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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I just don't see it

I just don't see it Çeviri İspanyolca

565 parallel translation
Even if I keep denying it and say that I don't want to know... I can't just ignore it when I see it.
Aunque no quiera saberlo, no puedo ignorarlo si lo veo.
I just don't wanna see you get it.
No quiero que eso pase.
And in case I don't see you a... Well, for a little while. I just want to tell you, it's been lovely.
Y por si no te veo en algún tiempo, sólo quiero decirte que todo ha sido maravilloso, cada momento de estos cincuenta años.
I don't like it any more than you do, but I... said I'd do it because I don't see why your grandfather should be kicked around just because we're a couple of...
- No, no. Eso es comprensible.
I just gotta see it through, don't I?
Debo seguir con esto.
Well, you see, he just happens to need $ 99,000. And, after all, I don't see any reason why he shouldn't get it... if I'm throwing it out the windows.
Bueno, verá, él necesita $ 99 mil y después de todo... no veo por qué no debería recibirlos si yo estoy tirando la casa por la ventana.
The way I see it, you don't live in this country, you just take up room in it.
Creo que usted no vive en este país, solo ocupa un lugar en él.
You see, the trouble with you is - What I mean is - when it comes to women, you just don't know, or else -
¿ Sabes qué? El problema contigo es... Quiero decir...
- Love it. I'll tell you, Jim, it's not that I got anything against you... but, you see, I don't just play the song straight.
No tengo nada contra ti, pero no toco la canción tal y como es.
It's awfully bad manners and I never did anything like that before but I... I Just had to, don't you see?
Sé que está mal y nunca había hecho nada parecido, pero tenía que hacerlo, ¿ lo entiendes?
It's just that I don't see much hope.
Pero, Janet, cariño, no hay nada nuevo.
Don't you see? I just had to do it.
Tenía que hacerlo.
It's not that. I just don't want to see you get mixed up with a phony.
No es eso, solo quería asegurarme de que no te engañaban.
So it's no skin off my nose. I just see what I see. You sure you don't see what you hear?
Me da igual, no me preocupa, pero veo las cosas.
I don't know, I didn't pay any attention because in the confusion... we can see from the top if they're coming get on my shoulder, don't worry... it's just pepper
- No sé, no me he dado cuenta. Con la confusión... Podemos ver si vienen desde arriba.
It's not what he's done, I just don't want here to see such people.
Es solo que no quiero que frecuente a cierta gente.
You see, I've only just this minute done it. I was frightened, I don't mind telling you,
Acabo de hacerlo.
Let's just hope I don't have to see it! What do you know about it?
- Sólo que espero no tener que verlo. - ¿ Y tú qué sabes de eso?
It's just that I feel it's better if I don't see him at all.
Es que presiento que será mejor que nunca se acerque a mí.
I just don't see it.
Claro que no lo entiendo.
Don't turn it on, I can see just fine.
- No enciendas, se ve muy bien.
- just that I didn't see it. - Maybe you don't remember.
- Quizá no lo recuerda.
You know how nice and sweet they all were and how much they loved it I just don't see how you can support a man like Lincoln.....
Y cuánto lo quieren. No sé cómo puedes soportar a un hombre como Lincoln.
It's just that I don't like to see our class behaving like the Gadarene swine.
No me gusta ver actuar a los de nuestra clase, como unos cerdos de mierda.
- Oh, I don't know. It was just that he didn't seem too anxious to see you again.
No lo sé, sólo me pareció un poco ansioso de verte otra vez.
So let's just call it a boat ride, and I'll see that you don't lose anything for having taken it.
Así que demos por terminado el viaje y me aseguraré que no pierdas nada.
It's just that I don't want to get stuck on that ship, you see?
Es que no quiero quedarme atascado en este barco, ¿ entiendes?
- I just don't much see the point in it.
- No le veo mucho sentido.
I don't see what's so cute about a congestion just cos it's yours.
Sólo me explico que sea lindo porque tú lo eres.
I just up and decided that I'd vegetated too long on that dreary farm and that every girl should see Paris and Jaune Tom is so dull and I don't know anybody in Paris and it's all so wonderful...
Decidí no vegetar más. La granja es aburrida y toda chica debe ver París. Y Juane Tom es tonto y no conozco a nadie en París, y todo es maravilloso...
I've been thinking about it, too... and I just don't see how I'm going to be able... to work things out.
Bueno. Yo también me Io estuve pensando. simplemente no veo cómo podré compaginarIo todo.
I just don't see how you can bring yourself to sell it.
No sé cómo la puede vender.
You can see a mile off that it's a fake. Just look! I don't agree, because it was in the bedroom rather than a mile off.
Nunca nos dimos cuenta quizá porque estaba en nuestra habitación en vez de a un kilómetro.
But I don't see how we can just sit by and ignore it any longer.
Pero no sé cómo podemos seguir ignorándola.
I just don't see how I can do it.
No sé cómo podría.
Well, we'll just have to keep up with this foolishness until we get a chance to see the guru. Max, I don't think it's foolishness.
No es una tontería.
Oh, it's just that I don't see no sense in hurrying, that's all.
Es que no tiene sentido correr, eso es todo.
I just don't see the point of it.
- no le veo el interés.
I don't expect you to let me see your daughter right off, sir, but I just wanted to stop by and let you know... that it wasn't some wild story I made up in Florida.
No espero que me deje ver a su hija de inmediato, señor, pero quería pasar a saludar y hacerle saber... que no era ningún cuento chino que me inventé en Florida.
I just don't want to see it.
No quiero verlo.
I just don't want to see it, johnny.
No quiero verlo, Johnny.
I just don't see anything peculiar about it, that's all.
No veo nada de particular.
Oh, I see. But don't you think it's possible that someone might have been able to get hold of it, the watch, I mean, and reset it just to make you think that the Commodore was murdered at 12 : 42.
Oh, pero no creen que es posible que alguien se apoderara del reloj, quiero decir y cambiarle la hora para que usted pensara que había muerto a las 12 : 42.
But me, I don't mind admitting that I'm confused and I am because we didn't just find your nephew's body in the safe. Now, all this was spread out on the floor of the safe just the way you see it.
A mí no me importa admitir que estoy confundido, y de veras que lo estoy... porque... no sólo hallamos el cadáver de su sobrino dentro de la caja fuerte... sino que también todo esto tirado en el piso de la caja.
Sorry, I just don't see it.
Lo siento, pero es solo que yo no lo veo.
And I know you're good friends and he really loves you but I just don't think it's good that he see you right now.
Y sé que sois buenos amigos y que te quiere mucho, pero no creo que sea bueno que os veáis ahora.
See, I just don't think it's fair to the girls.
Saben, creo que no es justo para las chicas.
I don't know, it's just that I can see myself from the outside.
No lo se. Es solo que puedo verme desde afuera.
Look, I'm sure it's delicious. I just don't understand why we can't see Yoda now.
Seguro que es delicioso, pero no entiendo por qué no podemos ver a Yoda ahora.
Just because I can't do the things you do... doesn't mean I don't see it all the same.
Si no puedo hacerlo como los otros... eso no impide que lo sepa. Lo sé.
- Stop it please, don't say such things... - I'd love to lift your dress, and you could just take it off and let me see the nice things it hides.
- Me gustaría levantarte el vestido, y ver las cosas bonitas que hay debajo.

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