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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I couldn't tell you

I couldn't tell you Çeviri İspanyolca

1,539 parallel translation
I couldn't tell you what I had for breakfast this morning.
No pude decirte que tengo para desayunar está mañana.
A guy saw your photo and asked me who you were. I told him, "My brother." Why couldn't I tell him?
... un tío que estaba ayer en mi casa vio tu foto, y me pregunto quien eras tú le conteste que eras mi hermano ¿ porque no logre decirle la verdad?
Sorry I couldn't tell you, Grandpa Turner.
Disculpa que no te podía decir, abuelo Turner.
- I couldn't even tell you about it.
No podía decirte nada.
I tried to tell you, but I couldn't get the words out.
Traté de decírselo, pero las palabras no me salían de la boca.
- I couldn't tell you. We had to survive. We did what we had to do, I guess.
No podía contarte, tenía que sobrevivir, tenia que hacer todo lo que fuese necesario.
I couldn't tell you right now.
Sientes, no no puedo decirtelo ahora.
I'll tell her you couldn't make it.
Le diré a ella que no pudieron venir.
You know, the next day at the police station, i... you bitch, didn't i tell you i couldn't say bad things to woman?
Sabes, al día siguiente, en la estación de policía, yo... ¡ Perra! ¿ No te dije que no quería maltratar a una mujer?
Did you tell her I couldn't start the car?
¿ Le dijiste que no podía hacer partir el coche?
- Stop it! I already told you I couldn't tell you anything new.
ya te dije todo, no tengo nada nuevo para decir.
Like if he asked me how ill you are, I couldn't tell him either, right?
Si él me preguntara por ti, tampoco se lo podría decir, ¿ verdad?
Didn't I tell you that I couldn't understand anything?
¿ No te he dicho que no entendía nada?
Sorry, I couldn't tell you on the phone.
Disculpame, no podía hablarlo por teléfono.
Now... Jesus, I couldn't even tell you.
Y ahora... ni idea.
I couldn't tell you.
No sabría decirte.
I can tell you who you were- - a guy who always fought his hardest for what was right, even when he couldn't remember why... even when he was miserable, which was- - let's face it- - a not-small portion of the time.
Yo puedo decirte quien eras. Un chico que luchaba al máximo por lo que era justo, incluso cuando no podía recordar porque. Incluso cuando se sentía desgraciado, algo que pasaba a menudo.
Sounds like acute leukemia, but without immunophenotyping, I couldn't tell you what kind.
Suena a leucemia aguda pero sin la fenotipificación, no podría decirte qué clase.
So I couldn't tell you.
Así que no podía decírselo.
I couldn't tell you.
Bueno, no podía hacerlo hasta que estuvieras preparada
But then I couldn't tell you about Bill... sleeping in the hallway out of thought for others.
Pero entonces no podría contarte sobre Bill durmiendo en el corredor por consideración a otros.
In case you couldn't, I thought I'd tell you.
En caso de que no pudiera, pensé en decírselo.
I mean, I couldn't believe that you were talking about me... and all you did was tell the truth.
No podía creer que estuvieras hablando de mí. Lo que dijiste era verdad.
You couldn't tell I was getting a haircut?
¿ No podías deducir que me estaba cortando el pelo?
Y'know, I gotta tell ya, I couldn't be more flattered. I know you two are gonna be wonderful mothers and I bet you'll have guys lining up around the block begging to jerk off for ya.
Os voy a decir no podría estar más halagado sé que seréis unas maravillosas madres y estoy seguro que los chicos harán cola masturbándose para vosotras.
Anyway, if you asked me how I ended up here... the fact is, I couldn't really tell you.
De todos modos, si usted me preguntó como llegué hasta aquí... el hecho es que realmente no podría decirte.
I couldn't even tell you their names.
Ni siquiera podría decirle sus nombres.
If this is true, I don't understand... why you couldn't tell right away.
Si esto es verdad, no entiendo cómo no lo notaron enseguida.
I'll leave that up to the tech guys, but I can tell you why he couldn't turn it on.
Se lo dejaré a los chicos de tecnología, señor. Pero puedo decirle esto sé por qué no podía encenderlo.
- I couldn't tell you that.
- No puedo decírselo.
You know, I couldn't tell. - How'd she look?
Es difícil de decir
I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't.
Quise decírtelo, pero no pude.
A lot of them I think were just about how he felt about life and even though you couldn't quite tell what he was singing about, you knew it was intense as hell.
Muchas de sus letras eran sobre cómo veía la vida y aunque no supieras exactamente de qué estaba hablando, sabías que eran muy profundas.
I couldn't tell you, I wasn't here then.
No sé, yo no estaba aquí.
Well, I guess I'd have to tell you... what a mistake you've made... and what an opportunity you've missed. I guess I couldn't give you these.
Bueno, te hablaría del error que está cometiendo... y de la oportunidad que perdió... y no podría darte esto.
I have very exciting news. I couldn't wait to tell you.
Tengo muy buenas noticias.
I tell you, from top to toe, I couldn't make any improvements.
De la cabeza a los pies, eres inmejorable.
But I couldn't tell you that, so...
Pero no te lo pude decir eso...
- Igor, I couldn't tell you... when I travel with my husband mostly what I see is inside of a jet, inside of a taxi and inside of a hotel room...
Igor no se que responder. - Cuando viajo con mi marido, sólo veo el interior de los aviones, taxis y hoteles.
Oh, I'm sorry, Karen, I couldn't tell you I was a cop,
Lo siento, Karen. No podía decirte que era policía.
" I couldn't tell you because I'm a coward.
" No te lo pude decir. Soy un cobarde.
I couldn't tell you.
No lo sé.
I was trying to tell my wife about you, but I couldn't remember your name.
Trataba de contarle de ti a mi esposa, pero no podía recordar tu nombre.
To this day, if you cover my eyes and put me across the room, I couldn't tell you the difference between a freshly bathed baby and my father's balls.
Hasta el día de hoy, si me cubrieran los ojos y me pasearan por el cuarto... no podría notar la diferencia entre... un bebé recién bañado y las bolas de mi padre.
I couldn't think straight, so when you have to ask me a question about that scene, I couldn't tell you anything about it.
Es una pena que tengamos que despertar, de verdad.
- I couldn't wait to tell you.
- No veía la hora de contártelo.
I wanted to tell you, but when you told me about the baby, I couldn't.
Quería decírtelo, pero cuando me contaste lo del bebé, no pude.
I couldn't tell you. I couldn't.
No podía decírtelo, no podía.
But you said that I couldn't tell... a real one from a fake!
¡ Pero usted dice que yo no podría... distinguir la auténtica de la falsa!
I couldn't tell you because I had told you that I'd never date a producer.
No pude decírtelo, porque te había dicho.. ... que nunca saldría con un productor.
- You do that and I'll tell the president that you had Sherek in custody over half an hour before Heller was even kidnapped, and you couldn't break him, I did.
Haz eso y yo le diré al presidente que tuviste a Sherek en custodia una media hora antes de que el secretario Heller fuera secuestrado y que no pudiste sacarle información. Yo sí pude.

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