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I just don't get it Çeviri İspanyolca

1,387 parallel translation
I don't get it. Why doesn't she just kick his ass, you know, and then run?
No lo entiendo. ¿ Porque no patea su culo, y después echa a correr?
I just don't get it, man.
No lo entiendo.
I just don't get it.
Es sólo que no lo consigo. Es decir...
I don't have the right washer, so I'm just gonna go on across the street and get it.
Sí, necesito otro filtro para este grifo así que voy a ir a cogerlo de la casa de enfrente.
World doesn't want to get by without you just yet and I don't blame it one bit.
El mundo quiere seguir contando con usted. Y no lo culpo en absoluto.
I guess I just don't get it.
Creo que no te pillo.
I don't know if I ever thought about what it would be. I pretty much just wanted to get out of town.
No sé si esperaba algo sólo quería salir de aquí
Actually, it was my idea to get a job. I just figured that it'd be nice to have some extra cash lying around so I don't always have to ask my parents.
De hecho, ha sido idea mía buscarme un trabajo pensé que sería agradable ganar algo de dinero y no tener que pedírselo a mis padres
Hey, don't get me wrong, all right, I love the madness, it's just your problem is you have no method to your madness.
Hey, no dejéis que me equivoque de acuerdo, me encanta la locura, es tu problema si no tienes un método para tu locura.
We can't get enough gigs to get any momentum... and I don't know, it's just not working.
No tenemos suficientes presentaciones para tomar impulso... y no sé, no funciona.
I just don't think it's right that they get first dibs on him.
No creo que esté bien que ellos Io conozcan primero.
I made a reservation at noon, I figure we can do Thanksgiving, and then, I don't know, just rip the stitches, get it over with.
Reservé para mediodía. Cenamos por Acción de Gracias y luego... no sé, arrancarnos los puntos y hacerlo de una buena vez.
I just still don't get it.
Todavía no lo entiendo.
I just don't get it.
No entiendo.
- I'm just saying, I don't get it.
- Sólo digo que no lo entiendo.
I wasn't going to get involved, but now she got me delivering poison- - it just don't seem right.
Yo no iba a involucrarme, pero ahora que me envió a entregar veneno- - es sólo que no se ve bien.
I don't get it, why can't you just tell me what happened with you and Zach that was so hot?
No entiendo. ¿ Por qué no puedes contarme eso tan caliente que hicieron tú y Zach?
I just... I don't get it.
Es sólo que no lo entiendo.
I just thought it would make us both feel better if we got involved in something. if we got involved in something. I don't want to get involved in something, OK?
Solo creo que nos haría sentirnos mejor el involucrarnos en algo.
They just don't get it, do they? These guys, I feel sorry for them.
Simplemente no se enteran ¿ verdad?
Look Lucy, I just don't get it, I mean why?
Mira Lucy, no lo entiendo... Es decir, porqué?
I still don't get why the Ori just don't do it themselves.
Sigo sin entender porqué los Ori no lo hacen ellos mismos
I just don't want to get killed doing it.
Solo que no quiero morir haciéndolo.
And that's the whole difference, I guess, it's that I don't need the books or the schooling-type things n I just get everything on my ow and because of that, I'm alive right now.
Y esa es la diferencia, supongo que no necesito libros o las cosas de la escuela. Todo lo consigo yo mismo y por eso, estoy vivo ahora.
- I just don't get it.
- No entiendo.
I just don't get it.
No lo entiendo.
But I just don't get it, cuz the guy who lives downstairs He says he sees me running out the fucking building at 10 : 45 right after he hears the gunshot.
Pero no entiendo, porque el vecino de abajo dijo que me vio salir corriendo del edificio a las 10 : 45 después de oír disparos.
- You wanna solve this problem. I wanna get my pardon. So why don't we just try it, okay, and not worry about what plants crave?
Bien, mirad, queréis resolver el problema y yo quiero conseguir el perdón, así que, ¿ por qué no probamos?
Not stood my ground when it was really important and I vowed to myself, not anymore and then you come along, like it's some kind of test for me, and I just get angry because I don't wanna slide backwards, John.
Me contuve cuando sentí que fue importante y me hice jurar que no sucedería nunca más y llegas tú como una prueba para mi. Y eso me enfurece porque no quiero dar marcha atrás.
I just don't get it.
No lo entendía.
I liked it, too. I just don't get it.
- A mí también me gusto, no lo entiendo.
I get it. We just don't want any more trouble.
Me sale. simplemente no queremos más problemas.
I just don't wanna see you get hurt, so stop it.
No quiero que salgas herido. Para con esto.
I just don't get it, Ames. You love me.
- Es solo que no lo entiendo.
- I just don't get it, man.
- Simplemente no lo entiendo.
It's just, I don't know, I want to get away from all this craziness for a while.
Sólo quiero alejarme de esta locura un rato.
I mean, don't get me wrong. I love girls, but... they just don't do it for me.
Amo a las ch ¡ cas... pero no son para mí.
If it's possible, can you just not say anything about the remote possibility of me getting fired if I don't get a sale this quarter?
Si es posible, no digas nada sobre la posibilidad de que me despidan si no logro hacer una venta este trimestre.
I just don't get it.
No Io entiendo.
I just don't understand why you're trying so hard not to get to Santa Barbara when it's the whole reason that we're on this trip.
Solamente no entiendo por qué no quieres llegar a Santa Barbara... ya que es la razón de este viaje.
I just don't get it, Turk.
Realmente no lo entiendo, Turk,
I just don't get it. Why won't you go to the concert with me?
Acabo de no tenerlo Vas al concierto conmigo?
I just don't get it, what happened?
No lo entiendo ¿ qué ha pasado?
You just don't get it, and I can't explain it to you.
Simplemente no lo entiendes y yo no puedo explicártelo
- I can't believe it. You spend a lifetime worrying that you're dying, and you just don't know it. Then you find out that not only are you not dying, but your whole miserable existence didn't have to be miserable if only you weren't so afraid to peel back the onion and maybe get a checkup every once in a while!
¿ Te pasas la vida preocupándote de que te estás muriendo y no sabes de qué y entonces, descubres que no sólo no te estás muriendo, sino que tu miserable existencia no tenía por qué ser miserable si simplemente hubieras pelado la cebolla?
I don't know, it just seems that... sometimes love just doesn't last the way you hope it will, but... if you get through that pain, it could last in ways that are more precious.
Y no sé, parece que... parece que el amor no dura como nos gustaría pero... si pasas por ese dolor... lo que queda es lo más preciado
When I prepare a presentation, I don't prepare it to get a group of lunatics to come in and just say " oh yes Pastor Ted, you're just so wonderful,
Cuando preparo una presentación... no la preparo para lograr que entre un grupo de lunáticos y digan :
I know, I just don't get it.
Lo sé, es que no lo entiendo.
I don't get it.Why not just go down there again?
No lo entiendo. ¿ Por qué mejor no bajas de nuevo?
I was really just trying to make it so my friend can move back here so... if you don't mind, I'm gonna try to get a hold of him now.
Si no les importa, iré a tratar de que vuelva.
It's just a little sad because I don't think Wendy will get anything out of this.
Es un poco triste porque no creo que Wendy se quedará con alguna cosa.

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