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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I look forward to it

I look forward to it Çeviri İspanyolca

692 parallel translation
I look forward to it.
Espero con ansias.
I look forward to it. Might have a spot of lunch at the club one day.
Podríamos comer un día en el club.
I look forward to it ; I'll bring everyone in town.
Llevaré a toda la ciudad a verlos.
I look forward to it.
Estoy con ganas.
I look forward to it.
Miro al porvenir.
- I look forward to it.
- Ya Ia ceIebraré.
I look forward to it.
Será un placer.
Then I look forward to it.
Ahora le cuento.
I enjoy it. I look forward to it. It's the one thing I look forward to.
Es lo único que tengo ganas de hacer.
Can I look forward to it?
- ¿ Puedo contar con usted? - Si.
I look forward to it!
¡ Lo estoy deseando!
- I look forward to it.
- Tengo muchas ganas de que llegue el jueves.
- I look forward to it.
- Espero que así sea.
I look forward to proving it tonight.
Espero seguir demostrándolo esta noche.
I shall look forward to it.
Esperaré el momento ansiosamente.
I wrote it because I wanted to prove to the world that I had something to look forward to beside a schoolteacher's future.
Lo escribí porque quería mostrarle al mundo... que tenía algo más que un futuro como maestro de escuela.
I'll look forward to it.
Me encantaría.
I look forward to it.
Yo también lo espero.
I'm just beginning to realize... it's better to have something to look forward to.
Estoy dándome cuenta de que... es mejor tener algo que te dé esperanzas de futuro.
I'll look forward to it.
Así lo espero.
I kind of look forward to it.
Ya me hace falta.
I know how difficult it is - Well, look forward to seeing you tomorrow
- Hasta mañana.
Well, I'll look forward to it.
Bueno, lo estaré esperando.
I look forward to making it to this Marcus Brutus... when I catch up with him, but I doubt he has the stomach for an encounter.
No veo la hora de responderle al tal Marcus Brutus... cuando lo atrape, pero dudo que se atreva a enfrentarme.
Full? - It never works out, when I look forward to something.
¿ Ya no hay localidades?
It's just that I always look forward to success.
Sólo espero que tengamos éxito.
It's no use. There was nothing for us to look forward to even if I weren't going away.
Lo nuestro no podría continuar aunque me quedara aquí.
I'll look forward to it, doctor.
Espero con impaciencia, doctor.
They look forward to it as much as I do.
- Lo esperan tanto como yo.
It was confusing at first, but then I began to look forward to the change.
Fue confuso al principio, pero luego comencé a esperar el cambio con ilusión.
- I'll look forward to it.
- La estaré esperando.
You know, it's getting so I look forward to the aroma of the darkroom.
Prefiero el aroma del cuarto oscuro.
I shall look forward to it.
Estoy deseando que llegue la hora.
And in the end... I began to enjoy it to look forward to it.
Y al final,... comencé a cogerle el gusto y a desear que sucediese.
I'll look forward to it.
Esperaré ese momento.
I'll look forward to it.
Lo espero con impaciencia.
I'll look forward to it, ma'am.
- Estoy impaciente, señora.
It seems you know little and are easily amused. I can look forward to a happy time.
Saben tan poco y se divierten tan fácilmente que Lo pasaré bien.
I look forward to seeing it.
Estoy ansioso por verla.
My father used to bring me when I was a little girl. I used to so look forward to it.
Mi padre me traía aquí de niña y adoraba eso.
I am nice to her. On Sundays I eat at her parents'home in Sacile. It's not something I exactly look forward to.
Además soy amable con ella, porque ir a comer el domingo a casa de sus padres, no es una cosa que sea precisamente plato de mi devoción.
I look forward to it.
Eso resuelve el problema.
Good I'll look forward to it.
Bueno, fui a buscarlo.
"I'd like to write more, but it's Saturday, the one night we look forward to."
"Querría seguir escribiendo, pero es sábado por la tarde, la más esperada por todos".
I look forward to hearing about it.
- Tengo muchas ganas de escuchar acerca de eso.
I'll look forward to it.
Los espero aquí.
- I look forward to it.
A ver si es verdad.
Yes, I shall look forward to it.
Sí, estaré esperándolo.
I look forward to your adding to it.
Espero que se una a ella.
But if you want my personal opinion, I wouldn't look forward to it.
Mi opinión personal es que no me atraería.
That's just the way I see it. I look forward to your demotion, sir.
Esperaré con ansia tu degradación.

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