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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I just don't like it

I just don't like it Çeviri İspanyolca

1,687 parallel translation
You know, I got a lot of stuff going on right now that's... I don't even know what it's like to just be myself right now.
Sabes, tengo muchas cosas en este momento que... ni siquiera sé cómo es simplemente ser yo mismo.
I hear it's awful, but if you don't like it we'll just throw it out.
Pero si no te gusta, la tiraremos.
I'd just like to enjoy it, if you don't mind.
Quisiera disfrutarlo, si no te importa.
I think it sounds like a great agency, and I think Duck is the man to run it. I just don't think I'll be a part of it.
A mí me parece una gran agencia y creo que Duck es el hombre para dirigirla, pero no voy a participar en ella.
Así que no sé si estés bien con nosotros merodeando, pero me parece una buena idea.
You know, people just walk around this city like everything is so perfect, and it's all good and everything. And I don't know.
La gente camina por esta ciudad como si todo estuviera perfecto, y como si todo estuviera bien, y todo eso, y, no sé.
Well, it's not so much that I don't like them, sir. It's just that there's a group of people I like more : my fellow countrymen.
Bueno, no es que no me gusten, señor es que hay un grupo de gente que me gusta más : mis compatriotas.
I'm late for work, and I just don't feel like it.
Llego tarde al trabajo, y no tengo ganas.
# it's like I don't know who you are # # everyone changes now you've gone a bit too far # # it just goes on and on, and I just can't hold on # # this sounds like my new favorite song #
# Es como si no supiera quién eres. # # Todos cambian, pero tú fuiste demasiado lejos. # # sigue una y otra vez y no puedo aferrarme a ti. #
I just... I don't feel like it right now.
Es sólo que... no tengo ganas en este momento.
I mean... I'm out here... just trying to be a good boy... and it's just like they don't want to let me... you know?
Digo me voy de aquí intento ser un buen chico y es como si no quisieran permitírmelo ¿ sabes?
Because the way he just dropped out like that, Carol? It's mighty suspicious, and I figure if I don't get it from him, Well, I'll have to get it from you.
La manera en que ha desparecido, Carol, es francamente sospechosa, y me imagino que, si no lo recibo de él, bueno, entonces tendré que cogerlo de ti.
- It's just like, I don't know what the fuck...
Simplemente ha sido demasiado, amigo. Es como si...
I mean, I don't... Like you said, it's just always a big, " What if?
Como dices, es siempre un gran ¿ Y qué si?
No, I don't know, it was just like, in me, I guess.
No, no lo sé, fue solo algo en mí, supongo.
It's like you said... I don't have any clues, just bad news.
Es como dijiste no tengo ninguna pista, sólo malas noticias.
Look... I don't mean to tell you your business, but... it sounds to me like... your dream was just a dream.
Mire no quiero meterme en sus asuntos, pero me parece que su sueño fue sólo un sueño.
And as I passed him, he was scratching his head, and said, "I don't know what I just heard, but I think I like it."
Y mientras le pasaba, él se rascaba la cabeza, y le dije : "Yo no sé lo que acabo de oír, pero creo que me gusta".
I know you don't feel like it, but you're just a kid.
Sé que no te sientes así, pero sólo eres una chica.
That's just what I don't want it to sound like.
Eso es exactamente lo que no quiero que parezca.
I don't remember. It was just all like a...
No recuerdo, eso fue todo como un- -
This room, this... this whole place, everything in here, it's just, uh... I don't know, it feels like, um...
Este cuarto, este... todo este lugar, todo lo que está aquí, es sólo que, uh... no lo sé, se siente como, um...
I don't use it as an insult, I'll be alone in the laundry like "cunt, cunt" I just like saying it
Y yo no la uso mal. Estoy solo en la lavanderia y estoy "concha, concha" diciendola.
And so he starts making my coffee, he worked so hard. He grounded the beans just for that one cup and put them in the thing and tamped them with this old thing [click clakity click] and he took the milk and he frothed it like for an hour and he banged it on the counter and I don't know why but it was awesome, he scooped it in and put a little cocoa on it.
Y empieza a hacerme el cafe, trabajando duro, agarra los granos solamente para una taza los pone en la cosa, y lo tapa con la cosa y... tarda una hora... lo golpea... nose porque pero esta buenismo!
I was like, "Dude this hurts a lot" and he goes, "Well you can take Aleve, just take Aleve, you can buy it and just take it, and you can take whatever amount, it doesn't matter don't pay attention to the dosage"
"Flaco, me duele, y mucho." Y me dice : " Bueno, podes tomarte un calmante. Toma un calmante y listo.
And it's not okay, he brings them around and you're like "Dude.. don't" like I literally pointed at her face and said "Don't fuck her, that's awful" because it's just bad, y'know?
Las trae y le decis : "Flaco, no..." Casi literalmente la apuntas con el dedo y le decis : "no la cogas, es terrible."
I used to live in the city and I loved deer then because I was liberal and in the city and I'd see deer when you drive out with your friends out to the country and you see a deer and everybody is like, " Turn off the car, don't scare it, it's just so beautiful, look at the beautiful deer, look how he looks around it's just so mysterious and beautiful.
