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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I told you about it

I told you about it Çeviri İspanyolca

1,244 parallel translation
- I told you about it.
- Te lo conté.
I told you about it, Jarod.
Le hablé de eso, Jarod.
I told you about it before.
Sí, ya te lo había dicho.
For his new job, I told you about it, remember?
Para un trabajo. ¿ No recuerdas que te lo dije?
I figure your deputy heard me last night at the Red Bird... came over here and told you about it... and you sold the information to Doyle.
Supongo que tu asistente me oyó anoche en el Pájaro Rojo, vino aquí y te lo dijo... y vendiste la información a Doyle.
I never told anybody, any of my people about you and Jackie Brown, the real truth of it, and maybe I never will.
Y lo cierto es que quizá nunca lo haga.
Look, I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner, but isn't it neat to find out new things about yourself?
- ¿ Y Sally lo sabe? - Sí. ¿ Y tú lo sabes?
- I've told you about my impetigo. I know, I know, it made me feel very close to you.
Mi secreto es más peligroso que una enfermedad de la piel.
Told you, I don't want to talk about it.
Te lo dije. No quiero hablar de eso.
It's just that I'm having a really hard time with that morals clause I told you about.
Es que se me está haciendo muy difícil cumplir la cláusula moral de la que te hablé.
I told you all about it in my letters.
Te dije todos sobre eso en mis cartas.
Please give it to that woman I told you about.
Por favor, dáselos a la mujer que te conté.
It's one of the techniques I told you about.
- Una de las técnicas que te dije.
I told you, I can't talk about it.
No puedo hablar de ello.
And, well, now that I've told you, you have to do something about it.
Y, bueno, ahora que se lo he dicho, debe hacer algo al respecto.
You'll be happy to know, creeps, that it looks like that opening I told you about has been filled.
Les gustará saber, cripteros, que parece que la vacante que mencioné ya está ocupada.
It's hard to give it an exact translation, but it's what I told you about before.
Es difícil traducirlo con exactitud, pero se trata de lo que les dije antes.
I already told you about it.
Bueno ya te conté.
You know, I'd forgotten all about it until my lawyer told me that... You denied what you said to me.
Se me había olvidado completamente hasta que mi abogado me dijo... que negaste lo que me habías dicho.
I should've never told you about it.
Nunca debí hablarte de eso.
All the management at NBC... bunch of creeps, and I'm not afraid to say it right now, and, you know, it's funny, because I know you feel the same exact way I do about NBC because you told me on the phone personally last week that you feel the same way.
Todos los directivos de la NBC... panda de lameculos, y no me da miedo decirlo, y es que tiene gracia, porque sé que tú piensas exactamente igual que yo, porque me lo djiste personalmente por teléfono la semana pasada,
I told you I'd think about it.
Te dije que lo pensaría
- I told you all about it.
- Ya te lo he contado.
I mean, if you would've just told me, I could've done something about it.
Quiero decir, si me hubieras dicho lo que acabas de decir, podría haber hecho algo al respecto.
Um, you know, Niles, uh, told me about what he was going to say to you tonight and, um, well, I must say in his defence that it is an important evening for him and, well, let's face it,
Bueno, Niles... me ha dicho lo que pensaba decirte esta noche y, bueno, debo decir en su defensa que es una noche muy importante para él y seamos realistas,
I mean, when you told me, all I could think about was myself and how it was going to affect me.
Quiero decir, cuando me lo contaste sólo pensé en mí mismo y en cómo me iba a afectar.
I'm sure Lois told you about it, and I don't want to beat a dead horse but you should know, that she definitely put me in my place... -... and nothing like this will happen again.
Seguro que Lois te lo ha contado y no quiero insistir en el tema pero debes saber que ella me puso en mi sitio y nada así volverá a pasar.
And when I told her about you, she asked me if your hair was pretty, and I told her it was long and straight and beautiful.
Y cuando le hablé de ti, me preguntó si tu cabello era lindo, y le dije que era largo, lacio y lindo.
That was a major mistake. But I told you all about it. Don't I get points for that?
Los Visionario en Estudio Sobre la Teoría de la Actividad
You have to cancel it, because I've told everybody about my party.
Tendrás que cancelarla porque yo ya avisé de mi fiesta.
It's time I told you about a chapter of my life I hoped would be closed forever.
Es hora de que les cuente sobre un capítulo de mi vida que esperaba que estaría cerrado para siempre.
Well, you know what? What I told you about my flap here, it's all a lie.
Lo que le dije sobre mi brazo... es todo mentira.
But we're not all like that. Everything I told you about forming a cooperative, building a new society- - I meant it.
Pero lo que le dije sobre formar una cooperativa lo dije de veras.
I was at the stable earlier and I noticed some dried blood on a saddle, but I didn't think anything about it until you told your story.
Yo estuve en el establo más temprano y noté un poco de sangre seca en una montura, pero no pensé en ello hasta que tú contaste tu historia.
I asked my father about his withdrawal of $ 1 million from the foundation account, and he told me about this abduction, but I tell you it is preposterous.
Le pregunté a mi padre por qué retiró $ 1 millón de la fundación, y me contó lo del secuestro, pero le aseguro que es absurdo.
I told you I don't wanna talk about it.
Te he dicho que no quiero hablar de ello.
I told you all about it.
Te conté sobre ello.
I told you, it's not about that.
- Te lo dije, no es por eso.
Now I've told you all about him, let's call it quits, OK?
Ahora que les he contado todo ya pueden irse, ¿ ok?
I suppose it was you that told Mona about my past.
Supuse que fue Ud. quien le dijo a Mona sobre mi pasado.
And after I specifically told you not to tell them anything about it, I was only trying to do what you should have done long ago,
Y después específicamente te dije que no les mencionaras nada acerca de eso, yo solo estaba tratando de hacer lo que tu debiste haber hecho hace bastante tiempo,
What if... I told you that... I had a dream about Angel, and it brought up some questions?
¿ Y si le dijera que... soñé con Ángel... y me hizo preguntarme cosas?
The girl that I told you about I still sort of want her back, and I.... Maybe I'm just being really crazy here, but I.... - I just don't think it would be right.
La chica de la que te he hablado, aún quiero que vuelva y... quizás estoy haciendo una tontería, pero creo que no estaría bien.
- I wish you'd told me about it.
- Debías habérmelo dicho.
I do not understand why louella has not told you... that it's all about you.
No entiendo por qué Louella no le ha dicho - que trata sobre usted.
Based upon what you told me before about the attacks I'd say that was probably it.
Basándome en los ataques que ha tenido... ... yo diría que es eso.
I think it's about time you told me what's going on here.
Creo que es hora de que me dicen lo que está pasando aquí.
Marty told me this thing about you in college, seeing girls, ever since he told me, I can't get it or you out of my mind.
Marty me dijo esta cosa de tu en la facultad, viendo chicas, desde que me lo dijo, no te puedo sacar de mi cabeza.
It's wonderful. My husband's a violinist. He was very impressed when I told him about you.
mi marido es violinista, le encantó lo que le conté de Ud.
I told you two weeks ago... and you heard the kids and I talk about it every day.
Hace dos semanas que se lo dije y nos ha escuchado a los niños y a mí decirlo todos los días.
I should've told you about it.
Debería habértelo dicho.

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