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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I'd really appreciate it

I'd really appreciate it Çeviri İspanyolca

240 parallel translation
I really am upset, I think. I'd so much appreciate it.
- Pásamelos a mí.
I'd appreciate it, really. It's up to you two, anyway.
Es cosas vuestra en todo caso.
I'd really appreciate it.
Se lo agradeceré.
- Le agradecería mucho que lo hiciera.
I really would appreciate it if you'd let Phillip sign his name Beardsley.
Así que le agradecería si lo deja firmar "'Beardsley "'.
And I'd appreciate it... You know, it's something that you'll really love.
Entiendo, pero le va a encantar.
I'd really appreciate it.
Os lo agradecería.
I'd really appreciate it.
Realmente me gustaría.
Flo, I really don't need anybody making speeches for me... so I'd appreciate it if you'd just leave me out of your jokes, okay?
Flo, no necesito que nadie eche discursos por mí, así que te agradecería que no me metieras en tus chistes, ¿ vale?
I'd really appreciate it.
Realmente apreciaría eso.
I'd really appreciate it.
Se lo agradezco mucho.
If you wouldn't tell him where she is... I'd really appreciate it.
Si no le dijera dónde está, yo lo apreciaría mucho.
And I'd really appreciate it...
- Su hemoglobina está en 1 0.
I'd really appreciate it.
Lo agradecería mucho.
Listen, I'd really appreciate it if you could give me directions back onto the expressway.
Escucha, realmente apreciaria si pudieras decirme como llego a la autopista.
You know I'd really appreciate it.
Sabe, realmente lo apreciaría.
I'd really appreciate it.
Se lo agradecería.
Now, it's really important that I impress these people, so I'd appreciate it if you'd kind of leave me alone with the Brubakers.
Ahora, es muy importante que l impresionar a estas personas, así que l'd agradecería que tipo de me dejarías solo con los Brubakers.
Oh, honey, if it can wait until morning, I'd really appreciate it.
Cariño, si puede esperar hasta mañana te Io agradeceria.
Velvet, if you could take me to the bus station... in the morning, I'd really appreciate it.
Si pudieras llevarme a la estación, te lo agradecería.
In the meantime, I'd really appreciate it if y'all paid attention up here.
Mientras tanto, les agradecería que pusieran atención en lo que hacen.
I mean, I don't want to insult you or anything, but, uh, I'd really appreciate it if you could help my friend Amarante.
No quiero parecer irrespetuoso... pero... te estaría muy agradecido si ayudaras a mi amigo Amarante.
Anyway, if you could mail it to her, I'd really appreciate it.
Si pudiera enviársela por correo, se lo agradecería.
I'd really appreciate your believing it was necessary.
Te agradecería que creyeras que fue necesario.
Thanks. I'd really appreciate it.
Se lo agradezco mucho.
- I'd really appreciate it.
- Se lo agradecería mucho.
But I'd really appreciate it if you guys didn't come along.
No te preocupes por nada. Está bien.
I'd really appreciate it, if you hear anything call me here.
Te agradecería mucho que si oyes algo me llames aquí.
I'd really appreciate it.
Se lo agradezco.
I'd really appreciate it.
Realmente lo apreciaría.
I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
Te lo agradecería.
I'd really appreciate it if you'd let me dress one game next season.
Le agradecería si me pudiera poner el uniforme para un partido.
I'd really appreciate it.
Lo apreciaría mucho.
If you just get a second Crab for me... I'd really appreciate it, I'll give you 10 % %.
Si consiguieras otra Grúa para mí te lo agradecería, te daré el 10 %.
I'd really appreciate it.
Te lo agradezco mucho.
I know you'd rather be on deck rather than staying in here with me and I really do appreciate it.
Se que prefieres estar en cubierta en vez de estar conmigo y te lo agradezco.
Now if you want to hate me for that, fine, but I'd really appreciate it if you kept it to yourself.
Si quieres odiarme por eso, estupendo, pero guárdatelo para ti mismo.
I'd really appreciate it.
Se lo agradecería mucho.
I'd really appreciate it if you would take this domestic squabble off my ship.
Por favor, resuelvan su disputa doméstica fuera de mi nave.
Only when I'd made it back to my tent... did I appreciate how wasted I really was.
Sólo cuando estuve de vuelta en mi tienda... me di cuenta lo perdido que realmente.
If you could find some way of telling him what you think of him, well, I'd really appreciate it.
Si pudieras hallar la forma de decirle lo que piensas de él, bueno, estaré muy agradecida.
Well, Sean, I've had a really, really bad day, so if you could give me a ball park how long you're gonna be, I'd appreciate it.
Bueno, Sean he tenido un día Muy malo. Así es que si me puedes decir... Cuanto tiempo más estarás en el baño te lo agradeceré.
I'd really appreciate it if you'd wait and drink your wine... after the kids are asleep.
Te agradecería que te tomaras el vino cuando los niños se duerman.
I'd really appreciate it.
Te lo agradecería mucho.
I'd really appreciate it if you didn't talk to me right now.
Steve, este es el peor día de mi vida, apreciaría que no me hables, ¿ bien?
So I would I would really appreciate it if you'd just go away.
Así es que te agradecería mucho que te fueras.
I just wanted to leave you a message and let you know I caught your little piece on TV. I'm getting tired of hearing about how horrible I am. I'd really appreciate it if you would just leave me out of your act altogether.
Quiero dejarte un mensaje vi tu representación en TV y ya me cansé de oír lo desagradable que soy y te agradecería que me saques de tu show completamente.
I'd really appreciate it.
Los mejores doctores. - Estaría muy agradecida.
- I'd really appreciate it.
A mí me gustaría mucho.
Excuse me, sir, but I'd really appreciate it... if you wouldn't take the Lord's name in vain again.
Disculpe, pero le agradecería... que no maldijera en voz alta.
We got a bum deal on this rental here, so if you could... If you could haul this back to town for us, I'd really appreciate it.
Nos alquilaron un cacharro, así que si te lo llevaras remolcado, te lo agradeceríamos.

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