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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I don't know anything about this

I don't know anything about this Çeviri İspanyolca

320 parallel translation
If I do this, I don't want Jeffrey to know anything about it.
Si hago esto, no quiero que Jeffrey se entere.
I don't know anything about this.
No sé nada de eso.
Don't ever let him know anything about this...'cause if there's one thing I know, it's men.
Nunca dejes que sepa nada de esto... porque si hay algo de lo que sé, es de hombres.
I don't want her to know anything about this or me.
No quiero que esté al corriente.
I don't know anything about this dance.
No sé nada de este baile.
Well, listen, kid, this is nothing personal. I mean, it's... I just don't know anything about babies, and then...
No es que no me gustes, pero yo soy soltera y nunca he cuidado niños.
If I may say so, Mr Preysing, you don't know anything about this country,
Yo podría decir eso, Mr. Preysing, Ud. no sabe nada de este país.
But I don't know anything about this crime or whatever you call it.
Pero no sé nada de este delito o como sea que lo llamen.
Look, Hankins, I don't know anything about this.
Hankins, no sé nada.
I still don't get this business of heading north... toward a place we don't know anything about.
Aún no entiendo eso de ir al norte, hacia un lugar del que no sabemos nada.
I don't know if you men know anything about the politics in this state, but if you don't, you should.
No sé si sabéis algo acerca de los políticos de este estado,... pero si no es así, deberíais.
Look, Charlie, I don't know anything about plays but do you think Bert ought to produce this himself?
Mira, Charlie, no sé nada de obras de teatro ¿ pero crees que Bert debería producir esto él solo?
Wait a minute. I don't know anything about this.
¡ Yo no tengo nada que ver con eso!
I don't know anything about army procedure, Colonel, but couldn't you be court-martialed for this?
- No. No sé nada sobre el procedimiento miitar, pero podrían formarle un consejo de guerra.
I don't want them to know anything about this big thing that's coming up.
No quiero que se enteren de lo que tenemos en puerta.
I don't know anything about this Mr Howard.
No sé nada sobre ese señor Howard.
But, Ted, I don't know anything about all this.
Pero, Ted, yo no sé nada de esto.
En realidad no sé como subí a este barco.
- I don't know anything about... 21st birthday presents, but I saw it this morning, so...
No entiendo mucho acerca de... regalos para chicas de 21 años, pero lo vi esta mañana, y...
I don't know anything about this guy...
No sé nada de este tipo...
I don't know anything about how you work this.
No tengo idea de cómo se las arregla con esto.
I don't know anything about this!
¡ No sé nada de esto!
The only thing I want to say is that I don't know anything about this.
Lo único que quiero decir es que yo no sé nada de todo esto.
I don't know anything about gauges, but it's about this big.
Yo no entiendo nada de eso, pero es así de grande.
I don't know anything about this.
- Yo creo que sí.
Now, remember, I don't want her to know anything about this.
Recuerda, no quiero que ella sepa nada de esto.
Listen, if there's one sure-fire rule that I have learned in this business is that I don't know anything about human nature. I don't know anything about curiosity.
Escucha, si hay algo que he aprendido en este trabajo es que no sé nada sobre la naturaleza humana no sé nada acerca de la curiosidad.
Abogado, no sé dónde consigue a sus testigos pero éste es el tercero que no sabe nada sobre este caso.
I don't know anything. Why ask about this?
No sé nada. ¿ Porqué me pregunta sobre eso?
I don't know anything about this play.
No sé nada de la obra.
I don't know anything about this woman.
Ni de esa mujer.
Frank, I don't know anything about this game.
Pero no sé jugar.
- Can't what? He can't tell me anything about myself that I don't know already. All this psychiatry, it's a load of tommyrot.
No me contará nada sobre mí que yo no sepa.
So about all this story, I don't know anything.
Entonces, yo, de toda esta historia, no sé nada.
Well I don't know anything about film star Miss Giles, but if this gathering is any indication of her local interest, I'm sure that Miss Gregg won't disappoint her fans. I do hope not.
No entiendo nada de estrellas de cine, pero si esta congregación indica que existe un interés local, no desilusionará a sus admiradores.
I mean, I don't even know how to begin talking about this... but you know, in the Middle Ages... before the arrival of scientific thinking as we know it today... well, people could believe anything.
No sé ni por dónde empezar. En la Edad Media, antes de existir la ciencia... tal como la entendemos hoy, la gente creía cualquier cosa, todo podía ser verdad.
I don't know this guy or anything about him.
No sé nada de ese individuo.
I don't want anything going on in this house I don't know about.
No quiero que pase nada en mi casa que yo no sepa.
I don't suppose you know anything about this scratch on my car?
Supongo que no sabrán quién ha rayado mi auto.
How should I know? I don't understand anything about this tub of yours
No lo sé, no comprendo nada de tu nave.
Laura, I don't pretend to know what this is about... and ordinarily I do anything you ask... but you specifically told me you could handle the missing fish client by yourself.
¿ Laura? No sé de qué se trata. Normalmente hago todo lo que me pides.
I don't know if you know anything about this but you have to call me right away!
No sé si sabes algo de esto, ¡ pero tienes que llamarme enseguida!
I don't know anything about all this stuff.
- No sé nada de todo eso.
Look, I don't know anything about this.
Mire, no sé nada de eso. Se lo juro.
Wait a minute, now. I'm not signing anything, here. I don't even know what this is all about.
- No voy a firmar nada ni siquiera sé de qué va todo esto.
Oh, I don't know anything about this.
¿ Yo? Yo no sé nada de todo esto.
I don't believe this. I don't know anything about any drugs or any police.
No sé nada de drogas o de policía.
I don't know anything about this.
Yo no se nada de esto.
I don't know anything about this shit!
¡ No sé nada de esta mierda!
I don't know anything about this.
Yo no tengo ni idea de esto.
I think you know as much as I do about this Foot Clan... and I don ´ t think you ´ re doing anything about it.
Creo que sabe tanto como yo sobre ese clan... y creo que no está haciendo nada.

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