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I knew it was wrong Çeviri İspanyolca

157 parallel translation
I knew it was wrong, see, but I liked the way it made me look in her eyes and the kids.
Yo sabía que era un error pero me gustaba... el modo que me hacía parecer a sus ojos y a los de los niños.
I knew it was wrong, but it isn't murder.
Yo sabía que estaba mal, pero no es homicidio.
- I knew it was wrong.
- Sabía que estaba mal.
I guess I knew it was wrong all along, but... Well, you know we needed the money.
Supongo que sabía que era un error, pero... bueno, sabes que necesitábamos dinero.
I knew it was wrong.
Sabía que estaba mal.
And when you involved yourself personally in this thing, You thought, I'd shoot first and then think, is that it? I knew it was wrong.
Y cuando se tomó la molestia de venir para verlo muerto se aclararon mis dudas.
I knew it was wrong.
Sabía que era un error.
I knew it was wrong, Father.
Sabía que no debía, Padre.
Somehow I knew it was wrong, and I ran, and...
De algún modo, sabía que eso estaba mal y escapé.
I knew it was wrong, but I thought of dragging him over to Festinger's lawn.
Aunque estuviera mal, pense llevarlo aljardin de los Festinger.
I could not help myself, Even when I knew it was wrong.
pero no pude hacer nada. Incluso sabiendo que esta mal.
Every other woman I went out with, I knew it was wrong.
Con cada otra mujer con la que salí supe que estaba mal.
I knew it was wrong when I did it. I keep trying to tell you this and make you understand it.
Supe que estaba mal y traté de decírtelo para que entendieras.
I knew it was wrong. Seeing an emotionally unavailable man I had sworn off months earlier. But the guilt worked like an aphrodisiac.
Sabía que estaba mal ver a un hombre emocionalmente incapaz y que era mi ex pero la culpa funcionaba como afrodisíaco.
Look, I-I knew it was wrong.
Mira, S-sabía que estaba mal.
From the very first day I gave him a blowjob under his desk... I knew it was wrong!
Desde la primera vez que se la chupé, supe que estaba mal.
I knew it was wrong.
Yo sabía que estaba mal.
I knew it was wrong, but he was such a sweet guy.
Sabía que estaba mal, pero era un tipo muy tierno.
I knew it was wrong right from the start.
Supe que estaba mal.
I knew it was wrong, but I could not refuse the command of the one I love.
se que estuvo mal, pero no podía rehusar el mandato de quien amaba.
I knew it was wrong, but I did it.
Sabía que no debía, pero lo hice.
I knew it was wrong when I let it go.
Sabía que estaba mal cuando lo dejé salir.
I knew it was wrong and I ended it.
Sabía que estaba mal y lo terminé.
But I knew it was wrong
Pero sabia que estaba mal
I don't know why I did it, I knew it was crazy wrong.
No sé porqué lo hice, sabía que estaba mal.
That's as far as it went, because I think we both knew I was the wrong man for you.
Y cortamos porque ambos sabíamos... que yo no te convenía.
I knew it was you. - You could be wrong.
- No podía errar, ¿ eh?
Then when this letter arrived with your husband's signature on it I knew something must be wrong because he knew that Penny was dead.
Cuando llegó esa carta firmada por su marido me di cuenta que algo andaba mal, porque él sabía que Penny había muerto.
You never knew what was really wrong until you were in prep school. Papa and I kept it from you.
Tú no te enteraste hasta que fuiste al colegio.
I knew they would know that it was wrong for me to do so and that they would stop me.
Sabía que entenderían que no debía hacer eso y que me detendrían.
Each time I saw it, I knew something was wrong.
Algo no estaba bien.
Since i can remember, Before i knew it was different or wrong...
Desde que recuerdo, antes de saber si era diferente o estaba mal...
I knew that was wrong the second it came out of my mouth.
¿ Por qué? Sí, ¿ por qué?
I knew how you felt about me... and it was wrong of me to exploit your feelings.
Yo sé tus sentimientos hacia mí... y estaba equivocado explotando tus sentimientos.
I knew our affair was wrong, that it would damage her in the long run, and I determined I had to end it.
Sabía que nuestra aventura estaba mal, que al final le haría daño, y decidí que debía terminar la relación.
It has nothing to do with what anybody said, it's just... I always knew why I was coming in here, but if people are going to... take it wrong and give it this whole meaning that I never made it to have...
No tiene nada que ver con lo que dijeron, es sólo... yo sé por qué entro aquí, pero si la gente se lo va a... tomar a mal y le va a dar más importancia de la que tiene...
And then by the time I graduated I just knew it was wrong.
Y para cuando me gradué, sabía que había sido un error.
All the wrong people knew who I was anyway... so I figured I'd put up a flag and hope a friend sees it.
Todos sabían quién era así que icé una bandera a ver si un amigo la veía.
I knew, I knew as soon as I said "hobby" that it was the wrong word, but by the time I said it, it was already it was gone, and there was no getting it back.
¡ Lo sabía! Sabía que en el momento en que dije "pasatiempo", esa era una palabra equivocada. Pero para cuando la dije, ya había pasado, y no podía volver atrás.
You knew what was wrong with me when I was sick, and you knew exactly how to fix it.
Supo cuál era mi enfermedad y supo cómo curarme.
It was wrong of me to marry you. I knew.... lt's a sin and it's killing us both.
Casarme contigo fue un error. Sabía... Es un pecado y nos está matando a ambos.
Before I knew it, I was in a room full of the wrong people with the wrong money.
De pronto, me hallé rodeado de desgraciados con dinero infame.
Look, I knew that it was wrong.
Mira, sabia que estaba equivocada.
And I knew that humiliation was part of the package, but I did it because I had to, and - just you abruptly firing us is completely wrong!
Y sabía que la humillación era parte del paquete, pero lo hice por que tenía que hacerlo, y - ¡ que tú directamente nos despidas no es correcto!
It's been 3 months now, so I knew something was wrong.
Han pasado tres meses, y supongo que algo anda mal.
AMBER : I was under the assumption that the game would be easier in the end because I knew we had our strategy set in the beginning and that we weren't really going to have to worry too much about it in the end, but I was completely wrong.
yo tenia la suposición de que el juego sería mas facil al final porque sabía que teníamos nuestra estrategia arreglada desde el principio y que de verdad no ibamos a tener que preocuparnos demasiado al respecto al final, pero estaba completamente equivocada.
Once we tied up everybody and searched all over... I knew the guy that told us about it was wrong.
Después de atarlos a todos y buscar por todas partes... supe que el tipo que nos había dicho eso estaba equivocado.
Not sharing it before I even knew the trick was in camp... don't put me wrong, Joanie.
No compartirlo antes de saber que el cliente estaba en el campamento... No me irrites, Joanie.
I couldn't eat. I never slept. Jake knew something was wrong, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him what it was.
No podía dormir, ni comer, Jake sabía que pasaba algo pero no podía contárselo
Look, if I was marrying the wrong person and the right person was out there, and knew it, I'd want that person to come down to my dermatology office... and tell me so.
Si me fuera a casar con la persona equivocada y la indicada existiera y lo supiera, querría que viniera a verme y me lo dijera.
I knew it was wrong when I saw you scream.
¡ Supe que estaba mal cuando oí su grito!

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