Holliday con su pistola.
Let me tell you something, Doc Holliday.
Déjame decirte algo, Doc Holliday.
Holliday's only trying to rile you.
Holliday sólo intenta irritarte.
- What do you figure's keeping Holliday?
- ¿ Qué crees que lo retiene?
Doc Holliday played poker with him.
Doc Holliday jugó al póker con él.
Doc Holliday killed his brother.
Doc Holliday mató a su hermano.
Did you ever meet Holliday?
¿ Conoces a Holliday?
I sure do. Where is Holliday?
Desde luego. ¿ Dónde está Holliday?
¿ Holliday?
I'll see you again, Holliday, if you're around.
Nos veremos, Holliday, si sobrevive.
- Oh, Mr Holliday.
- Sr. Holliday.
Holliday, let's check your gun.
Holliday, entregue su pistola.
- Doc Holliday is none of my business.
- Doc Holliday no es asunto mío.
They're just holding Doc Holliday upstairs in his room.
Sólo retienen a Doc Holliday en su habitación.
I was too busy finding out that Doc Holliday and his lady friend have just checked in at the Dodge House.
Estaba ocupado averiguando que Doc Holliday y su novia... se han registrado en el Dodge House.
Doc Holliday?
¿ Doc Holliday?
Holliday, I've done some foolish things in my life.
Holliday, he hecho algunas locuras en mi vida.
She stands for everything I hate in Doc Holliday.
Representa todo lo que odio de Doc Holliday.
No favours, Holliday.
Nada de favores, Holliday.
Look, Holliday, as long as I'm the law here, not one of those cowpokes is going to cross that deadline with a gun.
Mira, Holliday, mientras yo sea la ley aquí, ningún vaquero va a cruzar el límite con una pistola.
I've never needed anybody in my life and I sure don't need Doc Holliday.
Nunca he necesitado a nadie y mucho menos a Doc Holliday.
Wait a minute, Holliday.
Un momento, Holliday.
There's gonna be a lot of bad talk about you riding with Doc Holliday.
Habrá muchos rumores porque hayas cabalgado con Doc Holliday.
What about Holliday?
¿ Qué pasa con Holliday?
Holliday saved my life in Dodge City.
Holliday me salvó la vida en Dodge City.
Holliday stays.
Holliday se queda.
Holliday, if you think anything about Wyatt, you'll get out of here.
Holliday, si estimas en algo a Wyatt, harás mejor en marcharte.
I don't blame ya, but I'm not gonna make any trouble for Doc Holiday.
Doc Holliday acaba de bajar de la diligencia.
You're looking plenty sassy. You wintered kind of fat, didn't you?
- Mike, ¿ dónde está Doc Holliday?
William Bonny.
- ¿ Doc Holliday?
That Holliday writes about. And we'll do it first cabin, too.
Nuestro matrimonio es lo único que importa.

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