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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I shouldn't have done that

I shouldn't have done that Çeviri İspanyolca

303 parallel translation
I shouldn't have done that.
- No debería haber hecho eso.
I shouldn't have done that.
No debí hacer eso.
I shouldn't have done that!
¡ No debí hacerlo!
you shouldn't have done that Rod. now you are in it, as much as I am.
Buen día para cazar.
- I shouldn't have done that.
- No debí hacer eso.
I shouldn't have done that.
No debí decirlo.
I told you, you shouldn't have done that.
Le dije que no tenía que abrirlo.
I shouldn't have done that.
No debí haberlo hecho.
- I shouldn't have done that.
- No hubiera debido hacerlo.
I shouldn't have done that, huh?
No debería haberlo hecho, ¿ no?
I shouldn't have done that.
Lo he llevado mal.
Shouldn't have done that Bigelow, I don't like that.
No debería haberlo hecho, no me gusta.
No deberías haber hecho eso.
When you found out I wasn't married, You shouldn't have done anything about it. That's what a clever woman would've done.
Al saber que era soltero no dijiste nada, eso no es de mujer inteligente.
I shouldn't have done that.
No debería haberlo hecho. Pensé que nunca lo harías.
I shouldn't have done that.
No debería haber hecho eso.
Sorry, I shouldn't have done that.
Disculpe, no volverá a ocurrir.
I'm afraid I've done something that I shouldn't have.
Me temo que he hecho algo que no debería.
I was ashamed because I couldn't realize that I shouldn't have done it.
Me dio vergüenza luego porque... no había sabido reconocer que no estaban bien.
I shouldn't have done that!
! No debería haberlo hecho!
You may think I shouldn't have done that.
Puedes pensar que no lo hice.
I shouldn't have done that.
No he debido hacerlo.
- I knew I shouldn't have done that.
- No debí haber hecho eso.
I shouldn't have done that last night without checking with you first.
No debería haber hecho eso anoche sin haberle consultado.
That was my fault, I shouldn't have done it. - You went out with her?
- ¿ Saliste con ella?
I shouldn't have done that.
No debería haberlo hecho.
It is not for a humble mortal such as I to speculate on the complex and elevated deliberations of the mighty, but, in general, I think Sir Frank believes that if the Treasury knows something must be done, the Cabinet shouldn't have time to think about it..
No le toca al humilde mortal que soy yo especular frívolamente sobre las complejas y elevadas deliberaciones de los poderosos, pero, creo que Sir Frank opina que, si hay que hacer algo, el Gabinete no debe tener tiempo para pensaren ello.
I shouldn't have done that.
No debí haber hecho lo que hice.
I feel, " Shucks, I shouldn't have done that.
Me digo : " Rayos, no debería haber hecho eso.
I shouldn`t have done that.
No debí haber hecho eso.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that.
Lo siento. No debí hacer eso.
- I shouldn't have done that.
- No debí hacerlo.
I shouldn't have done that.
No debi hacer eso.
I shouldn't have done that... And I'm sorry.
No debería haber hecho eso... y lo lamento.
I just meant... I shouldn't have done so much bragging, that's all.
Sólo quise decir, que no debí haber fanfarroneado mucho, es todo.
I did something with another woman that I shouldn't have done.
Hice algo que no debía con otra mujer.
And I got mad... and I said some things that I shouldn't have said... and I did some things that I shouldn't have done.
Y yo me enojé... y dije algunas cosas que no debería haber dicho... e hice algunas cosas que no tendría que haber hecho.
There are a lot of things in my life that I shouldn't have done.
Hay muchas cosas en mi vida que no debería haber hecho.
I shouldn't have done that.
Cierto, no debí haber hecho eso.
I shouldn't have done that.
No sé qué me pasó.
- You shouldn't have done that, I know what it meant to you.
- No debiste. Sé lo que significaba para ti.
- [Laughs ] - [ Bones Cracking] Oh, boy, I shouldn't have done that.
Caray, no debí haber hecho eso.
I shouldn't have done that I shouldn't have done that
No debí abrir la boca. Fui tonta e imprudente.
I knew I shouldn't have done that. I needed the money.
Me arrepiento de haberlo hecho, pero necesito el dinero.
I shouldn't have done that.
Perdón, no debí hacer eso.
I'm not- - it doesn't- - I shouldn't have done that.
Lo siento, no debí hacerlo.
I did stuff that I shouldn't have done.
Hice cosas que no deberia haber echo.
I shouldn't have done that to you out of the blue.
No debí haber sido tan sincera contigo.
I... I shouldn't have done that.
Yo... no debería haber hecho eso.
I guess I shouldn't have done that or something, because he yelled "faggot" at me, or something, and then before I knew it, there was somebody else.
Parece que no he debido hacerlo porque me gritó "marica". Antes de que me diera cuenta, había otra persona.
I shouldn't have done that.
No debí hacerlo.

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