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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I'll go ahead

I'll go ahead Çeviri İspanyolca

1,021 parallel translation
No, you go ahead, I'll take a cab, I have a meeting.
No, tengo que hacer. Cogeré un taxi.
I'll take care of everything. You go ahead.
Yo me encargaré de todo.
We'll go ahead, and I'll cause this little man to completely disappear.
Ahora continuaremos y haré que el pequeño desaparezca.
Go ahead, Johnnie, I'll see you tonight.
Vete, Johnnie, te veré esta noche.
I'll go ahead and we can fix things up at once.
Arreglaré todo de inmediato.
Instead, I'll walk ahead and you go behind.
¡ Señores, ya han llegado! Vienen.
- I'll get someone to take your place. - Go ahead.
- Alguien te sustituirá.
I'll go ahead and point them out to you.
Yo iré delante y se los señalaré.
While you're knitting your union suit I'll go right ahead with the pressure-cabin job.
- Mientras teje su traje yo seguiré adelante con la cabina presurizada.
I'll go ahead of you.
Iré delante tuyo.
Well, then I'll just go right ahead. Mm-hmm.
Bien, entonces, continuaré.
- No, you go ahead, and I'll see you on the train.
- Ve tú y te veré en el tren.
Go ahead, I'll be right there.
Váyanse yendo y yo ahí los alcanzo.
You go ahead, I'll come out in a while, all right?
Ve tú delante, y yo iré en un momento. ¿ De acuerdo?
I'll go fetch the keys, you can go ahead.
Iré a coger las llaves, pueden ir delante.
If you get a kick out of doing figures, go ahead. But I'll tell you when we're over the target.
Si te divierte hacer números, vale, pero el blanco te lo indicaré yo.
I'll go ahead.
Me adelantaré.
Go ahead, slap his teeth out. I'll hold your coat.
Yo te guardo la chaqueta.
I'll go ahead.
Yo iré adelante.
I'll go ahead and see if it's clear.
- Iré yo, a ver si hay guardias. - Buena suerte.
And if this committee will cut all the red tape and give me permission to go ahead, I'll get things done.
- Y si esta comisión decide acabar con el papeleo y darme carta blanca para seguir, conseguiré que eso se haga.
Go ahead and insist. Meanwhile, I'll continue settling my own problems in my own way.
Insiste, yo solucionaré mis problemas a mi manera.
You go ahead with your nap. I'll pull down the blind.
Siga con su siesta, le bajaré la persiana.
I'll go ahead and shine my torch for you two.
Iré delante para alumbrar con mi antorcha.
I've got to think this out. Could you go ahead with Kitty, and we'll follow?
Tengo que meditarlo. ¿ Podría adelantarse con Kittyy los alcanzaremos?
Go ahead, Sylvie. I'll see them in your eyes.
Vamos, Sylvie, lo sabré por tus ojos.
Go ahead and I'll follow you!
¡ Adelante, lo sigo!
- Lf you take another step, I'll scream. - Go ahead.
- Si das otro paso, gritaré.
You go ahead. I'll meet you.
Adelante, los alcanzaré.
You go ahead I'll follow you.
Vaya, yo iré luego.
Go ahead, I'll be with you in a moment.
Ve tú, enseguida voy.
Go ahead, honey. I'll join you.
Vamos cariño.
I can't hold him down. I'll go on ahead.
No lo puedo dominar. iré por delante.
You go ahead. I'll get cleaned up.
Adelántese, tengo que lavarme antes.
You go ahead. I'll wait here.
Yo aguardo aqui.
Go ahead, dear, I'll take care of the baggage and the tickets.
Sigue tu, querida, arreglare lo del pasaje y el equipaje.
Yo iré delante cuando entremos.
All right, go ahead. Tell them to file, And as long as they're here, I'll be nice to them.
Diles que se inscriban y seré educado mientras estén aquí.
You go ahead. I'll keep up with you.
Vamos, yo te seguiré.
Go ahead, I'll pick these up.
Anda, yo recogeré esto.
- Go ahead, I'll wait.
- Adelante, esperaré
Well, go ahead. I'll take the next one.
Adelante, yo bailaré con ella la próxima.
I'll go ahead.
- Yo voy delante. - Le acompaño.
Go ahead, you guys, I'll be right with you.
Adelantense, ya las alcanzo.
You go ahead and I'll follow.
Vete tú. Yo te sigo.
Jane, you go ahead and get dressed... and I'll have a nice, long chat with Mr. Rhinelander.
Jane, ve a vestirte... y yo tendré una agradable charla con el Sr. Rhinelander.
- You go on ahead. I'll tall ya.
- Ve tú delante. Yo te seguiré.
- Go on ahead, I'll bring them.
- Id delante, os alcanzaré.
So go ahead and ask him and I'll wait too.
Adelante y pidele y esperare tambien.
Go ahead, or I'll shoot!
¡ Vamos, si no te disparo!
All right, I'll talk this over with the Attorney General in the meantime, Tom, you go ahead preparing the State's case
Está bien, hablaré con el fiscal general. Mientras tanto, Tom, sigue adelante preparando el caso.

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