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I thought you were leaving Çeviri İspanyolca

151 parallel translation
I thought you were leaving for Galveston this morning.
Creí que te ibas a Galveston esta mañana.
Mrs. Blake, I thought you were leaving town.
Blake, pensé que se iba de la ciudad.
- I thought you were leaving?
- ¿ Creí que ya te ibas?
Hello, Charlie... I thought you were leaving this place.
Hola, Toddy, creí que ya no trabajabas aquí.
I thought you were leaving.
- Creí que te ibas.
I thought you were leaving right away.
Creía que te ibas enseguida.
I thought you were leaving.
Pensé que me dejabas.
I was angry, I thought you were leaving him the farm...
Estaba furiosa. Creí que querías dejarle Ia granja...
I thought you were leaving.
Pensé que ya se iba.
I thought you were leaving.
- ¿ No te ibas a ir?
- I thought you were leaving.
- Pensé que te ibas.
- I thought you were leaving.
Pensé que usted se iba. No podemos irnos las dos.
And, ah! I thought you were leaving for vegas.
¿ No te ibas a Las Vegas?
What are you doing here? I thought you were leaving.
Creí que te ibas a ir de la casa.
I thought you were leaving town this morning.
Creí que te ibas hoy de mañana.
I thought you were leaving.
Creí que te ibas.
- I thought you were leaving.
- Pensaba que te ibas.
I thought you were leaving early today.
Creí que hoy te irías temprano.
I thought you were leaving.
Ah... creí que te ibas.
- I thought you were leaving tomorrow
- Creí que viajabas. - Ya no.
I thought you were leaving town.
Creí que te irías de la ciudad.
I thought you were leaving.
Pensé que se iban.
I thought you were leaving.
- Pensé que te ibas.
I thought you were leaving.
Pensé que se marchaba.
- So I thought you were leaving town.
Pensaba que te ibas de la ciudad.
- I thought you were leaving.
- Pensé que se estaba yendo.
- I thought you were leaving town.
- Creí que se marchaba.
I thought you were leaving, anyhow.
Creí que te ibas.
I thought you were leaving.
- Pensé que te irías.
Uh, Paulina, I thought you were leaving.
Uh, Paulina, Pense que se iba.
- I thought you were leaving.
No le digas lo que puede hacer. Pensé que ibas.
I thought you were leaving so you could forget
Pensaba que te ibas para poder olvidar.
I thought you were leaving.
Pensé que te estabas yendo?
No, I thought you were leaving on the Daedalus.
No, creía que te ibas a marchar en el Dedalo.
Oh, but I thought, you were leaving tomorrow. - Wednesday. - Today is Wednesday, dear.
Estamos a miércoles.
I thought you said you were leaving town.
Prometísteis largaros.
Oh, I thought maybe you were leaving.
Creía que ibas a irte.
I saw you leaving the house. And it seemed that you were hunting someone. I thought you might need some help.
Lo vi salir de la casa como si persiguiese a alguien entonces pensé que podría necesitar ayuda.
I thought there for a minute you people were leaving.
Por un momento pensé que os ibais.
Things were not as easy as we thought... When we were leaving the provincial government building where we carried out the attack I told you...
Bueno, pues la cosa no resultó tan fácil como nosotros creíamos, cuando íbamos saliendo de ahí, del edificio ése donde está el Gobierno Provincial, donde hicimos el atentado que te conté, bueno, pues, déjame explicarte,
I thought you said you were leaving tomorrow.
Creía que habías dicho que te ibas mañana.
( KITT ) michael, I thought you said we were leaving that nasty little bear with Gina.
Michael, pensé que habías dicho que dejaríamos a ese horrible oso con Gina.
I thought you were leaving us for Beverly hills, Peter.
Pensé que nos dejarías por Beverly Hills.
You guys were leaving, so I just thought I'd hop the fence- -
Uds. Se iban a ir, así que pensé...
See,'cause I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do... until I heard that you were leaving and... 'Cause up until then, I don't know, I thought... that you'd always be here for me, you know. You know, whenever I came back.
Vea, porque no sabía realmente lo que quería hacer... hasta que escuché que ud se iba... porque hasta ese momento, no se, pensé... que ud estaría siempre aquí para mí... ud sabe, cuando volviera algun día.
- Well, I was leaving the Body Shop - and there were a lot of bodies in there - and I thought I'd nip to the greengrocers and loot a few pounds of broccoli florets, and you'll never guess what.
- Bueno, cuando salí del Body Shop, que por cierto estaba lleno de cuerpos, decidí entrar en la frutería y arramplé unos kilos de broccoli, y no sabes lo que ocurrió.
I thought you were leaving.
Creí que ya te ibas.
You're not leaving. - I thought you were sleeping.
No te vayas.
The moment Thomas told me... he was leaving the monastery was the happiest moment of my life... because I thought that you were looking after me, caring for me, because you knew that I needed Thomas, that I missed him.
En el momento que Thomas me dijo... que saldría del monasterio fue el más feliz de mi vida... Porque pensé que me buscaría después a mí, que cuidaría de mí, porque sabías que necesitaba a Thomas, le echaba de menos.
But I thought you said you were leaving with your mom.
Pero creía que habías dicho que te marchabas con tu madre.
- I thought you were leaving next week. - I know, I'm sorry.
Creía que no te irias hasta la proxima semana

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