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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I didn't ask for that

I didn't ask for that Çeviri İspanyolca

134 parallel translation
I didn't ask for this, but now that I'm in it... I won't stop until I get some decent fire laws... for our people down on the Coast.
No pedí esto, pero ahora que estoy aquí... no me detendré hasta que consiga buenas leyes contra incendios... para nuestra gente en la costa.
- I want that dough very much. If I didn't like you, I Wouldn't ask you for a quarter,
Esa chica me gusta mucho, y usted también o no le pediría esto.
And may I ask, why didn't you do it that way for the audience?
Y puedo preguntar ¿ por qué no lo has hecho así para la audiencia?
I didn't call for that. I've got a favor to ask.
Tengo que pedirte un gran favor.
Hey, I didn't ask for that!
No se lo he preguntado.
I didn't bother to ask her about the following day. I couldn't even pay for that day's room.
No quise decirle que al día siguiente ni siquiera le podría pagar el día que le iba a deber.
I didn't ask for that.
No lo he pedido.
I didn't ask for butter on that cookie, just cheese.
No pedí mantequilla en esa galleta, sólo queso.
Laurie, listen, I didn't ask for that back.
Laurie, mira, yo no pedí eso de regreso.
Max, I didn't ask for that job.
Oye, Max, yo no pedí ese trabajo.
After that... I didn't know how to ask his forgiveness... for ages after.
Después de eso, no sabía cómo rogarle que me perdonara, durante mucho tiempo.
I didn't ask for that!
No lo he elegido.
Didn't I ask for dogs around that perimeter fence?
¿ No pedí perros para vigilar el recinto?
I didn't ask for that, and I don't want it.
No te lo pido ni lo quiero.
That photo I didn't hear Dad ask for that
La foto. No escuché cuando Heit lo pidió.
I didn't ask you for help because, it like, it takes a while... to develop that "ask for help" reflex.
No te pedí ayuda porque tomará tiempo desarrollar eso de "Pedir ayuda".
Now. I didn't ask for nothing. I just keep getting offered farm equipment by this school and that.
Ahora yo no le he pedido nada pero cierta escuela me ofrece un equipo completo y moderno para la granja.
- I didn't ask for that. She did - I know
No se Lo he pedido, Lo ha hecho ella.
He told me late last night, that he has been following your work on this case with great interest for about five years... I didn't ask him how.
Me dijo anoche que hace seguido tú trabajo en los últimos cinco años no le pregunte como.
No, I didn't ask her for that.
No se lo pedí. Y es una "quadrille".
Don't blame it on me. I didn't ask for that watch.
Yo no te pedí ese reloj.
I didn't ask for that!
¡ Yo no la he pedido!
Let me ask you. When I had conversations with you and I told you about Jack and how he was always getting hurt that I thought that he was out of his mind and that I would never date anybody like that again, a little bell didn't go off in your head and say, "Well, maybe I should tell her now what I do for a living?"
Cuando te conte sobre Jack y como siempre estaba lastimado,..... y como yo nunca saldria con nadie parecido de nuevo..... nunca pensastes, "Tal vez debería decirle lo que hago para ganarme la vida"?
You told me you were out for an innocent walk. That's all I needed to know. You didn't ask hard questions, almost like you didn't want to know.
No basta con que los pacientes se precipiten a los tribunales para acusar a sus médicos por todos sus males...
You know, I didn't ask to be the Emissary... But for better or worse, I guess that's what I am...
No pedí ser el Emisario, pero para bien o para mal, lo soy...
I didn't ask you here for that.
No te he hecho venir para que te excuses.
No, I would never ask for a grade that you didn't think was fair.
No, nunca le pediría una nota que usted no considerase justa.
I didn't ask for your opinion. I asked for a toy that you don't have!
No le pedí su opinión. ¡ Le pedí un juguete que no tiene!
It paid enough that I didn't have to ask the old man for cash.
El sueldo basta para no tener que pedirle dinero a mi papá.
I didn't ask for a shrink. That was somebody else.
El psiquiatra no era para mí, era para otro.
What kind of parenting is that? Look I didn't ask for your criticism Jacob and I happen to be doing the best I can.
No quiero tus críticas y hago lo mejor que puedo.
You want me to ask Grandma for the name of a man that I didn't meet at a function that I didn't attend?
Quieres que le pregunte a la abuela el nombre de un hombre que no conocí en una subasta a la que no asistí?
That's funny, I could've sworn I didn't ask for one.
Es extraño. Juraría que no había pedido mesera.
I didn't ask for that, because I already know my team.
Yo no pedí eso, porque ya conozco a mi equipo.
Well, i didn't ask for that job.
Bueno, yo no pedí ese trabajo.
Yes, Stan, I can report that I am indeed talking out of my ass. And you've got a great ass, Naomi, I'd ask you to shake it for us if I didn't think you were so full of shit.
Si, Stan, puedo informar que estoy hablando con el culo y tienes un gran culo, Naomi, te pediría que lo menearas para nosotros si no pensara que lo tienes lleno de mierda
You know, that's- - That's why I didn't call you after our first date or send flowers to the precinct or ask to see your driver's license photo so I could sneak a peak at your birthday and write it in my Palm Pilot with a reminder for the week before : Buy Vince present, smiley face.
Por eso no te llame en la primera cita, ni te envié flores, ni te pedí la licencia para ver cuando cumples años, y anotarlo en mi Palm Pilot y poner "Comprarle regalo a Vince"
- I didn't ask you for that.
- No te he pedido que lo hagas.
Didn't it occur to you that I'd ask for them one day?
¿ No se os ocurrió pensar que un día las querría?
I didn't ask you for a damn thing but to go away with me and you couldn't do that.
No te pedí ninguna maldita cosa pero me arrastraste y no puedes hacer eso.
I didn't ask you for a damn thing but to go away with me and you couldn't do that.
No te pedí ninguna maldita cosa pero me arrastraste y no puedes obligarme.
- That I didn't ask for, Madam Director.
- El cual no pedí, madam Directora.
I mean, I didn't rewind to six months ago. So why would a body that's still dead ask for my help?
Está muy claro que no rebobiné hace 6 meses así que por qué un cuerpo ya muerto iba a pedirme ayuda.
I know you didn't ask for that, but the truth is I felt real pleasure.
Sé que no pidió eso, pero en realidad sentí placer.
Charles is having trouble understanding why I didn't ask for his help on this recent paper that I published.
Charles está teniendo problemas en entender por qué no pedí su ayuda para mi reciente publicación.
That's why I didn't ask for details.
El cuerpo de Ho-Sang siempre ha sido muy débil.
I didn't want that, and I didn't ask for it.
Yo no quería eso y no lo pedí.
That's for the girl But you didn't bother to ask if I'm hungry?
Serán para ella, a mi ni me preguntas si tengo hambre.
I feel I have had an enormous responsibility put into my hands that I didn't ask for and don't want.
Siento que he tenido una gran responsabilidad en lo que pasa, que no la pedí y no la quise.
I've not come for that. Then why? Didn't you ask me to come even if I don't get a reply?
Han pasado solo tres días desde que enviaste la carta ¿ Cómo has podido tener una respuesta tan pronto?
since you gave the idol to acethat just shows that you he is- - he didn't ask for it.i gave it to him.
Al darle el ídolo a Ace te demuestra que él es- - - Él no me lo pidió, yo se lo di.

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