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I thought that was you Çeviri İspanyolca

3,244 parallel translation
I thought that was you.
Yo creía que era usted.
I thought you were pulling into that one. No, I was gonna back...
No, iba a retroceder.
And here was a man who had an opportunity to have what, at that young age, you thought was an extraordinary life, and he was saying, " I'd rather not.
Y aquí había un hombre que tenía la oportunidad de tener lo que, a esa temprana edad, uno pensaba que era una vida extraordinaria, y él decía : " Yo preferiría que no.
I just thought that working all the time was a good thing, you know?
Creí que trabajar todo el tiempo era algo bueno, ¿ sabes?
I thought it was odd that you were doing a movie about the comeback, because it seemed like it was going to be an inspirational movie.
Me extrañó que estuvieras haciendo una película sobre el regreso porque parecía que iba a ser una película inspiradora.
I just thought it was funny you said that.
Me pareció chistoso lo que dijiste.
I thought you said that was him just being Southern.
Dijiste que lo hacía por ser del sur.
Remember I thought I was done after that Nicoll's crash? How you stayed on me?
¿ Recuerdas que creí haber acabado tras el choque de Nicoll y cómo no me dejaste en paz?
You know, it never escaped me that people thought, or were taught to think, that I was a clown or freak of some sort and that my accomplishments were somehow not to be admired.
sabes, nunca me paso por alto lo que la gente creyo, o les enseñaron a creer, que yo era un payaso o un monstruo de alguna clase y que mis logros eran de alguna manera para ser admirados.
I don't really know what I thought was gonna happen in 12 years, but I guess you don't really change that much when you're older.
Realmente no sé lo que pensaba que iba a pasar en 12 años, pero supongo que realmente no cambias tanto cuando eres adulto.
At first, I thought like you, Zach, that she was faking it.
Al principio, pensé como tú, Zach, que fingía.
So, I was just, you know, passing, and thought I might have come back from the bridges that actually has...
Hola, casualmente pasaba por aqui, y pense en llegar...
I'm actually surprised that you thought he was.
Me sorprende que pensaras que la tenía.
I thought that was something you could tell me.
Creí que eso era algo que tú me podías decir.
I was thinking about those birthday hats that you always used to make me... and I was thinking about how I never appreciated them much... and thought maybe I could've been a nicer kid.
Estaba pensando en los sombreritos de cumpleaños... que siempre solías hacerme y... y estaba pensando en cómo no los apreciaba lo suficiente... y pensaba que podía haber sido un chico más amable.
- Now, I know I might not be the exact right peg for this particular hole, but I thought if I just let you know that I was interested, maybe you could see your way to giving me a shot.
Ahora, sé que podría tener la pariedad necesaria para este trabajo en particular pero pensé que si te dejo saber que yo estoy interesado, Tal vez podrías ver la manera de darme un chance.
- That was hairy. - You know how to get noticed. I thought it went well, to be honest.
- Esa era peluda - ¿ Sabes cómo se dio cuenta pensé que iba bien, para ser honesto
Pensà © que habà ­ as dicho que era un error?
I thought that I was past the point where I really believed that people could change, you know?
Pensé que estaba más allá del punto en el que creía que las personas pueden cambiar, ¿ sabes?
I never knew that you thought i was like your dad.
Nunca supe que Pensé que era como su padre.
I thought it was midgets that terrified you.
Creí que sólo los enanos te daban miedo.
I thought maybe that was you.
Pensé que podrías ser tú.
I just thought that sobriety was going to make things better. You know?
Me pareció que la sobriedad haría las cosas más llevaderas.
You know, I thought that was their 5 : 00 p.m.
Creía que eso eran las cinco p.m. allí.
I didn't realize that's who you thought the other man was, but the good news is, at least one of our projects is still going, which, by the way, I haven't signed this yet.
No me di cuenta de que es lo que pensaba que el otro era, pero la buena noticia es, al menos uno de nuestros proyectos sigue en marcha, que, por el cierto, no he firmado el presente todavía.
I thought you said the ticket was mine and that you wouldn't split it?
¿ No dijiste que el boleto era mío, y que no quisiste dividirlo?
It's funny, you know, because Josh's mother and I always thought that he was gay.
Es gracioso, sabes, porque la madre de Josh y yo siempre pensamos que él era gay.
You see, you know what I think, I think Mima thought it was him that they dug up and she was upset about it.
