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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I know you don't mean that

I know you don't mean that Çeviri İspanyolca

681 parallel translation
I don't know quite what you mean by that.
No sé qué quiere decir con eso.
I said, I don't know what you men mean to Kay, or how you ever persuaded her to go on this trip, but I want you to understand that she is my fiancée.
Dije que no sé cuál es su relación con Kay, o cómo la persuadieron de hacer ese viaje, pero quiero que entiendan que ella es mi prometida.
- What do you mean, angle? Don't give me that. I know you got some cheap chisler working.
¿ Qué quiere decir?
Oh, I know that doesn't mean much to you but don't forget, monsieur Pepinard, your wife has to stay home all day and she's such a pretty little woman.
Sé que eso no significa mucho para usted, pero no olvide, monsieur, que su esposa se queda en casa todo el día y seguro es una mujer muy bella.
If you mean that infant trying to look grown-up, I don't know... -... but she certainly isn't in good company.
Si hablas de la niña que quiere parecer adulta no está en buena compañía.
You know I don't mean that.
No me refiero a eso.
I don't know what you mean by that, but there's a new clue here.
Ignoro a qué se refiere, pero aquí hay una nueva pista.
I don't suppose you know what I mean by that?
¿ No sabrás lo que quiero decir con eso?
But I want you to know that compliments of that kind don't mean much in Russia.
Pero esos cumplidos no significan mucho en Rusia.
- That's why I wanted to talk to you. - I'm afraid I don't know what you mean.
No sé a qué te refieres.
I don't think I know what you mean by that, Clem.
Me parece que te equivocas conmigo, Clem.
You know I don't mean that.
Sabes que no quería decir eso.
I didn't mean to fly at you like that... but you're such an angel... and I don't know how to thank you.
No era mi intención lanzarme así. Eres un ángel, no sé cómo agradecértelo.
I know very little about these things, but isn't there some arrangement, the sort that lawyers work out between a husband and wife? I don't think i understand what you mean.
Yo sé muy poco, pero ¿ no hay algún tipo de arreglo legal entre marido y mujer?
The minute that baby's born, we're in trouble, both of us. I don't know what you mean.
Desde el momento en que nazca tendremos problemas...
I don't know if you mean that, Mrs Hilton.
No sé si quiere decir eso en realidad, Sra. Hilton.
You don't know what it would mean if I could run a story about something that took place in this century!
Usted no sabe lo que significaría si pudiera publicar una historia acerca de algo que tuvo lugar en este siglo!
- I know you don't mean that.
- Sé que no lo dices en serio.
All I mean is, I'm your friend. You know that, don't you?
- Quiero decir, que somos amigos, ¿ no?
I don't know how you feel but that money don't mean a thing to me anymore.
No sé a ti, pero a mí ese dinero me importa un comino ahora mismo.
I don't know what you mean by that, dear, I'm sure.
No sé qué quieres decir con eso, querida.
I don't know what you mean by "that sort of man."
No sé Io que quieres decir con eso.
I know flattery don't mean much to a talented person like you, but when you sang that inspiring song "Beulah Land", it made me realise that music is the voice of love.
Los halagos no son nada para alguien de su talento, pero al oírla cantar con tanta inspiración, supe que la música es la voz del amor.
I mean, I don't have anybody, uh... you know what I mean, that I could talk to.
No tengo a nadie... ya sabes, con quién hablar.
Oh, I don't mean you... You know that!
¡ Oh, sabe que no me refiero a usted!
I don't know what you mean by that.
No sé a qué te refieres.
I didn't mean to tell you all that last stuff to go that far back, I don't know what made me.
No pensaba decirte todo eso. No sé qué me hizo llegar tan lejos.
I mean, don't you know that fat men are supposed to be jolly?
¿ No sabes que se supone que los gordos son joviales?
- I know what you mean, Mr. Slade. - Don't you find that kind of disturbing?
- Sé lo que quiere decir, Sr. Slade.
You know what I mean, don't'ya? Not that there ever is much.
Ya sabes a qué me refiero...
And you can tell him that just because I'm from out of town, that don't mean I don't know what it's all about.!
Dígale que aunque yo sea un forastero... ¡ sé cómo son las cosas!
Now, you know and I know... That these marriages don't mean a thing.
Ahora, tú sabes y yo sé que esos matrimonios no significan nada.
But I don't mean to say that I know you like all the other faces.
No digo que la conozca como a los demás.
I don't know how I can ever thank you. I mean, really, that is...
No sé cómo podré agradecérselo.
Colonel, surely you know such drugs are highly illegal. I don't mean that.
Coronel, con seguridad sabe que esos medicamentos son ilegales.
I don't have to tell you that our people are going to be quite concerned... if you know what I mean.
Está de más decirle que nuestra gente estará muy molesta. Ya sabe a qué me refiero.
I don't know what you mean by that.
No sé por qué dice eso.
good, isn't it? Well, uh, well, I don't know but, I mean, you promised us that you would stick to the spirit of the original text.
Dijeron que se ajustarían al espíritu del original.
I don't know what you mean by that.
No sé qué quiere decir con eso.
I mean, why don't they go back to September 12th if that's where they want to be - you know, have another go.
Quiero decir, ¿ por qué no volver al 12 de septiembre si es allí donde ellos quieren estar. Ya sabes, tener otra oportunidad.
That you found her charming. I don't know what you mean.
Eso, que te parecía encantadora.
You know that I mean it, don't you?
¿ Sabes que lo digo en serio, verdad?
You know I don't mean to be "good" in that sense, only to find myself in such a position where I can gather everything together, to be able to synthesis.
No se trata de ser bueno o no. Lo que quiero es haIIarme en un punto... donde se pueda abarcarlo todo, sintetizar...
It just don't make sense to chop off the hand that pays you, you know what I mean?
No tiene sentido cortar la mano que te paga, ¿ entiendes lo que digo?
What are you saying? I mean simply that if I don't know what you look like, it is because of my life long disinterest in any and all matters concerning our family.
Ni más ni menos que si no sé de qué murió tu tío es porque en mi vida he sentido ningún interés hacia los problemas que conciernen a nuestra familia.
What? I don't know what you mean by that.
No sé qué quiere decir con eso.
You know? I mean, I don't know about that guy out there.
No sé si fiarme de ese tío.
I mean, your appearance is against you. You know that, don't you?
Quiero decir, tu apariencia está contra ti. ¿ Sabes eso, no?
Look, my dear... you know what I mean by a normal smile in a child's eyes... and one that isn't, don't you?
Ya conoces la diferencia entre un chico con una sonrisa en los ojos y uno sin ella.
I don't mean to be nosy, but if you don't have anyone, you know that my son's still waiting for you.
No pretendo ser entrometida, pero si no tienes a nadie, sabes que mi hijo todavía te está esperando.
I mean maybe there's a side to her character that even you don't know about.
Puede haber un lado de su carácter que ni tú conoces.

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