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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I didn't say it was

I didn't say it was Çeviri İspanyolca

725 parallel translation
I didn't say it was your fault...
No dije que fuera culpa tuya...
Say, I didn't know it was anything like this.
Bueno, no sabía que se trataba de esto.
I didn't say he won it. I said he was going to win it.
No dije que lo ganó, sino que iba a ganarlo.
I thought that's what this war was about - making people pay taxes when they didn't have no say-so about it.
Creía que de eso trataba esta guerra. La gente debe pagar sus impuestos y no hay más que hablar.
I didn't mean to turn ordinary on you, Johnny. It was just an approach to get you to say you loved me.
No quería ponerme vulgar contigo, Johnny sólo quería oírte decir que me quieres.
Yes, sir. If I didn't know Mr. Januário's handwriting, I'd say it was forged.
Si no conociese la letra del Sr. Januário, diría que era mentira.
─ I didn't say that. I said it was an accident.
- He dicho que era un accidente.
I didn't say it was all the way better. I just said it was mostly better.
No dije que fuese mejor, pero que casi lo era.
Well, I didn't say it was a funny story.
Nunca dije que fuera una historia divertida.
I didn't say there was anything wrong with it.
-... despues de una vida agradable. - No he dicho lo contrario.
No, let's say I didn't know it was so serious.
- No pensé que fuera algo serio.
I didn't say it was a good thing.
No he dicho que fuese bueno.
- I didn't say it was a man.
- No dije que fuera un hombre.
I didn't say there was anything wrong in it. I just thought you'd want to know.
Yo no he dicho que haya nada malo, pensé que querrías saberlo.
I didn't say he was crazy enough to take his concerto from the only person who can play it.
Pero no he dicho que esté tan loco como para arrebatar su concierto... ... a la única persona que puede tocarlo.
I didn't say it was your fault.
Yo no he dicho que fuese culpa tuya.
I didn't say it was.
No lo niego.
I didn't say it was wrong.
No he dicho que estuviese mal.
But I didn't say it was all right for you to do it.
Pero nunca dije que estaba bien que tú lo hicieras.
I didn't a say a word, it was your mother who just spoke.
No he dicho nada, tu madre fue quien habló.
I didn't say it was important.
No dije que fuera importante.
If I didn't know better, I'd say it was gonna rain.
Si no supiera dónde estamos, diría que va a llover.
Didn't you say you'd give I believe it was your soul to nail Hanson?
¿ No dijo que vendería... creo que dijo su alma por atrapar a Hanson?
- I didn't say it was a good chance.
- Quizás no.
I just didn't say it was the same night.
Pero no dije que había sido la misma noche.
I didn't know what I was going to say until after I'd said it.
No sabía qué iba a decir hasta que lo he dicho.
- I didn't say it was missing!
- No es un imperdible. - Yo no he dicho que se haya perdido.
I didn't say it was a crime
No he dicho que lo fuera.
I didn't know it was you. Why didn't you say something?
No sabía que era Ud. ¿ Cómo es que no dijo nada?
I didn't say it was suicide.
No he dicho que fuera suicidio.
I didn't say anything, it was him!
Pero si yo no he dicho nada de matarle ; ha sido él.
I didn't say it was right, Aron.
Tony, I didn't say it was your fault.
Tony, yo no te he echado la culpa.
I don't know what to say to her. I remember I didn't know anything about death or it didn't touch me closely until I was much older. Rhoda is 8.
¿ Cómo se lo diré a Rhoda?
I've known about it for days... and I didn't want to say anything until I was sure.
Lo sé desde hace unos días....... y no quise decir nada hasta estar segura del todo.
That dress. If I didn't know you better, I'd say it was straight from Paris.
Conociéndote, diría que lo has traído de París.
I didn't say it was funny.
No he dicho que lo sea.
I didn't say it was Aurora.
No he dicho que fuera Aurora.
No, you said I was going to travel. I didn't say it, you said it.
- Tú has dicho que iba a viajar.
I didn't say it was gonna be easy... but we sure can try.
No dije que sería fácil, pero trataremos.
That's what they all say, "I didn't know it was loaded."
Eso es lo que dicen todos : "No sabía que estaba cargada."
I didn't say it was.
- Yo no he dicho eso. - ¿ Entonces de quién es la culpa?
I didn't say it was lost.
No he dicho que se haya perdido.
Didn't I say it was an accident?
¿ No digo que fue un accidente?
I didn't say it was definite, I said perhaps.
No dije que fuera definitivo, dije que tal vez.
I didn't say it was your fault.
No te echo la culpa.
He didn't say a word about it till now, and I was thinking the same thing.
No había dicho nada hasta ahora, y yo pensaba en lo mismo.
I said it was good, I didn't say I was ready to sign.
He dicho que era bueno, no que fuera a firmar.
Si no lo sabría mejor, diría que es una serpiente eléctrica.
I did feel how important it was to you and you didn't say anything.
Siento lo importante que era para tí y tú no dijiste nada.
I didn't say it was inexplicable.
Me he dormido.

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