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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I think i've got it

I think i've got it Çeviri İspanyolca

873 parallel translation
I've got a new line of merchandise. I'd like to see what you think of it.
Me gustaría conocer su opinión acerca de mis nuevos artículos.
I've already got two bodyguards, but I'll think it over.
Ya tengo dos guardaespaldas, pero me lo pensaré.
My boy, I think you've got something there, and I'll wait outside until you clean it up.
Hijo mío, creo que tienes razón, esperaré fuera hasta que la pierdas.
- This time, I think we've got it.
- Esta vez creo que lo lograremos.
Judge, I think you've got it.
Juez, tienes razón.
You think I did you a bad turn and you've got me ruined for it, and you've got my family ruined and if anybody'd told me last year I'd say such a thing I'd call him a dang Iiar.
Piensa que me aproveché de usted y me ha arruinado por eso y ha arruinado a mi familia y si alguien me hubiese contado el año pasado que hoy diría esto lo habría llamado maldito mentiroso.
Gentlemen, I don't think that that would... I've got it!
Lo tengo.
If I can hang on to it. I think I've got something here.
Si no lo pierdo, te tengo una buena idea.
- I think I've got it.
- Ya sé.
I think I've got it.
Creo que ya la tengo.
You don't think I've got what it takes?
¿ Creen que no tengo lo que hace falta?
I think you've got it there.
- Tengo que hablarte a solas. - ¿ Me disculpas?
Then the whole thing links up. I think I've got the evidence to prove it.
Entonces todo encaja y tengo las pruebas para demostrarlo.
I think I've got it. Yeah. Yeah?
Creo que lo recuerdo.
Get it. I think I've got'em now.
Yo lo tengo.
After you called up I spoke to them, and I think I've got Velma on my side... ... but Ma is against it.
Se lo conté a ellas, y creo que Velma está de mi parte pero Mabel está en contra.
Oh, I've got that safe with her fingerprints on it. Just in case you might try to think of some way to pin it on to me.
La tengo en un lugar seguro, con sus huellas, por si a usted se le ocurriera cargármelo a mí.
I've got to think it over.
Tengo que pensarlo.
Of course, if you don't think I've got what it takes -
Si crees que no soy lo suficientemente bueno...
But, dear, don't you think it's odd that they're all living in the same apartment house? - I've got that all figured out.
¿ Pero no es extraño que vivan todos en el mismo edificio?
Take unhappy and multiply it by furious and add a little belligerent and I think you've just about got it.
Tome descontento y multiplíquelo por furioso y sume beligerante y creo que dio en el blanco.
I've got an idea, but I want a little time to think it over.
Tengo una idea, pero quiero un poco de tiempo para pensarlo.
If it was just me alone, I'd sleep in the subway, but I've got Carol and the kids to think about.
Por mí, dormiría en el subterráneo, pero tengo a Carol y los niños.
I know it must sound terribly selfish of me, Don but I've got to think of myself.
Sé que debe sonar muy egoísta por mi parte, Don... ... pero tengo que pensar en mí misma.
We've got a tough job on our hands and, by and large, I think we're handling it darn well.
Nos encomendaron una labor difícil y en general lo estamos haciendo lo mejor posible.
Says, " I think I've got it.
Dice, " Creo que lo tengo.
I think it's me. I've got a frog in my throat.
Creo que soy yo, tengo como una rana en la garganta.
Maybe someday it will, but right now, all I can think of are the years I've wasted, the years I've got to make up for.
Tal vez un día sí importe. Pero ahora, sólo puedo pensar en los años perdidos. En los años que debo recuperar.
You're a good salesman, but I've got to think about it.
Eres un buen vendedor, pero tengo que pensarlo.
I think I've got it.
Creo que lo tengo.
I don't think you've got it right.
No, creo que no se baila así.
Anything else we'd have done it, just as we will for you, but I think you ought to realize that we've got different responsibilities now.
Le ofrecimos nuestra ayuda como lo hacemos contigo, pero yo creo que comprenderás que ahora tenemos muchas responsabilidades.
I think I've got it.
Creo que ya lo tengo.
I've got a little more work to do on it but I think it'll be 600 yards.
Aún debo trabajar un poco más en ello, pero creo que serán unos 548 metros.
Now you've got me all flustered and I can't even think straight. I feel self-conscious about getting dressed up. Of course, it is spring.
Ahora me tienes confusa y no puedo pensar correctamente, y me siento cohibida por haberme arreglado.
It's very nice, but I think you've got the wrong guy.
Es muy hermosa pero creo que no la merezco.
You've got another whole year to go... and I don't think you're going to make it.
Aún le queda un año más y no creo que lo logre.
Actually, I've been sitting here... Thinking how we might do it and... I think I got a solution.
De hecho he estado sentado aquí pensando cómo hacerlo y... creo que encontré la solución.
I've got to think about it.
Tengo que pensar en ello.
Sit here for a minute, dear. I think I've got it all worked out.
Siéntate aquí un minuto, cariño.
- I think I've got it -.
- Creo que lo tengo.
And besides, how long do you think I could hold on to my job if it gets out I've got a transparent offspring?
Además, ¿ crees que conservaré mi trabajo si descubren que tengo un retoño transparente?
Well, I'm sorry, Jim, very sorry, but I think I've got a pretty fast cure for it.
Lo siento, Jim, lo siento muchísimo... pero creo que tengo una cura rápida para esto.
Just when I think I've got it, it's gone again.
Cuando creo saberlo, me olvido.
Listen, Mr LaSalle, I was up all night trying to come up with something to keep you from losing the Stay-Put account, and I think I've got it.
Escuche, Sr. La Salle. No dormí, tratando de inventar algo... para impedir que pierdan la cuenta Perdurables. Y creo que ya tengo la idea adecuada.
I think they've got it in for me.
Pienso que quieren acabar conmigo.
Now, don't bother, mckee. I think I've got it.
No, no se preocupe, McKee.
I think you've got it all taped, all buttoned up.
Creo que tienes razón, no hay duda.
Yes, I think I've got it.
Si, creo queya lo tengo.
I've got to. Think what it could mean to Vick.
Tengo que ir.
It's just that I'm... I'm a working girl and I've got my future to think of.
Pero soy una mujer que trabaja y tengo que pensar en mi futuro.

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