Solia vivir en la ciudad y amaba a los venados entonces. Porque vivia en la ciudad. Y si veias un venado cuando ibas manejando por el campo con tu amigos decis :
I have nephews and they play in the sprinkler naked with their little red dicks and I just don't like their little penises, it bothers me. I just get this weird feeling like they're gonna come over and fuck my nose or something with their little dicks.
Tengo sobrinos que vienen y juegan desnudos con sus pequeñas pijas rojas y... no me gustan sus pequeños penes molestandome... nose, tengo este raro presentimiento que de van a cogerme la nariz o algo
I used to do weird things with my dick too, I'd just like close it in the refrigerator door, I don't know why I just liked the pressure.
Solia hacer cosas raras tambien. Como cerrarla con la puerta de la heladera. No se porque.
I don't like it when people just don't say what they mean, or they lust say what you want to hear, because it's like, life is too short to deal with people like this.
No me gusta que la gente no dice lo que piensa. O dice lo que quieres oír. La vida es muy corta para tratar a gente así, ¿ no crees?
Um, listen, I hope that you don't think this is silly but I've been trying to reach Stacy Reed for over an hour and it keeps defaulting to voice mail and it's just not like her to turn off her phone.
Escuche, espero que no crea que esto es estúpido. Pero he tratado de localizar a Stacy Reed por una hora, y me sigue atendiendo el contestador. Y ella no acostumbra a apagar el teléfono.
You'd tell mum, huh? - Come on... - It's just that I don't like hair, that's all!
No me gustan los pelos, eso es todo.
And I just don't like the way we've gone into it and I probably handled it wrong but...
Y no es que me guste como hemos afrontado el argumento, y probablemente lo he llevado mal yo, pero... sentía que era una cosa que teníamos que hacer juntos.
Truth of the matter is I don't like my movies either, but they just keep offering me money. I do it, I get to go around the world.
La verdad es que a mí tampoco me gustan mis películas pero, viejo, siguen ofreciéndome dinero y lo acepto, y después viajo por el mundo.
- I just don't feel like it.
- No tengo ganas.
Is that like a "I'm not just that into you" I don't know, or is it more of a "I'm gonna play coy and make him sweat" I don't know?
Es un "no lo sé, no me gustas tanto" o es más un "no lo sé, seré evasiva y lo haré sudar".
It's not that I don't like it, it's just it's weird.
No es que no me guste, es solo que es raro.
Some people get stuck in relationships they don't want to be in just because they're too scared to let go of it, I don't wanna be like that.
Algunos se quedan enganchados en una relación que no quieren simplemente porque tienen miedo de terminar, y no quiero ser así.
You don't think it's anything that I haven't seen or talked to this guy in like 16 years, and I just randomly find his pet?
Tú no crees que significa algo que no haya visto o hablado con este tipo en 16 años, y acabe de encontrar su mascota por azar?
I just don't like it when you mess with yourself. You guys, you have to come tonight.
Cariño, te lo haría si tuvieras el lunar de Bella.
I get it. I just don't like putting my ass on the line for some outsider.
Es solo que no me gusta meter mi trasero delante de algún extraño.
I just don't want you to feel like you need to pretend it... It doesn't matter, you know?
No quiero que sientas que debes pretender que no importa cuando sí importa.
Believe it or not, I don't have that many friends. Girls just don't seem to like me.
Creelo o no, pero no tengo muchos amigos.
I don't know. I've been through so many rehabs, and I feel like it's just done nothing, and so I still am just in my own little prison of going home and isolating myself.
No sé, he estado en muchas rehabilitaciones y siento que esto no es nada, que sigo en mi pequeña prisión, yendo a casa y aislándome.
I don't have any hard evidence, but that's just what it feels like from where I'm standing, man and he's gonna break your heart, man.
No tengo una evidencia concreta, pero así es...
I believe in my religion so whenever I read about evolution, I can't understand it, I don't believe it, I just, like, believe my religion.
Yo creo en mi religión, por eso siempre que leo sobre la evolución no la comprendo, no creo en ella como creo en mi religión.
if you don't mind, I'd like it to be just me and leesie at the plaintiff's table.
Me gustaría que estuviéramos sólo yo y Leesie en la mesa del demandante.
And I just don't feel like it's about me.
Y no siento que se trate de mí.
I'm just saying, like, okay, it's like if My favorite food is shrimp, so a waiter brings me shrimp, but i can't eat shrimp Because it makes my tongue swell up, so i don't eat the shrimp,
Solo digo que, oka, es como si mi comida favorita fueran los langostinos entonces el mozo me trae los langostinos, pero no puedo comerlos porque hacen que mi lengua s hinche entences no me como los langostinos
It's a nice surprise. I just don't think we can go on the show like this.
Es una bonita sorpresa, pero no creo que podamos salir así en el programa.
I can read it, I just don't feel like it.
Sí sé leer, pero no me gusta. Así que cierra el pico.

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