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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I know this is difficult for you

I know this is difficult for you Çeviri İspanyolca

202 parallel translation
I know this is difficult for you.
Sé que es difícil para ti.
I know this is difficult for you to talk about, so I'm gonna need you to be strong.
Sé que es difícil para ti hablar de esto así que necesito que seas fuerte.
- I know this is difficult for you... - Mr Sherwood!
General, sé que esto es difícil para Ud., pero...
I know this is difficult for you but you must do it.
Sé que tiene que ser difícil, pero debe hacerlo.
I know this is difficult for you.
Sé que esto es difícil para ti.
I know this is difficult for you.
Sé lo difícil que es para usted.
Mrs Walker, I know this is difficult for you, but I really need your help.
Sra. Walker, sé que le resulta difícil, pero necesito que me ayude.
I know this is difficult for you.
Ya sé que esto es difícil para usted.
Mr. Roston, I know this is difficult for you... but it is important.
Sr. Roston, sé que esto es duro para usted... pero es importante.
I know this is difficult for you to understand. but I cannot abandon this work now.
Sé que esto es difícil de entender para ti, pero no puedo dejar este trabajo ahora.
I know this is difficult for you, but you've got to be strong.
Sé lo difícil que es para usted, pero debe ser fuerte.
Mr. Worf I know this is difficult for you.
Sr. Worf, sé que esto es difícil para usted.
I know this is difficult for you, Mr. Neelix, but try to recount for me everything that happened.
Sé que esto es difícil para usted, Sr. Neelix,... pero intente recordar todo lo que pasó.
I know this is difficult for you sir.
Sé que debe ser dificil para usted.
I know this is difficult for you, but I want you to answer a simple question. - Ladyship? - Stop saying Ladyship.
El Secretario Barquentine indicó color lavanda para su Pequeñez.
I know this is difficult for you, but you're going to have put up with it, until we can get out of here.
Sé que esto es difícil para ti,... pero vas a tener que soportarlo,... hasta que salgamos de aquí.
I know this is difficult for you to understand. But when I found out I had cancer, Arvin was my tether. To hope.
Entiendo que te sea difícil de entender pero cuando supe que tenía cáncer Arvin fue mi tabla de salvación, para sobrevivir.
I know this is difficult for you.
Mira, sé que esto es difícil para ti.
Son, I know this is difficult for you, but... could you show me on the doll where he touched you?
Hijo, sé que esto es difícil para usted, pero... ¿ Me podría mostrar en la muñeca donde te tocó?
Pat, i know all this is as difficult for you as it is for me.
Pat, sé que todo esto es difícil para ti como para mi.
I know that this is difficult for you at this time.
Sé que esto es difícil para usted.
I know this is a difficult time for you, Mrs. Kaplan.
Sé que es un momento difícil para usted, señora Kaplan.
I know how difficult this must be for you, but I'm convinced that your father's problem is neurological.
Sé que debe ser difícil para ti... pero estoy convencido de que el problema de tu padre es neurológico.
Miss, I know that this is a sad time for you, a difficult moment.
Señorita, sé que éste es un momento triste para usted. Un momento difícil.
Mr. Knox, I know this is a difficult time for you, but I think we can work together and...
Se que es un momento dificil, pero podriamos trabajar juntos y...
I know that this is difficult for you, um...
Sé que esto es muy difícil para usted...
Mrs Kiner, I know this is a difficult question for you to answer. But... do you believe your father needs psychiatric care?
Sra. Kiner, sé que ésta es una pregunta difícil... pero, ¿ cree usted que su padre necesita asistencia psiquiátrica?
Bud and Kelly, I know that this is a difficult time for you but can you tell me how you're feeling?
Bud y Kelly, Se que es un momento difícil ¿ pero como se sienten?
I know this is difficult for you.
Cuando Jadzia muera, Dax morirá.
I know this is a difficult time for you... but it is procedure that I ask just a few questions... before we can start processing the policy.
Sé que es un momento difícil para usted pero debo hacerle unas preguntas antes de procesar la póliza.
I want you to know I know how difficult this whole Mother of the Bride thing is for you.
Sé lo difícil que es para ti todo este asunto de la Madre de la Novia.
I know this has been a difficult time for you... that you would have never chosen to become a solid... but what's done is done.
- ¿ Cómo que no? Déjeme echar un vistazo. Repiten la solicitud.
I know this is a difficult adjustment for you to make but we don't have a lot of time.
Sé que te resulta dificil, pero no tenemos mucho tiempo.
I know this is a difficult time for you, Consul... but we " Il get your daughter back.
Sé que es un momento difícil... pero vamos a recuperar a su hija.
I know this is gonna be difficult for you, but... look, I have to prove it.
Sé que esto va a ser difícil para ti, pero, mira, tengo que probártelo.
I know this must be a very difficult period for you right now, and the adjustment is going to take some time.
Sé que debe ser un periodo difícil, y ajustarse tomará un tiempo.
I know how difficult this is for you.
Sé lo difícil que es para usted.
I know that this is a difficult time for you.
Sé que es un momento difícil para ti.
Look, I know this is very difficult for all of you.
Miren, sé que esto es muy difícil para ustedes.
I know this is, difficult for you doctor.
Sé que esto es difícil para usted, doctor.
I know what a difficult time this is for you and your sister, Miss Halliwell,
Sé que son unos momentos terribles para usted y su hermana...
I know this is an exceptionally difficult time for you but can you tell us what you had in mind for your son's...
Sé que están pasando por momentos dificiles, pero ¿ qué tenian pensando para el funeral de su hijo?
I was thinking that maybe this transition is kind of difficult for you. You know?
Lloyd, pensaba que quizás esta transición se te está haciendo difícil.
Lara, I know how difficult this is for you.
Lara, sé que esto es difícil para ti.
Lara, I know how difficult [br ] this is for you. But maybe you can find [ br ] some closure in the fact that John finally found [ br] the man who killed your son.
Yo sé lo difícil que es esta situación para ti, pero quizá la puedas aceptar por el hecho de que John por fin encontró al hombre que mató a su hijo.
I know how difficult this is for you.
Sé lo difícil que es para tí.
So, if making a cup of coffee is too difficult a task for you, Miss Bennett, perhaps you'd be good enough to let me know, and I'll contact this agency and give a retarded person a job.
Si preparar café es demasiado para ti, dímelo y llamaré a la agencia para que contraten a una retrasada mental.
I know this is difficult, but I'm here for you.
Sé que esto es difícil, pero estoy aquí para ti.
I know this is very difficult for you Kate and you're being very brave.
Sé que esto es difícil para ti, Kate, y eres muy valiente.
Mrs. Tzetcovich, I know this is very difficult for you... but it is not your fault.
Sra. Tzetchovich, todo esto es muy difícil para usted, pero no es culpa suya.
Son... I know how difficult this is for you.
Hijo... sé cuán difícil es esto para ti. La presión. Entiendo que todo el pueblo te alienta.

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