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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I want you to know something

I want you to know something Çeviri İspanyolca

972 parallel translation
I want you to know something. It's your baby and it's mine.
Quiero que sepas que el niño es tuyo y es mío.
One minute. I want you to know something.
Quiero deciros una cosa.
I want you to know something I've never said.
Quiero que sepas algo que nunca te he contado.
But I want you to know something.
Pero tienes que saber una cosa.
I want you to know something.
Quiero decirte algo.
Before you go in there, I want you to know something. I want you to know I voted for discharge.
Antes de que entres ahí quiero que sepas que yo he votado tu expulsión.
Tell me! Before I kill you I want you to know something, Cassidy.
Antes de matarlos quisiera saber una cosa, Cassidy.
I want you to know something. We might get married.
Quiero que sepáis que es posible que nos casemos.
I want you to know something.
- Quiero que sepas algo
Before we go to that night spot, I want you to know something.
Antes de ir más lejos, quiero que sepas algo.
I'm leaving here, with or without you, but I want you to know something.
Voy a irme, con o sin ti, pero debes saber algo.
And I know how angry you are about what happened and that you want to do something about it, but I care about you, Callum, I really care.
Y sé lo enfadado que estás por lo que pasó... y que quieres hacer algo al respecto, pero me preocupo por ti, Callum, me preocupas mucho.
I just know you want to do something that'll hurt them.
Sólo sé que quieres hacer algo que les haga daño.
I know, you want to tell me something, isn't that so, Professor?
Lo sé, Ud. quiere contarme algo, ¿ verdad, Profesor?
Well, whether you want to know or not, I'll explain something about myself.
Lo desee o no, le diré algo sobre mí.
- if you want to know, neither can I don't give up you've no idea what weariness a man can stand this isn't weariness, this must be something else - I can't go on.
- ¡ Si quieres saberlo, yo tampoco!
- Paula, I want to tell you something - l know.
- Paula, quiero contarte algo... - Lo sé.
Perhaps you'd want to marry me or something. - I do not know what I thought. - Yes.
- No sé qué pensaba.
Well, I'll tell you, Bill, we already got a president, but any time you want to run for mayor or sheriff or something like that, you just let me know.
¡ Por el coronel Ruggles!
Chris, I want to say something to you and I don't know how.
Chris, quiero decirte algo y no sé cómo hacerlo.
Paul, I've always... You know, I... I want to show you something.
Paul, siempre- - Sabes, quiero mostrarte algo.
There's something I want you to know.
... hay algo que quiero que sepáis.
I don't know how long you've known him, but I want to tell you something.
No sé desde hace cuánto le conoces, pero quiero decirte algo.
There's something of Vicky's I know she'd want you to have.
Tengo algo de Vicky que querría que te diera.
I'm sorry if I accidentally stumbled on something you didn't want me to know.
Lo siento si he descubierto algo que no querías que supiera.
Yep, I'm hard. But you want to know something?
Estoy mareado, pero, ¿ quieres saber algo?
If something should keep us apart wherever they put you and wherever I'll be, I want you to know that I....
Digo, si nos apartan... Donde sea que te lleven y donde quiera que esté, quiero que sepas que...
I want each one of you to know something about the other man's job.
Cada miembro de la tripulación debe conocer el trabajo de los otros.
Look, darling... I know something's been bothering you... and I want you to tell me what it is.
Escucha, cariño... sé que algo te preocupa y... quiero que me digas de qué se trata.
Mr. Morse, I just want you to know something.
Señor Morse, quiero que sepa una cosa.
Miss Hollister, you'll be getting off soon, and, well, there's something I want you to know about me.
Srta. Hollister, pronto se marchará y... Hay algo que quiero que sepa.
I know what you're gonna do to us, but first I want to tell you something.
Sé lo que vas a hacer con nosotros, pero primero quiero decirte algo.
Wolowicz, there's something I want you to know.
Wolowicz, hay algo que quiero que sepas.
You, Bill, want to tell me something that I know already... and you Storm, won't let him.
Bill quería decirme algo que ya sé y tú, Storm, no le has dejado.
I'm leaving, and I want to tell you something first. I know, Dick.
Me marcho, pero antes quiero decirte algo.
You know, John... In spite of everything that's happened and everything that's going to happen... I want you to know that I've gained something.
A pesar de todo lo que pasó y de todo lo que va a pasar, quiero que sepas que gané algo.
- No, I haven't had my orders. But if I did, there's something I'd want you to know before I left.
De haberlo hecho, hay algo que querría decirte antes de irme.
I know I've been living in a dream, just like a little girl... without seeing what I didn't want to see... but you want to know something, Marc?
Sé... sé que he estado viviendo en un sueño, como una niña pequeña,... sin ver lo que no quería ver. Pero, ¿ quieres que te diga algo, Marc?
You know, I want to buy something.
Quiero comprar algo.
I don't want to be troublesome, Miss Amberly... but I've got to know something more... about that story you told the police.
No quiero causar problemas... pero debo saber más sobre lo que le contó a la policía.
I know that all this talk of yours about the earnings report is part of a campaign to put me on the defensive because you want something.
Sé que toda esa reserva sobre el informe de ganancias es parte de una campaña para ponerme a la defensiva porque quiere algo.
I want to tell you, finally something you need to know about yourself...
Te lo voy a decir, al final lo que debes saber... de... de... mi mal carácter...
But now there's something I want to know, about you and your brother.
Pero hay algo que quiero saber ahora, sobre usted y su hermano.
Elizabeth, I don't know you very well, but I want you to do something for me.
Elizabeth, no la conozco lo suficiente, pero quiero que haga algo por mí.
You want to know something? I don't believe you.
¿ Quieres saber una cosa?
I'm quite prepared to see you go off and make a home for your own and... all because i want... i want something... something from that girl which i... i know in my heart she's incapable of giving.
Estoy listo para verte partir y que formes un hogar todo porque quiero algo de una chica que sé, muy adentro, no es capaz de dar.
By contrast, what I know is that... if you want to really do something you have to struggle.
Lo que sé, sin embargo,... es que si uno quiere conseguir algo, tiene esforzarse.
Far as I'm concened, you can go out there in the street and get yourself killed any time you want to. You know something?
Por mí, puede salir a que le maten cuando le apetezca.
This is something I want you to know about before I go.
Es necesario de que sepas algo antes de que me marche.
I want to find myself a job, you know, something in sales...
Encontrar cualquier trabajo.
There's something worrying you, and I want to know what it is.
Quiero saber qué te preocupa.

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