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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / Hurtful

Hurtful Çeviri İspanyolca

673 parallel translation
We don't mean to be hurtful, but we simply can't play with you.
No hay nada malo con eso. No podemos jugar con usted.
My life is so boring, hurtful.
La vida es tan aburrida, que da pena...
Julio wouldn't have returned with that hurtful smile...
Julio no hubiera vuelto con aquella sonrisa que hacía daño...
Tell her to stop that gossiping, going around spreading whatever she wants. Because out of curiosity, they're looking over your past for hurtful things.
# Dile que pare esa noria que va rodando, pregonando lo que quiere, # que por saber, a tu historia le están buscando cómo y cuándo del que hiere.
This incomprehensible interrogation is hurtful to both parties.
Este interrogatorio nos está perjudicando a todos.
Hmm, it would be rather hurtful if you weren't.
Hmm. Habría sido más bien doloroso si no lo estuvieras.
Sometimes it's better to stay away than to hear what is hurtful.
A veces es mejor permanecer lejos que oír algo hiriente.
That's not only ridiculous, it's bloody hurtful.
No sólo es ridículo, es odioso.
She's very hurtful.
- Hace hilas para los heridos.
There have been arguments and reconciliations due to misunderstandings or bad temper, but the arguments were never too hurtful.
Ha habido peleas y reconciliaciones debidas al mal carácter o a malentendidos, pero las peleas nunca fueron desagradables.
And because the frailty of man, without Thee, cannot but fall, keep us ever, by Thy help, from all things hurtful and lead us to all things profitable to our salvation, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
La debilidad del hombre sin ti no puede más que derrumbarse. Guárdanos de todo lo malo y perjudicial. Y condúcenos a cuanto fuera bueno para nuestra salvación.
Nothing can hurt if you do not see it as being hurtful.
Nada puede perjudicar, si no lo ven como algo perjudicial.
That is vicious and hurtful.
Eso es malicioso y ofensivo.
I feel embarrassed by your mum's hurtful remarks. Don't mind my mum's sharp tongue.
Me siento avergonzado por los comentarios tan despectivos de tu madre.
Those were hurtful words, sis.
Has sido muy desagradable con Iniang, hermana.
Go and read a little the precepts of health, and ask the doctors if there is anything so hurtful to man as excess in eating.
Lea los preceptos de la salud y pregunte a los doctores si hay algo que más daña al hombre que comer con exceso..
I'd be more inclined to blame him for being hurtful
Me ha dejado y el motivo da igual. Incluso es demasiado sincero.
When you do not want a woman, you should promote her confusion, something which is not hurtful like a simple "no".
Cuando no se quiere a una mujer, se le debe proporcionar la confusión algo que no envilece tanto como un simple no.
My letter says nothing you don't know, but... I'm afraid you may find it a bit curt, and even hurtful.
Mi carta no dice nada que no sepa ya, pero temo que el tono le parezca demasiado seco, incluso hiriente.
It's the lying I find so hurtful.
Lo que más me molesta es la mentira.
She seems as though lost. Some hurtful sadness in her would have me say words of comfort... for I could find the words.
Parece como si estuviese perdída con cierta tristeza que le hace daño y yo tuviese que brindarle palabras de consuelo... y que debería encontrar las palabras...
Hurtful, savage, thieving.
Crueles, salvajes y ladrones.
- Are women always so hurtful?
- ¿ Las mujeres son siempre tan dañinas?
And Brian, you said some things that could be very hurtful.
Y Brian, dijiste algunas cosas que pueden ser muy perjudiciales.
I don't know which of you instigated this, but I have to say it can only be hurtful.
No sé cual de ustedes instigó esto, pero sólo puede causar heridas.
It can only possibly be hurtful.
- Sólo puede resultar hiriente.
That is the most obscenely hurtful thing...
Es la cosa más desconsiderada que me han dicho.
He said.. hurtful things.. He insulted my ambassadors!
Ha llegado a decir palabras ofensivas a mis embajadores.
Not if you leave hurtful messages on my machine.
No si dejas mensajes crueles en mi máquina contestadora.
The least hurtful way to do this is with one quick pull.
El modo menos doloroso de hacerlo es tirando fuerte y rápido.
You don't like my family. You want to humiliate my mother as much as you can. You want to have your revenge in a hurtful and sophisticated way.
No te gusta mi familia, quieres humillar a mi madre... quieres vengarte de una forma refinada. ¡ Reconócelo!
It's just hurtful!
¡ Solo es dañino!
No need for a de-hurtful retraction.
Olvida los desagravios.
I've seen some behavior from you, but this is so hurtful and so cruel.
Otras veces te has portado mal pero esto es tan cruel.
You can be as mean and hurtful as you want.
Puedes ser todo lo malvado y cruel que quieras.
Want me to take back some of those mean and hurtful little things I said?
Quieres que me retracte de esas cosas malas que te dije?
Called me dreadful, hurtful names.
Me llamó de maneras horribles, dolorosas.
There are hurtful, vengeful spirits laying hands on these children.
Hay espíritus dañinos y vengativos actuando sobre estas niñas.
This is hurtful and cruel fraud.
Es una estafa cruel y perjudicial.
It's just that it's so hurtful.
Es sólo que es tan doloroso.
See, I wasn't trying to hurt you. Now you're doing it to me, with the intention of being hurtful.
Quería evitar herirte : tú lo haces con la intención de herir.
And what would the stupidest, most loathsome, and hurtful thing be?
¿ Y qué sería lo más estúpido e hiriente que ha hecho?
It's an utterly pointless, hurtful, and asinine waste of time.
No tiene sentido, es hiriente y una pérdida de tiempo.
Alan, I would appreciate candor here, even should you deem it hurtful!
- Te agradecería la franqueza aunque te parezca hiriente.
- That was hurtful.
- Eso fue hiriente. - John, perdóname.
The sun is almost up and it can be so hurtful.
El sol ya casi salió y puede ser tan dañino.
Well, whatever you do, however terrible, however hurtful, it all makes sense, doesn't it, in your head.
Bueno, sea lo que sea lo que hayas hecho, por horrible, y por doloroso que sea todo tiene sentido dentro de tu cabeza.
Before you dropped by to tell me my husband was screwing your wife... did you think that might be a hurtful thing to do?
Antes de decirme que mi esposo se jodía a su mujer ¿ no se le ocurrió que podía herirme?
Ok, now that's just hurtful.
Eso me hiere.
and that's what I found really hurtful and I feel that I'm a good wife and that I didn't deserve it all I understand is, dogs, prices, girls knowledge, roads, streets, squares and mum and dad and love
Yo lo unico que tengo en la cabeza es : perros, precios, mujeres taxi, calles, plazas, mamá, papá y amor es todo lo que entiendo y todo lo que quiero entender

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