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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I didn't know anything about that

I didn't know anything about that Çeviri İspanyolca

126 parallel translation
I didn't know anything about that, honest I didn't.
Yo no estaba al tanto de nada, es la pura verdad.
I don't know anything about him being smart, I didn't even look at him you only have eyes for Philip, that stupid schoolboy
No sé si era guapo, ni siquiera lo miré. ¡ Sólo tienes ojos para Philip, ese estúpido colegial!
I didn't know anything about that.
- No tenía ni idea. De verdad.
He told me where you were. I didn't know anything about that.
¡ Yo no lo sabía!
Well, they was aimin'to swing Pinky for somethin'he didn't do — something he didn't even know anything about — so I figured that —
Bueno, iban a colgar a Pinky por algo que no hizo... por algo que desconocía por completo, así que decidí...
Except I didn't know anything about that $ 10,000 insurance policy.
Menos que no sabía nada del seguro de 10.000 dólares.
Listen, I was going to tell Sims that I pumped Steve and that he wouldn't tell me anything'cause he didn't know anything about you.
Escucha, le iba a decir a Sims que confronté a Steve y que no me dijo nada porque no sabia nada de ustedes.
I didn't know anything about the baby until that afternoon.
No supe nada del bebé hasta esa tarde.
I mean, there couldn't be a new man transferred here that you didn't know anything about?
Quiero decir, ¿ no puede ser que haya sido destinado aquí hace poco y usted no se haya enterado?
Look, Dan, if it's about your brother, I didn't know anything about that.
Dan, si vienes por lo de tu hermano, yo no tuve nada que ver.
I suppose you're going to tell me that you didn't know anything about that.
- Supongo que iba a decirme que no sabía nada.
I didn't know anything about that!
¡ Yo no sabía nada sobre eso!
I didn't know anything about it if that's what you're thinking.
No sabía nada al respecto, si eso piensas.
I didn't know anything about your shipment when I went aboard that freighter. I'm not a naive man, Mr. Vincent.
No sabía nada de su envío cuando subí al barco.
I didn't find out about anything yesterday that I didn't know already.
No oí nada nuevo ayer. Ya lo sabía.
I said that you didn't know anything about it.
Te dije que no sabías de lo que estabas hablando.
- That I didn't know anything? - Know about what?
- Que no supiera nada - ¿ Nada de que?
I didn't know anything about that.
No tenía idea de esto, no sabía nada.
I didn't know anything about that.
Yo no lo sabía.
I didn't know anything about that.
Pero no tenía ni idea de eso.
I didn't even know anything about that.
No lo sabía.
I mean, it's about the kids that were over there who didn't know anything about anything.
Los chicos que estaban allá, que no sabían nada de nada.
And it didn't matter that I didn't know anything about it?
¿ Y no les importó que no supiera nada?
That I'd do anything they didn't know about.
Que yo haría cualquier cosa que no hizo.
Fran, I didn't know anything about that.
Fran, no sabía nada.
I didn't want to say anything. I thought you'd say not to. You know that barbecue idea I was talking about?
No quise decir nada porque temía que me dijeran que no lo hiciera pero, ¿ saben la idea de la barbacoa de las que les hablé?
I didn't know anything about that.
No sabía nada de eso.
i didn't know anything about that shit and when i smoked that shit that shit fucking rocked my fuckin legs man
Yo no sabía nada de esa mierda, y cuando la fumé esa mierda me sacudió jodidamente las piernas, tío.
The reason I ask is because when that DA investigator came by today, he was asking me about it, and I realized I really didn't know anything.
Te lo pregunto porque cuando el investigador de la fiscalíia me lo preguntó, me di cuenta de que en realidad yo no sabíia nada.
- I know. - Yeah. You didn't say anything to anyone about that, did you?
No le hablaste a nadie sobre eso, ¿ verdad?
I didn't say anything about Phyllis's weight... that the whole room didn't already know.
Yo no dije nada Phyllis sobre el peso... que toda la habitación ya no sé.
So, I understand that only from the bones... they can determine what a person did for a living... or what ethnic group or how old he was- - I thought you didn't know anything about archaeology.
Sé que por los huesos se puede saber a qué se dedicaba esa persona... a qué grupo étnico pertenecía, su edad... pensé que no sabías nada sobre arqueología.
Afterwards, I realized that there was no way I could have been nervous just then because just then I didn't know there was anything to be nervous about.
Después me di cuenta de que a esa altura no había manera de poder ponerme nervioso Porque a esa altura no había nada que me pudiese poner nervioso
Just tell them that I didn't know anything about what was going on and that Dan threatened me.
sólo diles que yo no tenía ni idea de Io que estaba pasando y que Dan me amenazó.
- I didn't know anything about that, or I'd never have recommended her.
- No sabía nada al respecto de lo contrario jamás la hubiera recomendado.
I didn't say or do anything embarrassing to you that I should know about did I?
No te habré dicho algo de lo que deba avergonzarme ¿ verdad?
Oh, I didn't know anything about that.
No sabía nada acerca de eso.
That's a surprise, I didn't know anything about it.
Me sorprende. Yo no sabía nada.
I think he said that he didn't know anything about mountaineering.
Creo que dijo que no sabia nada sobre montañismo.
and then Dorit was Jason's sister but I didn't know anything about that.
Y luego resulta que Dorit era la hermana de Jason... pero yo no sabía nada de eso.
I didn't know anything about this If that's what you want, go ahead
No sabía nada de esto si eso es lo que quieres, adelante
The mark bet his life savings in a horseracing scam... but his wife didn't know anything about it. I suppose he wanted to keep it that way.
La marca había apostado sus ahorros... de toda la vida en una estafa de carrera de caballos... pero su mujer no sabía nada de eso... supongo que prefería dejarlo de esa manera.
I didn't know anything about that.
Yo no sabía nada de eso.
It's not just that I didn't know anything about making documentaries, I didn't even know anything about architecture.
Yo no sabía nada de documentales ni de arquitectura.
The people that I remain very faithful to... are the people that really influenced me... when I was very young. When I didn't know anything about anything. And... that just really showed that in a very concrete way... showed a direction forward... and for me to be doing this is very much about that.
La gente a la que sigo siendo muy fiel son las personas que realmente me influenciaron cuando era muy chico, cuando no sabía nada de nada, y... realmente me mostraron en un modo muy concreto una dirección hacia adelante.
I was 9 when I wrote that. I didn't know about science or medicine or anything.
Tenía 9 años cuando escribí esto, no sabía nada sobre Ciencia y Medicina..
I realized that I didn't know anything about her.
Me di cuenta de que no sabía nada sobre ella.
Ni.a, wanted that ni.a a lot it took out it to go for a walk a lot, they had a good time a lot and then I didn't know anything about her.
Niña, quería mucho a esa niña la sacaba pasear mucho, se divertían mucho y luego no supe nada de ella.
I heard about what happened, and I wanted to let you know that I didn't know anything about it.
Escuché lo que sucedió. Y quise que supieras que yo no sabía nada.
I knew the president was going to be visiting that night, but I didn't know anything about any protesters or anything like that.
Sabía que el presidente iba a visitar esa noche, pero no sabia nada de protestas o algo así.
Now I remember. He said that his wife didn't know anything about this.
Ahora lo recuerdo, dijo que su esposa no quería saber nada de eso.

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