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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I'm not going to leave you

I'm not going to leave you Çeviri İspanyolca

160 parallel translation
I'm not going to leave you in this hard-boiled town.
No voy a dejarte en esta ciudad tan caliente.
I'm not going to leave you.
Nunca te dejaré.
- I'm not going to leave you here.
- No voy a dejarte aquí.
No, I'm not going to leave you under that woman's influence.
No, no voy a dejarte bajo la influencia de esa mujer.
I'm not going to leave you. It's crazy, Albert.
No quiero dejarte, es de locos.
But I'm not going to leave you all alone.
No voy a dejarla sola.
I'm going to leave you, all right, but not for Mr. Lapham.
Te dejaré, pero no por el Sr. Lapham.
So I'm going to tell you the real reason for the sinking of the red witch, and I'm not going to leave anything out, even though occasionally you may see me in a bad light.
Así que voy a contarle la verdadera razón del hundimiento del Bruja Roja,... y procuraré no olvidarme de nada. Aunque, de momento, tenga Ud. una mala impresión de mí.
I'm not going to leave you, honey.
No voy a dejarte.
─ No, I'm not going to leave you alone.
- Yo no te dejaré.
No, I'm not going to leave you alone.
No, no te voy a dejar sola.
I'm not going to leave you here alone, that's a cinch.
Que no voy a dejarla sola es cosa segura.
Hurry! - I'll hurry, but I'm not going to leave with you!
- de explicártelo. ¡ Vístete!
You know Joe isn't asking me to give it up, and I'm not going to leave.
Sabes que Joe no me pide que la abandone, y no me iré.
I'm going to leave this house, but I'm not going with any of you.
Voy a dejar esta casa, pero no me iré con usted.
I'm not going to leave you tied up like that.
No te dejaré atado así.
I'm not going to leave you alone.
No voy a dejarla sola.
I'm not going to leave you and that's final.
No te voy a dejar, eso no se discute.
Hey, I'm not going to leave you.
- No he dicho que te vaya a dejar.
- Don't worry, I'm not going to leave you.
- No te preocupes, No voy a dejarte.
Say, I'm not going to leave Rita, if that's what you're thinking.
No dejaré a Rita, si es lo que estás pensando.
- Zac, I'm not going to leave you.
No podré seguirte. - Zac, no voy a abandonarte.
Zac, I'm not going to leave you.
- Zac, no te dejaré.
Leonard, I'm not going to leave you!
Leonard, no voy a dejarte!
Jeremy, I'm not going to leave you ever again.
Jeremy, no volveré a dejarte solo nunca más.
I'm not going to leave you here in the middle of the suburbs, not after what just happened to you.
Voy a acompañarla. ¡ No la dejaré después de lo que ha pasado!
I'm not going to let you leave me.
No permitiré que me dejes.
Maybe you're not so lucky because I'm going to leave you here, Mr. Wahoo Waturi.
Tal vez no tenga tanta suerte... porque lo voy a dejar aquí, Sr. Viva-Waturi.
I'm not going to leave you.
Pero no iré. No voy a dejarte.
But I'm not going to leave you.
Pero no pienso dejarte.
I'm not going to leave you in here.
No te voy a dejar aqui....
I'm not going to leave you.
No te voy a dejar.
I'm not going to leave you down there.
No les dejaré ahí.
I'm not going to leave you.
No voy a dejarte.
I'm not going to leave you here, NeeIix.
- No pienso dejarlo.
- I'm not going to leave you.
- No te voy a abandonar.
I'm not going to leave you.
No voy a dejarte solo.
I'm not going to leave any part of you moving!
¡ No voy a dejar que te muevas!
I'm not going to leave you here.
No te dejaré aquí.
That's right. I'm not going to leave you on this island.
No te dejaré en esta isla.
I'm not going to leave you.
¡ No voy a dejarlo aquí!
I'm going to ask you not to leave the city.
Le pediré que no deje la ciudad.
Look, I'm going to be staying at a hotel for a couple of nights... and Lenny said to tell you... not to leave the house for a couple of days, okay?
Mira, me quedo en un hotel por unas noches. Y Lenny sugiere... que no salgas de la casa,? OK?
I'm not going to let you leave the room this time.
Esta vez no voy a permitir que salgas de aquí.
I'm not going to leave you in it.
Y yo no te dejaré sola.
If you pull that trigger... that bullet is just gonna bounce off me, and I'm not going to be hurt. But then I'm going to go upstairs and I'm gonna pack... and I'm going to leave for New York.
Si jalas el gatillo, la bala rebotará en mi cuerpo... y no resultaré herido... pero entonces subiré... empacaré mis maletas y me iré a Nueva York.
I'm not going to die before I see you leave this world
No voy a morir antes de que te vea dejar este mundo.
No, I'm not going to let you leave Archana
Ahora que ellos han encontrado felicidad... usted está dejandolas. No, yo no estoy permitiendo que se vaya Archana
Well, I'm not going to leave you like this.
No quiero dejarte asi.
- No, I'm not going to leave you.
- No, no te voy a dejar.
I'm not going to let you leave now... when things are just about to get fun.
No dejaré que te marches ahora que está por ponerse divertido.

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