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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I'd like to think so

I'd like to think so Çeviri İspanyolca

202 parallel translation
You know, I think he'd rather like me to marry you, but he'd never say so.
Él prefiere que me case contigo, pero no lo dice.
That wasn't a very nice thing to do, George. I think so. I kind of thought they'd like to be alone.
He pensado que preferirían estar solos.
So I'd like you to do as you think best.
Me gustaría que hicieran lo que piensan que es mejor.
- Yes! But I think both boys and girls need someone to talk to, so I think I'd like to have two boys and two girls.
- Sí, pero creo que los chicos y las chicas necesitan a alguien con quien hablar, así que creo que me gustaría tener dos chicos y dos chicas.
So I think we'd better change it to something simple like Harry or...
Por eso pienso que mejor cambiarlo por algo más sencillo como... Harry...
I'd merely like to say how happy I am to think that so many of our invited guests found time to grace our table.
Sólo quiero decir lo feliz que me siento al ver que tantos de nuestros distinguidos invitados encontraron tiempo para honrar nuestra mesa.
- I'd like to think so.
- Me gustaría creer que sí.
I'd like to think so.
- Me gustaría pensarlo.
I don't think you'd like to endanger your aunt Irma who supported you for so long.
No creo que quieras poner en peligro a tu tía Irma que te ha apoyado durante tanto tiempo.
I'd like to think so but I'm no longer so sure.
Me gustaría pensar que sí, pero ya no estoy tan segura.
- I'd like to be dead so you'd think of me.
- Me gustaría estar muerto para que pensaras en mi.
I'd like to think so.
- Ojala fuese cierto.
So, in view of Tolly's switch to guilty, I think I'll be free to take over that teenage killing case, if you'd like me to.
Ya que Tolly se declaró culpable, estoy libre para ocuparme de ese homicidio entre adolescentes, si quiere.
I'd like to think so too, but the way he said it...
Quisiera también pensar eso, pero el modo en que lo dijo...
I think we're all ready for dessert, so if you'd like to get up and circulate....
Traeré el postre, si quieren levantarse y circular...
It's so strange to think I'd been writing to a place like this. All these months.
Qué extraño que haya escrito a este lugar durante meses.
I don't... I don't think so. I'd like you to.
Creo... creo que no.
I think I'd like you to try and run, Peter, so I could shoot you in the guts.
Creo que me gustaría que intentaras huir, Peter así podría dispararte en las entrañas.
I'd like to think so, Father.
Quisiera pensarlo, Padre.
- I'd like to think so.
- Eso quisiera.
I'd like to think so.
Eso quisiera creer.
- I'd like everyone to think so.
Seguro todo el mundo quisiera pensar así.
- I'd like to very much. - I don't think so.
- Me gustaría mucho.
Look, Horatio, we're on the same side. I'd like to think so.
Mira, Horatio, estamos en el mismo bando.
I don't think so, but I'd like to have someone look at it.
No creo, pero quiero que la examinen.
So I'd like to bring up a motion that we send him the traditional arrangement of balloons with ears so he'll think of us.
El arreglo tradicional de Globos con orejas Para que nos recuerde.
If you'd like to wait in reception... I don't think so. I've driven up from London for this.
Espere en la recepción... No lo creo. Conduje desde Londres para esto. ¿ Fue acusado?
I'd like you to do one now. - I don't think so, Doctor.
¿ Cuántas veces levantaste dos pájaros?
I'd like to think so.
Me gusta pensarlo.
I think back now, and there's so much I'd like to do differently.
Cuando miro atrás, hay tantas cosas que hubiera hecho diferente.
Now, I don't want everyone to think that we at No Ma'am are totally anti-woman so we found a typical working woman. I'd like to introduce her to you.
Ahora, no quiero que todos piensen Que en "No señora" somos totalmente anti-mujeres Así que nos encontramos con una típica mujer trabajadora.
I'd like to think so.
A mí me gustaría pensar que sí.
So tell me, cos I'd like to know, what on earth could make you think... we'd want to share this flat with someone like you?
Entonces dime, porque me gustaría saberlo, ¿ qué diablos te hace pensar..... que querríamos compartir el apartamento con alguien como tú?
I'd like to think so.
Eso espero.
I'd like to think so.
Me gustaría pensar que sí.
I'd like to think so.
Me gustaría pensarlo.
I'd like to think so. You haven't aged a day.
No has envejecido nada.
I'd like to think so.
Quisiera creer eso.
I'd like to think so.
Quiero pensar que si.
I don't think I'd have kept a record of my life like we have with this program so yes I enjoy doing it but... it's not something that takes a great precedence if you came and asked me if you could do this to my children
yo no creo que hubiese llevado un registro de mi vida como el que tenemos con este programa y sí, lo disfruto pero... no es algo muy prioritario si ustedes me preguntaran si pueden hacer esto con mis hijos
I think if I were going to be with a woman it'd be with someone like Michelle. She was just so petite.
Si fuera a estar con una mujer sería con alguien como Michelle.
I'd like to think so. I've always been proud of her.
Yo siempre he estado orgullosa de ella.
I'd really like to know why you think we are so close.
Realmente me gustaría saber el porqué crees que somos tan íntimos.
So no. I'd like to think not.
Así que... me gustaría pensar que no.
I'd like to think so, but one can never say.
Eso espero, pero nunca se sabe.
- I'd like to think so, sir.
- Eso espero, señor.
- Much as I'd like to think so,..... the evidence doesn't point that way.
- Aunque me gustaría pensar así, las pruebas no indican esa posibilidad.
Well, you know, I'd like to think so.
Eso es lo que me gusta pensar.
I'd like to think so.
Me gustaría pensar que si.
I think sometimes you want things to be true so bad like your mom saying your dad was an alien who'd come back for you that was like a story.
Creo que a veces quieres tanto que algo se haga realidad eso fue como una historia.
Oh, yes. I do think so. We talked to your neighbour, he told us you'd like to meet her in person.
claro que sí, yo creo que sí hemos hablado con tu vecino y nos ha dicho que te gustaría... conocerla en persona

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