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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I've been trying to

I've been trying to Çeviri İspanyolca

5,332 parallel translation
I've been trying to reach him for weeks.
He tratado de hablar con él por semanas.
I've been trying to get this thing fixed for months, and it's government-owned and you need to do something about it.
Es que he intentado solucionar esto desde hace meses. Y es propiedad del gobierno y deben hacer algo al respecto.
Yeah, I've been trying to get into Green Point for months, and our sponsorship finally went through, thanks to John.
Sí, he estado intentando entrar en Green Point durante meses, y nuestro patrocinio al final llegó, gracias a John.
I've been trying to learn the same lines for an hour now.
He estado tratando de aprender las mismas líneas por una hora.
I've been trying to stay calm.
Estuve tratando de mantener la calma.
I've been trying to get Ben to do recon with the residents, but he's all, "I don't like to gossip."
He estado intentando que Ben se lo saque a los residentes, pero se pone en plan, "no me gusta cotillear".
I've been trying to get a hold of her, but I get the sense she's dodging me.
Estoy intentando pillarla, pero tengo la sensación de que me está esquivando.
I've been trying to contact him for two days.
He intentado contactar con él durante dos días.
I've been trying to connect the dots for years ever since my husband was murdered.
He intentado conectar los puntos durante años... desde que mi marido fue asesinado.
All this time, I've been trying to make amends.
Todo este tiempo, he estado tratando de hacer las paces.
I've been trying to get out of this thing for three years.
He estado intentado salir de aquí durante seis años.
I've been trying to tell you that all day.
Estaba intentando decírtelo.
I know that you've been busy trying to find a way to break your Mr. Gold out of the Witch's control.
Sé que has estado ocupada buscando una manera para hacer que el señor Gold esté fuera del control de la Bruja.
Well, that's what I've been trying to tell you.
Eso es lo que estaba tratando de decirte.
I've been trying to download the audio book for the last 12 hours.
Estuve tratando de bajar el audiolibro por las últimas 12 horas.
- So all week, I've been trying to save you money by drinking tea that looks and tastes like ass piss, and now, you wanna go and throw away thousands of pounds
Así que toda la semana, he tratado de ahorrar dinero bebiendo té que se ve y sabe a meado de burra, y ahora, tú quieres ir y tirar miles de libras...
So, I've been trying to match the ingredients that Zelena's been collecting to whatever spell she intends to cast.
He estado tratando de igualar los ingredientes que Zelena ha estado recolectando con cualquier hechizo que ella esté intentando lanzar.
Prime Minister said something which I've been trying to say since the past 5 years.
El primer ministro dijo algo He estado tratando de decir los últimos5 años.
I've been trying to follow his money trail, which is extensive.
He estado intentando seguir su rastro del dinero, que es muy amplio.
For 6 years, I've been trying to get revenge for my son.
Desde hace 6 años, he estado tratando de obtener venganza por mi hijo.
I've been trying to think what to play.
He estado intentando pensar qué hacer sonar.
I've been calling Georgie, trying to catch up, you know, and... ain't heard from him.
Estuve llamando a Georgie, para saber cómo andaba y no tuve noticias de él.
I've been trying to help you!
¡ He intentado ayudarte!
I've been trying to help you!
¡ Estoy intentando ayudarte!
I'm sorry. Isn't that what we've been trying to do?
Lo siento. ¿ No es eso lo que hemos estado tratando de hacer?
I've been trying to make sense of it.
Estuve tratando de encontrarle sentido a esto.
Um, I've been trying to get a hold of you.
Estuve tratando de comunicarme contigo.
I've been trying to reach you for an hour.
He intentado localizarte durante una hora.
I do, well, I want to tell Kara that I've been reading all of these books trying to find a good love story, and I found one that I want to option
Bueno, quiero decirle a Kara que he estado leyendo todos estos libros intentando encontrar una buena historia de amor y encontré una y quiero adquirir los derechos.
Listen, I've been trying everything I can think of to get rid of these vines, but...
Escuchad, he intentado todo lo que se me ha ocurrido para deshacerme de esas enredaderas, pero...
I've been trying to talk to you for the past few days.
He estado intentando hablar con usted desde hace unos días.
I've been lying to you, and I've been trying to keep you from talking to my father, but not for the reasons you think.
Te he estado mintiendo y he tratado de evitar que hablaras con mi padre. Pero no por las razones que piensas.
I've been rolling my injured ass all over this island trying to find you sunburned idiots.
He estado llevando mi lesionado trasero por toda la isla tratando de encontrarlos, idiotas quemados por el sol.
I've been trying to call my sister.
Estuve intentando llamar a mi hermana.
I've been trying to think of ways that I could make it up to you.
He estado pensando en cómo compensártelo.
My name is Regina Claw. And I've been trying to kill you
Soy Regina Claw y he estado intentando matarte
I've been trying to show you for the last five hours.
He estado intentando enseñártelo durante las últimas cinco horas.
For six years, I've been trying to get revenge for my son.
Durante seis años, he estado intentando obtener venganza por mi hijo.
For months I've been trying to live alone... without you... I tried to live, but it is impossible.
pero es imposible.
I've been trying to tell you, Tasha.
He estado intentando contarte, Tasha.
I've been trying to reach her.
He estado tratando de llegar a ella.
Well, I've been trying to do that, too.
Bueno, yo también he intentado hacerlo.
I've been trying not to push.
Intento no obligarla a hablar.
Well, jeez, I've been up all night trying to make sure- -
Pasé la noche intentando asegurar...
Honestly, I've been trying not to breathe.
Sinceramente, he estado intentando no respirar.
I've been busting my ass for the last week trying to suck up to Chris.
Me he estado rompiendo el trasero durante una semana para caerle bien a Chris.
So, I've been trying to get on his good side.
Así que, he estado intentando caerle bien.
[line trilling] - ah! I've been trying to reach April for hours.
He tratado de contactar a April por horas.
I've been trying to call you all day.
He intentado llamarte todo el día.
I've been trying to fix it.
Estuve tratando de arreglarlo.
I've been trying to convince Goldie Locks here to pose for me sometime.
He estado intentando convencer a Ricitos de Oro de que pose para mi alguna vez.

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