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I didn't know him Çeviri İspanyolca

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I said I didn't know him.
Dije que no lo conocía.
I know I didn't beat him the way I used to back in the day, but I still won for the woman I love.
Ya sé que no lo vencí como en los viejos tiempos, pero aún así yo gané. Y también a la mujer que amo.
I didn't know you cared so much about him, Bradley.
No sabía que él te importara mucho, Bradley.
Y'all didn't know him, I ain't giving you no money.
No lo reconocieron. No les pagaré.
Baby, you know I didn't say anything to him, right?
Amor, sabes que yo no le dije nada, ¿ no?
- I didn't know he had it in him.
- No sabía que lo tenía.
I found him in the morning, alone, and I was so sad I didn't know what to do.
Yo le encontré de madrugada, sola, y me dio tanta pena que no sabía qué hacer.
All I really wanted to do is hold him and tell him that everything is gonna be alright. I just didn't know if it was.
Todo lo que quería era abrazarlo, decirle que todo iba a estar bien pero yo no sabía si sería así.
I told him I didn't know who Kevin was, but... he caught me in the lie.
Le dije que no sabía quién era Kevin... pero... me atrapó en la mentira.
I convinced him I didn't know anything. He left.
Lo convencí de que no sabía nada y se fue.
I thinkthey basically had him in for, you know, one day, two days orvmatever, and did all those things so he didn't have to go in and out of the makeup.
Íbamos a llamarnos, como, la oscuridad, la penumbra zona violeta, con Freddy en una especie de anfitrión y participante.
What? I didn't know I wasn't supposed to kill him.
Yo no sabía que no debía matarlo.
No, I didn't know him.
No, no le conocía.
I didn't even know him.
No me conocía.
I realised that maybe I didn't know him.
Me di cuenta que tal vez, no lo conocía.
That I didn't know the extent of her intimacy with him.
Por no haber conocido el nivel de intimidad que tenían.
- When Casey was with Max, I know you didn't like him.
Cuando Casey estaba con Max, sé que él no te agradaba. - Es correcto.
I thought you didn't know anything about him?
¿ Pensé que no sabías nada de él?
I don't know if I did it for him or for me, but I couldn't bring myself to put him on that bus, and to this day, I'm sorry I didn't.
No sé si lo hice por él o por mí, pero no me atreví a ponerlo en ese autobús, y hasta el día de hoy, lamento no haberlo hecho.
I didn't know him.
Nadie lo hacía.
But then later when I saw him on the stairs, he didn't even know what I was talking about.
Pero luego, cuando lo vi en la escalera no sabía de qué le estaba hablando.
I r... I remember when I was on my second or third date with William, and I didn't really know him very well, but he took me to this seafood restaurant where I got massive food poisoning.
Re... recuerdo cuando estaba en mi segunda o tercera cita con William, y realmente no le conocía muy bien, pero él me llevó a una marisquería.
I... didn't know him very well.
No lo conocía mucho.
I didn't know how to help him.
No supe cómo ayudarlo.
I was so devastated, and I didn't know it at the time but I blamed him too, and Mike felt it.
Estaba tan deshecha y en ese momento no lo sabía... pero también lo culpaba y Mike lo sentía.
I had no idea that... Graham didn't know that I thought that about him anyway.
No tenía ni idea de que Graham no supiera que yo pensaba eso de él.
Yeah, well, the thing is, Jerome came on to me, and, you know, he's going through a real rough patch right now. And I didn't want to hurt his feelings, you know,'cause he's a really cool dude, so I told him I had a boyfriend.
Si, bueno, la cosa es que Jerome vino a mi y, ya sabes, está pasando por un mal momento ahora mismo. Y no quería herir sus sentimientos, ya sabes, porque él es un chico realmente guay,
I don't know. I wanted to hear it from him. I probably didn't believe it.
Sabes... yo... no sé, quería escucharlo de el, probablemente no lo creía
I didn't know him.
No lo conocía.
I'm really sorry I didn't tell you about it. You know, I was just trying to get to know him, And I didn't know when the right time- -
- Siento mucho no habértelo dicho estaba tratando de conocerlo mejor y no sabía cual era el mejor momento
I know that the other inmates who were there didn't even lift a finger to help him.
Sé que los otros presos que acudieron no levantaron un dedo para ayudarlo.
I didn't know you were friends with Mario. How long have you known him?
No sabía que eras amigo de Mario desde cuándo lo conocés?
I didn't know him...
Yo no lo conocía...
- No, I didn't know him.
- No, nunca lo conocí.
You think I didn't know the second we lost him?
¿ Pensaba que no sabría al instante que lo habíamos perdido?
I didn't get the chance to know him like you did.
No tuve la oportunidad de conocerlo como tú.
Just so you know, I didn't serve him more than three.
Para que lo sepas, no le serví más de tres.
I popped him so quick he didn't even know what hit him. Yeah.
Le disparé tan rápido que no se dio cuenta de qué le dio.
I didn't know him that well.
Yo no lo conocía tanto...
Look, I know that you didn't draw him.
Mira, sé que no lo dibujaste.
I didn't know where else to bring him.
No sabía a qué otro sitio llevarlo.
I worked for him for years, And I didn't even know.
Trabajé para él durante años, y nunca lo supe.
I don't know him, I've never met that girl, and I didn't kill anybody.
No lo conozco, nunca he conocido a esa chica... y no maté a nadie.
Well, all I know is that there was a discrepancy and I called him and I told him that, and he didn't believe me.
Todo lo que sé es que había una discrepancia y lo llamé y se lo dije, y no me creyó.
It's just, I wanted him to know what my business was... just in case he didn't wanna be seen having breakfast with me, you know, being such an important man that he is.
Es sólo, yo quería que él supiera cuál era mi trabajo... sólo en caso de que él no quiera verse tomando el desayuno conmigo, sabes, siendo un hombre tan importante como él.
Yeah, maybe I saw him in the lobby and didn't even know.
Sí, quizás la he visto en la recepción y ni siquiera lo sabía.
Look, I know it was wrong to take it, but I swear to God, I didn't kill him.
Sé que hice mal al robarla, pero juro por Dios que no lo maté.
You know, I didn't say thank you. I'll walk him out.
No dije gracias.
I didn't really know him.
En realidad no lo conozco.
I know it was about "he didn't dump me, I dumped him."
"Él no me dejó, lo dejé yo".
I'm just thinking to myself, you know, tyson's one of my allies and if it were me that didn't win immunity they'd be coming after me and i know they're coming after him and i was just think ofay so that russell doesn't get the bert of us
Sólo estaba pensando, ¿ sabes? Tyson es uno de mis aliados. Si yo no hubiera ganado la inmunidad ellos vendrían por mí, sé que ellos irán por él.

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