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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I'll tell him myself

I'll tell him myself Çeviri İspanyolca

93 parallel translation
Bring him here, or tell me where he is and I'll get him myself.
Tráemelo o dime dónde está para poder ir a buscarlo.
No, I'll tell him myself.
Se Io diré yo mismo.
I'll go to him myself and I'll tell him what she did and what she's like.
Iré yo. Le diré lo que ha hecho y cómo está.
In a little while, I'll tell him myself.
En un rato, se lo diré yo misma.
I'll tell him myself.
Se lo diré yo.
I'll tell him myself.
- Yo se lo explicaré.
I'll tell him myself.
Se lo diré yo cuando lo encuentre...
I'll tell him myself.
Se lo diré yo mismo.
I'll do it myself. Okay, I won't tell him.
Es mejor que se lo diga yo.
I'll tell him myself.
Se lo diré yo misma.
On second thought, I think I'll go with you and tell him myself.
Pensándolo mejor, creo que iré contigo y se lo diré yo misma.
Never mind. I'll tell him myself.
No importa, se lo diré yo.
I'll tell him myself, when I think it's the right time.
Nunca estuve enamorada de Isaiah.
Don't bother, Elsie, I'll tell him myself.
No se moleste, Elsie, se lo diré yo mismo.
I'll tell him myself... Later.
Se lo diré yo mismo...
Tell him the truth, or I'll tell him myself.
Dígale la verdad o se la diré yo, porque no puedo más.
Never mind I'll tell him myself.
No importa, yo se lo diré.
I'll tell him about my promise, and he'll laugh at me, and then I can laugh at myself and forget the whole thing.
Le contaré Io de mi promesa y se reirá de mí... y yo me reiré de mí misma y olvidaré todo.
Well, when I've made up my mind what I'm going to do, I'll tell him myself.
Cuando haya pensado lo que voy a hacer, yo misma se lo diré.
No, I'll tell him myself.
Yo mismo se lo diré.
Either you tell him, or I'll come back and tell him myself.
¡ O se lo dices tú o iré yo mismo a decírselo!
I'll tell him myself, if you don't mind.
Se lo diré yo mismo, si no le importa.
Never mind, I'll tell him myself.
No te molestes. Yo se lo digo.
I'll tell him myself.
Se lo contaré yo mismo.
Well, if you won't tell me... I'll have to find him myself.
Si os obstináis en no decirlo, lo averiguaré por mí misma.
In that case, I'll tell him about this myself, and he can issue a decision.
En ese caso, le hablare sobre esto y podrá tomar una decisión justa.
To save him the trouble I'll tell you myself where I come from and even what my name is.
Para ahorrarle la molestia... se los diré yo mismo. También revelaré mi nombre :
I promise I'll tell him myself.
Prometo que se lo diré yo mismo.
Otherwise, I'll have to tell him everything myself.
De otra manera, se lo tendría que decir yo.
Mr. Marquis, if you see the Pope tell him that one day I'll make a Bishop of myself!
Señor marqués... Solo un momento... Si ve al Papa le dice que de un día a otro se me va la cabeza...
I'll tell him myself tomorrow.
- Se lo diré yo mismo mañana.
Don't worry, Joe, I'll tell him myself.
No te preocupes, Joe, Se lo diré yo mismo.
I'll tell him myself.
Sé lo quiero decir a él directamente.
Better yet, I'll tell him myself.
Mejor que se lo diga yo misma.
I'll tell him myself
- Se lo diré yo.
All right, I'll tell him myself.
OK, se lo diré yo misma.
I'll tell him myself.
Ya se lo digo yo.
Tell your husband, Mr. Holtz... Never mind, I'll tell him myself.
Dígaselo a su marido, señora Holtz... no se preocupe, se lo diré yo mismo.
Son... if you talk to your dad, don't forget to tell him... I'll try and talk to him myself.
Hijo... si hablas con tu papá, dile que necesito... Olvídalo, deja que yo misma intento hablar con éI.
If you're going to accuse him of murder, send for him, I'll tell him myself.
Si van a acusarlo de asesinato, mande por él, se lo diré yo mismo.
- Then I'll tell him myself.
Y se lo comunicaré.
I'll go to Berenson myself. I'll tell him what's really going on.
Yo mismo veré a Berenson... y le diré lo que realmente pasa.
Tell the O.R. if Corday isn't here soon, I'll bring him up myself.
Dile a cirugía que si Corday no baja pronto, lo subo yo mismo.
Well, you can tell him... never mind, I'll tell him myself.
Bueno, pues puedes decirle... no importa, yo se lo diré.
Tell him that he's... No, I'll tell him myself.
Dile que es un... se lo diré yo mismo.
I'll tell him myself and I'll do it right now.
Lo haré yo mismo y lo haré ahora.
I'll tell him, myself.
Pero se lo diré yo misma.
Well, you can tell Antwon I'll put a bullet in that fat head of his myself before I'll let him kill another cop.
Puedes decirle a Antwon que le voy a poner un balazo en su gorda cabeza yo mismo antes de dejarlo que mate a otro policía
I'll tell him myself.
Se lo diré yo mismo. - Jack...
I'll just tell him I'll be living by myself from now on.
Le diré que viviré sola de ahora en adelante.
I'll roll up into a ball, throw myself out because I wanted him to take me in his arms, cradle me, tell me reassuring words like, everything will work out, he's with me.
Voy a arrollarme en una bola, y tirarme a la basura porque yo quería que me llevara en sus brazos, me acunase, y me dijese palabras tranquilizadoras como : todo saldrá bien, estás conmigo.

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