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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / Huey

Huey Çeviri İspanyolca

697 parallel translation
HUEY : Hockey one, hike.
Hockey uno, ya.
HUEY : Come on, boys!
¡ Vamos chicos!
Right, Captain.. thanks, cousin Hugh.
Sí, capitán. Gracias, primo Huey.
I haven't enjoyed myself so much since Huey Long died.
No he disfrutado tanto desde que Huey Long se murió.
Huey wasn't even born yet.
Hughie no había nacido.
Huey was the impetuous one.
Hughie era el impetuoso.
Huey jumped over it.
Hughie saltaba.
Every man's a king, and I'm the king around here.
Recordad que Huey Long dijo : Todo hombre es un rey, y aquí el rey soy yo.
Huey "Piano" Smith.
It was Huey started firing at them.
Huey comenzö a dispararles.
From now on,..... drone number two,..... you will answer to the name of Huey.
A partir de ahora, robot número dos, te llamarás Huey.
Huey,..... you take one step forward.
Huey, da un paso adelante.
Now, Huey, you're gonna plant the tree..... and, Dewey, you're gonna dig the ditch.
Huey, tú plantarás el árbol y, Dewey, tú cavarás el agujero.
Huey... and Dewey.
Huey... y Dewey.
Huey, come over and sit down here.
Huey, ven y siéntate aquí.
All right, Huey.
Muy bien, Huey.
Huey and Dewey beat me at my own card game!
Huey y Dewey me han ganado a mi propio juego de cartas.
Huey, go get me the grey book.
Huey, acércame el libro gris.
Huey, I thought I told you to stay in the forest?
Huey, ¿ no te había dicho que te quedaras en el bosque?
It's OK, Huey. I got it, I got it.
Tranquilo, Huey.
No, it's OK, Huey.
No pasa nada, Huey.
I'm sorry, Huey,..... but that's the best that I can do.
Lo siento, Huey, no puedo hacer nada más.
I don't know, Huey.
No sé, Huey.
Huey, you have to come with me..... because you're just not working well enough to help Dewey.
Huey, tú tienes que venir conmigo porque no funcionas lo bastante bien como para ayudar a Dewey.
- We're not Huey, Dewey and Louie.
- No, sólo están Huey, Dewey y Louie.
Huey, the whole Jap navy!
iLa marina japonesa al completo!
Yeah, Huey has been told that there sure to be easy.
Ese par de feas sentadas alli? Si, Huey dice que de seguro son faciles.
If Huey can do it, I bet you can do it too. Oh bullshit!
Si Huey puede hacerlo, apuesto que tu tambien.
Huey doesn't even know what screwing is all about.
Que dices! Huey ni sabe lo que es revolcarse!
I'm Bobby, this is Benji, this is Huey.
Yo soy Bobby, este es Benji, este es Huey.
Huey, we're going to have a freak out.
Huey, ha perdido los papeles.
Jump in Huey.
Entras, Huey.
No, no, you're too young Huey.
No, eres muy joven, Huey.
- Much better if you go next.
- Sigue Huey.
Stella likes a little Huey.
A Stella le gusta el pequeño Huey.
Don't be afraid Huey, don't be afraid of poor Stella.
No temas Huey, no tengas miedo de la pobre Stella.
Come on Huey.
Vamos Huey.
Right Huey?
Cierto, Huey?
If you want to join us, Huey is going to pay.
- Tu tienes la culpa. Si quieres unete a nosotros, Huey paga.
Alright Huey, get in there.
Bien Huey, entra.
- How about Huey?
¿ Y a Huey?
Now,..... Huey, here's the tree.
Huey, aquí tienes el árbol.
Wait right there, Huey.
Espera ahí, Huey.
Huey, Dewey, come on.
Huey, Dewey, vamos.
Huey get them over here for us.
Huey, anda y traelas con nosotros.
Hi Huey.
- Hola Huey.
Come on.
Go on Benji, get in there. Huey's next.
Anda Benji, entra.
Oh shit, Huey!
Oh, Huey!
Huey how about your parents place for tonight?
Huey, como esta la casa de tus padres esta noche?

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