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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I never meant to hurt you

I never meant to hurt you Çeviri İspanyolca

305 parallel translation
I never meant to hurt you, ma'am.
No quería hacerle daño, señora.
I'm sorry it had to happen this way. I never meant to hurt you.
Lamento que haya sido así, jamás quise herirte.
I never meant to hurt you, Laura.
No tengo intenciones de hacerte daño, Laura.
I never meant to hurt you, Shirley.
Nunca quise hacerte daño, Shirley.
I never meant to hurt you.
Nunca quise lastimarte.
- I never meant to hurt you.
- Nunca quise hacerte daño. - Yo era una niña.
I never meant to hurt you, Kate.
Nunca quise herirte.
I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to hurt anybody.
Nunca quise hacerte daño, ni a ti ni a nadie.
I never meant to hurt you.
Nunca quise hacerte daño.
I never meant to hurt you
Nunca quise lastimarte
And I swear I never meant to hurt you
Y te juro que nunca quise lastimarte
I swear I never meant to hurt you
Te juro que nunca quise lastimarte
Marianne, I want you to know that I never meant to hurt you.
Marianne, quiero que sepas que mi intención nunca fue hacerte daño.
I want you to know I never meant to hurt you.
No quería hacerte daño.
"I never meant to hurt you, but I had to follow my heart."
" No quise hacerte daño, pero tengo que seguir mi corazón.
I never meant to hurt you.
- Nunca quise hacerte daño. - No.
Jake, I never meant to hurt you, or anybody else, for that matter.
Jake, nunca quise herirte, o nadie más, en verdad.
- I never meant to hurt you.
- Nunca quise hacerte daño.
But for now I just want you to know that I never meant to hurt you, Dad.
Pero por ahora sólo quiero que sepas que nunca quise herirte, papá.
- I never meant to hurt you.
- Nunca quise lastimarlo.
I never meant to hurt you.
Jamás quise herirte.
I never meant to hurt you, personally or professionally.
No era mi intención hacerte daño personal ni profesionalmente.
- I never meant to hurt you.
Donald... Nunca quise hacerte daño ni a ti ni a tu hija.
I must have blamed you for so many things. But I never meant to hurt you.
- Te he culpado por tantas cosas, pero nunca te quize hacer daño.
Celine! I never meant to hurt you!
¡ Nunca quise hacerte daño!
I never meant to hurt you.
Nunca pretendí hacerte daño.
I never meant to hurt you, John... and I did it, and I don't know why I did.
Nunca quise herirte, John... pero lo hice, y no sé por qué lo hice.
I never meant to hurt you, Father.
Nunca quise hacerte daño, padre.
About China, I hope you know I never meant to hurt you.
Sobre China espero que sepas que nunca quise herirte.
Ok, Tommy, I'm really sorry. I never meant to hurt your feelings, you know. It's just that we're so young.
Lo lamento mucho, mi intensión no era lastimarte, es que aún somos muy jóvenes, tenemos mucho tiempo
Wilma, Honey. I never meant to hurt you.
Vilma, cariño, yo nunca querría herirte.
I never meant to hurt you.
Nunca he querido hacerle daño
I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to hurt you.
Nunca he querido hacerte daño.
I never meant to hurt you.
Nunca quise herirte.
Look, I never meant to hurt you, but it's not like I planned to be gay.
Oye, no quería hacerte daño. En mis planes no estaba ser gay.
And you have the nerve to tell me that you've changed. I never meant to hurt you.
Y tienes las narices de decirme que has cambiado.
You know I never meant nothing I said. And I didn't mean to hurt you.
Lo que te dije no era en serio.
I have to say, from everything that you've told me... I think it's clear that you never really meant to hurt her.
Debo decir que, después de todo lo que me has contado... creo que es evidente que nunca quisiste hacerle daño de verdad.
I never thought for a moment you meant to hurt me.
Ni por un momento pensé que era tu intención lastimarme.
I've never meant to hurt you.
Nunca ha sido mi intención herirte.
Libby, Libby. I never meant to hurt you.
No fue mi intención lastimarte.
I know I hurt you and I never meant to do that.
Sé que te hice daño y nunca fue mi intención.
I never meant to wrong you, Jake... or to hurt you, to use you, ever.
Mi intención nunca fue agraviarte, Jake... ni lastimarte, ni usarte, nunca.
I never meant to hurt anyone, least of all you.
Nunca quise lastimar a nadie y menos a ti.
I never meant to hurt Tyler, you have to understand.
Nunca quise herir a Tyler, deben entender.
I never meant to hurt either of you.
No quería herirlas.
I never meant for you to get hurt.
Nunca quise que te lastimaran.
I never, never meant to hurt you.
Yo jamás, jamás querría hacerte daño.
I told you I'd do my best never to hurt you again, and I meant it.
Te dije que me esforzaría para no lastimarte de nuevo, y es en serio.
Look, I... never meant for anyone to get hurt, much less you.
Mire, nun... nunca quise que nadie saliera herido... y mucho menos Usted.
I never meant to hurt Chani or you.
Mi intención nunca fue hacerles daño a Chani ni a ti.

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