Mira, sabes que creo, creo que Mima creía que era a quien desenterraban. y estaba molesta con eso.
You asked if I thought that's where he was?
Preguntaste si creía que él estaba ahí.
Although, I have to say that I always thought a law degree was a license to steal... and that you, for one, hadn't really capitalized on it.
Aunque siempre creí que un título en Leyes era un permiso para robar y que tú jamás le habías sacado provecho.
I just thought that maybe, you know, it was time for the insurance baby.
Es que pensé que quizá, ya sabes... -... era hora del bebé del seguro.
I was really so touched that you thought of us for this honor, especially in light of recent events.
Realmente me ha llegado que pensarás en nosotros para este acto, especialmente a la luz de los últimos acontecimientos.
I thought maybe, and then I realized it was 15 years ago, and I'm sure you understood that anyone in my position would have done the same thing.
Creí que a lo mejor, y luego me di cuenta de que eso fue hace 15 años. Y seguro que entiendes que cualquiera en mi situación... habría hecho lo mismo, así que...
And I always thought he was much more the kind of guy that you should go for.
Y yo siempre pensé que era mucho más el tipo de persona que debe ir.
I have wanted to tell you that I have loved you for so long, and I've waited because I thought it was too soon.
He querido decirte que te quiero desde hace mucho, y he esperado porque creía que era muy pronto.
You know, when you went into that seizure, I thought that was it.
Cuando te pusiste a convulsionar, creí que se acababa.
You know, I thought... that it was supposed to be different.
Ya sabes, pensé... que esto se suponía que iba a ser diferente.
You guys, I thought that was a toy, but it was a real gun!
Oigan chicos, pensé que era un juguete ¡ pero es un arma real!
That-why would you say that I thought christian was cool?
Eso... ¿ Por qué le dijiste que yo pensaba que Christian era genial?
I thought it was the lies that you told Kristin that ruined your marriage.
Pensé que fueron las mentiras que le dijiste a Kristin lo que arruinó vuestro matrimonio.
You know, Gus and I thought about doing the same thing after we saw The Village, but then we didn't because that movie was horrible.
Gus y yo pensamos en hacer lo mismo después de ver El Bosque, pero no lo hicimos porque la película era malísima.
Which is why I thought that maybe it was you who wrote this paper for your boyfriend, Ethan here.
Por eso pensé que fuiste tú quien escribió este trabajo para tu novio, Ethan.
I thought it was just gonna be like your lecture in print, but you go so much deeper than that.
Pensé que sería como tu conferencia impresa, pero vas mucho más allá de eso.
Well, I thought I was... ( Inhales deeply ) but now that you're here, I suddenly feel like changing my plans.
Bueno, pensaba que sí... pero ahora que tú estás aquí, de repente me apetece cambiar de planes.
You looked exactly alike. I called your wife earlier today... and she said that she thought I was you.
Usted y yo somos idénticos físicamente, y antes llamé a su esposa y ella dijo que ella pensó que yo...
I hadn't yet formulated that thought into words, but now you say it, that's exactly what I was thinking.
¿ Sabes? Es graci no había formulado eso en palabras, pero ahora que lo dices en voz alta, es exactamente lo que estaba pensando, sí.
There was this one time that I went to see you in jail, and... I... could have thought that you... thought that I was somehow... ( chuckles ) behind framing you for Derek's murder.
Hubo una vez que fui a verte a la cárcel, y yo... podría haber pensado que tu... pensé que de alguna manera... estabas detrás del asesinato de Derek.
I thought it was for me to get close to Laurel and to get in with Ted so he'd soften up to you, but now, I'm thinking that's not the case at all, is it?
Yo pense que esto era por mi para acercarme a Laurel y entrar con Ted por lo que había que ablandarte, pero ahora, pienso que ese no es el caso en lo absoluto, ¿ verdad?
You know, I gotta admit, I saw that your bed was made, and I thought maybe...
Sabes, tengo que admitir, vi que tu cama estaba hecha, y pensé que quizás...
There was a bad time when I thought of you as an ally... the kind of person that kills in cold blood.
Hubo un momento en el que te tomé como un aliado... El tipo de persona que mata a sangre fría.
Oh, now you want to complete the mission the way it was assigned? I mean, you should have thought of that before, Philip.
¿ Ahora quieres terminar la misión como nos fue asignada?

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