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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I did it myself

I did it myself Çeviri İspanyolca

594 parallel translation
- I did it myself.
- ¿ Quién te la decoró, Jeff?
I oughta punch you right in the nose for running out on me... but I feel just as proud of you as if I did it myself.
Debería pegarte en la nariz porque me abandonaste... pero estoy tan orgulloso de ti como si yo lo hubiera hecho.
- I did it myself.
- Lo hice yo.
They had nothing to do with it! I did it myself!
Ellos no tienen nada que ver, he sido sólo yo.
I did it myself.
Yo solo.
I did it myself.
Lo hice.
I did it myself.
Tú, ¿ qué?
I did it myself.
Lo hice yo.
I did it myself.
Lo decidí yo.
But the gate is always open, Ben you could have left. I would have understood that I did it myself.
Pero las puertas siempre estaban abiertas nadie te impedía marcharte, lo hubiese comprendido yo hice lo mismo.
When I had fighting to do, I did it myself.
Cuando me tocó luchar, lo hice yo.
I did it myself.
Fui yo misma.
No, I did it myself.
No, lo hice yo misma.
- I did it myself. You like it? - It's cool.
- Lo hice yo misma. ¿ Te gusta?
"She did it to take revenge on me because I had forced myself on her - -"
"Ella lo hizo para vengarse de mí porque me habían forzado por ella- -"
Did it ever occur to you I might go out and find myself an attractive young man?
¿ Nunca se te ha ocurrido que pueda encontrar a un atractivo jovencito?
And I did it all myself without any help from you.
Y lo he conseguido sin ninguna ayuda vuestra.
Oh, yo no lo escuché.
I myself ordered his death, he knows it does he imagine, I did it out of revenge?
La muerte la decidí yo, ya lo sabéis. ¿ Creéis que para vengarme?
Incidentally, I'm breaking into print myself. Here's the baby who did it for me.
Por cierto, yo también voy a salir en los periódicos gracias a él.
Even if it did cost me one of the prettiest jobs I ever lined up for myself.
Aunque eso me haya impedido hacer un precioso trabajito.
So I feed myself a lot of nonsense, imagine that it did happen.
Entonces trato de convencerme y de imaginar que ocurrió.
And then it did happen, and I've never forgiven myself until now.
Y entonces ocurrió, y no me lo he perdonado hasta ahora.
Me encontraré esperando que él diga una cierta frase de una cierta manera y cuando lo haga, me volveré loco
As for your thinking that we did anything else that's horrible and shocking, and I wouldn't even lower myself to deny it.
En cuanto a tu idea de que él y yo hicimos algo es tan horrible y ofensivo que ni siquiera me rebajaré a negarlo.
Cause I put it in his drink myself. You did?
Porque yo lo puse en su bebida.
And I did it all by myself.
Y lo he conseguido yo sola.
I did it to buy myself fancy clothes?
No lo hice para comprarme vestidos. ¡ Imbécil!
While all these other guys are rotting here in the states.....,... I'll be on the other side and the army had nothing to do with it. I did it all myself.
Mientras que todos estos tipos se pudren aqui en los estados yo estare en otro lado y el ejercito no tiene nada que ver con eso.
I ask myself how you did it, or, rather, I have ceased to ask.
" Me pregunto qué ha hecho. O más bien, no me lo pregunto.
I'm glad you did, because it makes me feel a sight better. I skedaddled myself yesterday, when about half the other fellas did.
Qué bueno que lo hiciste, Henry, porque me siento mejor... ayer traté de huir cuando la mitad del pelotón lo hizo.
I did it all by myself.
Lo hice todo yo sola.
I've almost lost faith in myself. How did you do it?
Casi he perdido la confianza en mí mismo. ¿ Cómo lo ha hecho?
- You told me to sort it out myself so I did. - Clear off immediately!
Me dijo que me apañara, y me las apaño.
I did a wee bit of it myself when I was younger.
Yo lo hice de joven.
I did it all by myself.
Lo hice todo por mí mismo.
I did it all myself.
Lo he hecho todo yo.
Or did you hope I'd announce it to the newspapers and make a fool of myself?
¿ O esperabas que lo anunciara a los periódicos y quedara como un imbécil?
I did it, all by myself.
Yo misma. Yo solita.
The autopsy I did on Monique Riviere... it's incredible, I'll never forgive myself.
La autopsia de Monique Riviere... Increíble. No sé si podré perdonármelo.
I don't like to make a fool out of myself, but I did drink and you know, when I want to do something, I'll do it.
No quiero convertirme en un tonto, pero bebo y, bueno, cuando quiero hacer algo, lo hago.
I always did it for myself back home.
Siempre lo hacía yo mismo en casa.
Anyway, I guess I did it for myself.
De todos modos, lo haría por mi misma.
Did I aim at that wall and try to kill myself, or was I just too drunk to miss it?
¿ Fui contra aquél muro para matarme? ¿ O simplemente estaba demasiado borracho?
Did I hurt your feelings some way without seeing it myself?
¿ Te he molestado, quizás, sin que me haya dado cuenta de ello?
I did it to myself.
Me lo hice a mí misma.
I'll get right to the papers, and if anybody asks, I did think of it myself.
Hablaré con la prensa y si alguien pregunta sí fue mi idea.
And while this was going on, I don't know why I did it I got into a pair of gloves myself and I snuck up behind George, just kidding and yelled, "Hey, George!"
Y mientras estaban en eso, no sé por qué lo hice pero me puse un par de guantes y me paré detrás de George. Jugando. Y grité, "¡ Oye, tú!"
I did it all myself.
Lo hice yo mismo.
I did it all by myself.
No, lo he hecho yo s-solo.
I don't know what it is myself for sure, but she did say arches and a car.
Ni siquiera yo sé lo que hago, pero dijo arcos y un coche.

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